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Algebraic Geometric Methods in Differential Equations: The 20-th century in celestial mechanics and one century of work on Hilbert's 16-th problem / Méthodes algébriques et géométriques en équations différentielles: la mécanique céleste au 20è siècle et un siècle de travail sur le 16è problème de Hilbert
A. Mingarelli and C. Rousseau, Organizers
- Jacques Belair - Tores invariants et bistabilité de solutions périodiques dans un système d'équations différentielles à retards
- Sue Ann Campbell - Calculating center manifolds for delay equations in maple
- Florin Diacu - Dynamical systems given by quasihomogeneous potentials
- Freddy Dumortier - Limit cycles in Liénard equations
- Jean Pierre Francoise - The local Hilbert's 16th problem and its generalization to any dimension
- John Guckenheimer - Computing periodic orbits of vector fields
- Ana Guzman - To be announced
- Phil Holmes - Non-holonomic and piecewise-holonomic mechanical systems
- Yulik Il'yashenko - Restricted versions of Hilbert 16th problem and related topics
- Kenneth Meyer - Integral manifolds of the restricted three-body problem
- R. Moechel - To be announced
- Dan Offin - Variational structure of the domains of stability
- Ernesto Perez-Chavela - Heteroclinic phenomena in the Sitnikov problem
- Robert Roussarie - Melnikov functions and Bautin ideal
- Christiane Rousseau - Finiteness part of Hilbert's 16th problem for quadratic vector fields
- D. Saari - To be announced
- Dana Schlomiuk - Hilbert's 16th problem--meeting ground of analysis, algebra, algebra and geometry
- Tadashi Tokieda - Perturbation theory for symmetric hamiltonian systems
- Sergey Yakovenko - Tangential Hilbert's 16-th problem and differential equations