- Andreas Dress - Virtual crystallography and tiling theory
- Andriano Garsia - Update on the n! conjecture
- Francois Lalonde - Symplectic topology in dimensions 2 and 4
- David Lay - Recent advances in teaching linear algebra
- Elliot H. Lieb - The Quantum-mechanical world view: a remarkably successful but still incomplete theory
- Pavel Pevzner - Transforming mice into men
- Zhihong Xia - Hamiltonian dynamical systems
- Algebraic Geometric Methods in Differential Equations: The 20-th
century in celestial mechanics and one century of work on Hilbert's
16-th problem / Méthodes algébriques et géométriques
en équations différentielles: la mécanique céleste au 20è
siècle et un siècle de travail sur le 16è problème de Hilbert
- Jacques Belair - Tores invariants et bistabilité de solutions périodiques dans un système d'équations différentielles à retards
- Sue Ann Campbell - Calculating center manifolds for delay equations in maple
- Florin Diacu - Dynamical systems given by quasihomogeneous potentials
- Freddy Dumortier - Limit cycles in Liénard equations
- Jean Pierre Francoise - The local Hilbert's 16th problem and its generalization to any dimension
- John Guckenheimer - Computing periodic orbits of vector fields
- Ana Guzman - To be announced
- Phil Holmes - Non-holonomic and piecewise-holonomic mechanical systems
- Yulik Il'yashenko - Restricted versions of Hilbert 16th problem and related topics
- Kenneth Meyer - Integral manifolds of the restricted three-body problem
- R. Moechel - To be announced
- Dan Offin - Variational structure of the domains of stability
- Ernesto Perez-Chavela - Heteroclinic phenomena in the Sitnikov problem
- Robert Roussarie - Melnikov functions and Bautin ideal
- Christiane Rousseau - Finiteness part of Hilbert's 16th problem for quadratic vector fields
- D. Saari - To be announced
- Dana Schlomiuk - Hilbert's 16th problem--meeting ground of analysis, algebra, algebra and geometry
- Tadashi Tokieda - Perturbation theory for symmetric hamiltonian systems
- Sergey Yakovenko - Tangential Hilbert's 16-th problem and differential equations
- Applied Logic / Logique appliquée
- Fahiem Bacchus - A search engine based on model checking
- Rick Blute - Nuclear ideals
- Marta Bunge - Relative stone duality
- Peter Caines - A COCOLOG logic for systems and control theory
- Robin Cockett - Double glueing
- Josee Desharnais - A logical characterization of bisimulation for labelled Markov processese
- Amy Felty - A semantic model of types for proof-carrying code
- Esfandiar Haghverdi - Linear logic, geometry of proofs and full completeness
- Doug Howe - Combining functional programming languages and set theory in support of software verification
- Francois Lamarche - Spaces for linguistic representations and the semantics of linear logic
- Joachim Lambek - Bilinear logic in linguistics
- Gonzalo Reyes - Topics in synthetic differential geometrye
- Robert Seely - Semantics for various noncommutative linear logics
- Alasdair Urquhart - Complexity problems for substructural logics
- Franck van Breugel - Towards quantitative verification of systems: a coalgebraic approach
- Algebraic Combinatorics, Group Representations and
MacDonald Polynomials / Combinatoire algébrique, représentations
des nombres et polynômes de Macdonald
- Ed Allen - Bitableaux bases for some Garsia-Haiman modules and other related modules
- Jean-Christophe Aval - To be announced
- François Bergeron - Diagonal harmonics and generalizations
- Carol Chang - Representations of quivers with free modules of covariants
- Adriano Garsia - An update on the n! conjecture
- Tudose Geanina - Littlewood-Richardson rule for a special case of fusion coefficients
- Victor Ginzburg - Principal nilpotent pairs in a semisimple Lie algebra
- Mark Haiman - The McKay correspondence and the n! conjecture
- Luc Lapointe - To be announced
- Alain Lascoux - Graphe de Yang-Baxter
- Jennifer Morse - A new basis for Macdonald polynomials
- Siddharta Sahi - To be announced
- Luc Vinet - To be announced
- Mike Zabrocki - Special cases of positivity for (q,t)-Kostka coefficients
- Computing and Mathematical Modelling / Calcul et modélisation
- Yoshua Bengio - Learning from structured high-dimensional data
- P. W. Fowler - School of Chemistry, University of Exeter, Exeter EX4 4QD
- Pierre Hansen and Gilles Caporossi - Variable neighborhood search for extremal graphs A. computer-aided search and applications
- Gilles Caporossi and Pierre Hansen - Variable neighborhood search for extremal graphs B. automated search for relations between graph invariants
- Jacques Desrosiers - The mathematics behind vehicle routing and crew scheduling
- P. W. Fowler - The fullerenes: interesting graphs and fascinating molecules
- Langis Gagnon - R&D activities in computer vision at CRM
- Michel Gendreau, Christelle Wynants and Martine Labbé - Network synthesis with non-simultaneous single commodity flow requirements
- Ronald M. Harstad - Developments in automated short-term stockmarket trading
- Gilbert Laporte, Gianopaolo Ghianik and Frédéric Semet - The black and white travelling salesman problem
- Charles Lin - Regional modelling of the atmosphere
- Richard Loulou - Mathematical models in energy/environment with a special emphasis on the greenhouse gas effect
- Dominique Pelletier et Jean-Yves Trépanier - Survol des activités du programme de mécanique industrielle du CERCA
- Michael Shalmon - Random walk ladders, branching decompositions and queues
- Michael Shalmon - How fast is the stochastic evaluation of the expected queuing performance and of its gradient
- General History of Mathematics / Histoire générale des
- Tom Archibald - Mathematics in France, 1870-1890: A view via doctoral theses
- Edward Barbeau - Bringing history close to home: Pell's equation
- Liliane Beaulieu - Clips from Bourbakian skits
- Len Berggren - Three geometrical gems from medieval Islamic mathematics
- Stanley Burris - Reconstructing Boole's discovery of an algebra of logic
- Jal Choksi - A history of the convergence theorems of (Lebesgue) integration
- Suh Chun Chongs - Historical background for sequences and calculus
- Florin Diacu - A central long loop: celestial mechanics
algebraic topology
celestrial mechanics
- Hardy Grant - Greek mathematics in cultural context
- Minoru Hasegawa - From data manipulation to data exploration--a new frontier
- Norbert Hodgson - Histoire des mathématiques et formation des enseignants du secondaire : une expérience d'utilisation de textes originaux
- G. Moore - The early reception of Klein's Erlanger programme: 1872-1916
- Richard O'Lander - The new math a look back
- Norbert Schlomiuk - Andre' Weil (1906-1998), in memoriam
- Ronald Sklar - Computational logic: 1950's-1965
- Viena Stastna - Math caught a wedding bouquet. Young years of Sonja Kovalevskaja
- George P. H. Styan - Some remarks on five mathematicians and on at least three postage stamps all associated with determinants
- Peter Zvengrowski - Vector analysis and the great 1890's controversy
- Graduate Student Seminar / Seminaire des étudiants aux cycles
- Leo Butler - New examples of integrable geodesic flows
- Yin Chen - Estimation de spectre pour les élements algébriques
- Thomas Hugh - A bijection between NBB sets of atoms and descending chains in admissible lattices
- Hà Huy Tài - Box-shaped matrices and their ideals of
- Mikhail Kotchetov - Identities in Hopf algebras
- Ramin Mohammadalikhani - To be announced
- Nathan Ng - Prime number races
- Martin Pergler - Connection preserving actions and observable and epimorphic subgroups
- Shaloub Razak - Classifying C*-algebras
- Dominic Rochon - Dynamique bicomplexe
- Kone Siaka - Mixed order systems of ordinary linear differential equations
- Gregory G. Smith - Initial ideals in the Weyl algebra
- Michael Soltys - Boolean programs and quantified propositional proof systems
- Adam van Tuyl - Computing the spreading and covering numbers
- Khalid El Yassini - Analysis of two interior-exterior penalty algorithms for linear programming
- Mathematical Physics--2 sub-sessions / Physique mathématique--2 sous-sessions
- I) Probability Methods and Applications / Méthodes probabilistes
et applications
- Christian Borgs - Partition function zeros for first order phase transitions
- Almut Burchard - Minimal and random spanning trees in two dimension
- Neal Madras - Self-avoiding walks with drift
- Jeremy Quastel - Hydrodynamic limits
- Mary Beth Ruskai - Pauli exchange errors in Quantum computation
- Yvan Saint-Aubin - Boundary states for a free boson defined on finite geometries
- Gorodon Slade - To be announced
- II) Group Theory Methods and Application / Méthodes de la théorie
des groupes et applications
- Stephen Anco - Conservation laws of field equations
- P. Bracken - The generalized Weierstrass system for mean curvature surfaces and the completely integrable sigma model
- John Harnad - The bilinear differential equations satisfied by Fredholm determinants appearing in random matrices
- Niky Kamran - Non-existence of time-periodic or quasi-periodic solutions of the Dirac operator in stationary axisymmetric black hole geometries
- A. Koudriavtsev - To be announced
- François Lalonde - Vers une geometrie intrinseque sur le groupe des diffeomorphismes hamiltoniens et ses relations avec la cohomologie quantique
- Martin Légaré - Low dimensional integrable systems and topological Yang-Mills theories
- Jiri Patera - Non-standard exploitation of cut and project point sets (``Quasicrystals for cryptography'')
- Gregory Reid - Deformations and symmetries of nonlinear differential systems
- Pavel Winternitz - Nonlinear differential and difference equations with superposition formulas
- Mathematical Genetics and Genomics / Génétique et génomique
- Kevin Atteson - Identifiability and consistency in phylogenetics
- Andreas Dress - Cluster analysis and phylogenetic nets
- R. C. Griffiths - Ancestral inference from gene trees
- Tao Jiang - Quartet cleaning: efficient algorithms and simulations
- Ming Li - Whole genome phylogeny
- Nicholas Schork - The future of genetic case-control studies
- Katy L. Simonsen - Probability models for genetic factors underlying a binary phenotype
- Simon Tavaré - The genealogy of branching processes and the reconstruction of tumor histories
- E. A. Thompson - Conditional genome sharing from dense marker maps
- Orders, Lattices and Universal Algebra / Ordres, treillis et
algèbre universelle
- Stanley Burris - Density in abstract number systems
- Isidore Fleisher - Functional representation of pre-iterative/combinatory formalism
- George Gratzer - On the endomorphism monoids of (uniquely) complemented lattices
- Jennifer Hyndman - Strong duality of finite algebras that generate the same quasivariety
- Hans-Karl Keiser - To be announced
- Hajime Machida - Hyperclones on the two-element setzo
- Alioune Ngom - Set-valued logic algebras
- Grant Pogosyan - Irreducible clones
- Bob Quackenbush - Duality and nonduality theorems for finite groups
- Luigi Santocanale - Free
- Claude Tardif - Projectivity and product colourings
- William Trotter - To be announced
- Shelly Wismath - Hyperidentities for varieties of star bands
- Laszlo Zadori - Finite posets with symmetric idempotent operations
- Teaching of Linear Algebra / L'enseignement de l'algèbre lin'eaire
- John Auer - Ten years of teaching linear algebra using Maple V at Brock University
- Jeff Boats - On using computer tutorials to tailor linear algebra for secondary teachers
- Bill Byers - Working with ambiguity in linear algebra
- Bill Casselman - Linear algebra with a Java-based programmable calculator
- Daniel Norman - Teaching linear algebra independence via unique representation
- Asuman Oktac - Linear algebra: Is possible at a distance
- Morris Orzech - Linear algebra and rigour--mixed messages as an opportunity
- David Poole - Does linear algebra need to be ``reformed''?
- Anna Sierpinska - Practical, theoretical, synthetic and analytic modes of thinking in linear algebra
- Gilbert Strang - Partly random graphs and small world networks
- Contributed Papers / Communications libres
- Paul Arminjon - Numerical computation of 3-D flows with a non-oscillatory central scheme on unstructured tetrahedral grids
- Lyudmila Bantsur - The method of stability analysis of nonlinear systems using Liapunov functions in the form of norms is proposed
- Nataliya Bantsur - Existence of T-periodic solutions of nonlinear scalar differential equations with maxima
- Boris Dekster - Each convex body in E3 symmetric about a plane can be illuminated by 8 directions
- Paul Gauthier - The Cauchy and Green theorems pour connexite arbitraire
- Mykola Hladiy - Generalized Green's operator of boundary value problem with impulse action
- O. Kihel et C. Levesgue - Sur un problème de Diophante
- O. Kihel et C. Levesgue - Sur les sommes de puissances consécutives
- Peter Lancaster - Numerical ranges of selfadjoint quadratic matrix polynomials
- Jun Li - Asymptotic behavior of a linear vector recurrence
- Wei-Jiu Liu - Adaptive control of Burgers' equation with unknown viscosity
- F. Perron - To be announced
- Dieter Ruoff - Proportionality in the non-Euclidean plane
- Konstantin Rybnikov - Loss of tension in an infinite membrane with holes distributed by a Poisson law
- Cristina Stoica - The relative two-body problem in quasi-homogeneous potentials fields
- James Watmough - A simple SIS epidemic model with a backward bifurcation