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Mikhail Kotchetov - Identities in Hopf algebras
Identities in Hopf algebras |
1) a brief introduction to Hopf algebras (definitions and basic examples), 2) identities and coidentities (definition and basic properties), 3) examples of Hopf algebras with an identity or a coidentity. The notion of a coidentity is new, it is introduced in my paper (see below). As examples of Hopf algebras with an identity or a coidentity Taft's algebras and smash products are considered. For smash products the necessary and sufficient condition of having a polynomial identity is proved. For Taft's algebras the basis of identities and coidentities is found.
- On Identities for Coalgebras and Hopf Algebras. Comm. Algebra, to appear in early 2000.