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Jiri Patera - Non-standard exploitation of cut and project point sets (``Quasicrystals for cryptography'')

JIRI PATERA, Université de Montréal
Non-standard exploitation of cut and project point sets (``Quasicrystals for cryptography'')

Cut and project sets are deterministic sets of points with the Delone property in a real Euclidean space which contain no periodic subsets. The original motivation for their invention came from modelling of physical quasicrystals, (equivalently `aperiodic crystals') in 1, 2, and 3 dimensions. Many of their properties were described in recent years, in particular the fact that they can be generated using simple and very fast algorithms with absolute precision. In the talk some basic properties of such point sets will be recalled and their exploitation for construction of random number generators and masking sequences in symmetric key cryptography will be suggested.

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