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Esfandiar Haghverdi - Linear logic, geometry of proofs and full completeness
ESFANDIAR HAGHVERDI, Department of Mathematics, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5 |
Linear logic, geometry of proofs and full completeness |
Girard invented Linear Logic, a resource sensitive logic which is a
refinement of classical and intuitionistic logic. He introduced many
novelties including a graphical proof syntax and a wide range of
mathematical models. He also introduced his Geometry of Interaction
Programme (GoI) in a series of papers. The goal of this programme was
to provide a mathematical analysis of the cut elimination process in
linear logic proofs. This new interpretation replaces graph-rewriting
by information flow in proof-nets. A specific model considered by
Girard was based on the C*-algebra of bounded linear operators on
the space . From a computational point of view this yields an
analysis of
-reduction and has been applied
in such areas as the analysis of optimal reduction strategies.
GoI has
also brought forward a new perspective for the semantics of computation
which places it in a kind of ``middle ground'' between
imperative/procedural, denotational/operational approaches in the
semantics of programming languages. This new view helps to model the
computational dynamics which is absent in denotational semantics and
manages to offer a mathematical analysis which is lacking in
operational semantics.
In this talk we give a general algebraic framework for the Girard programme inspired by recent work of Samson Abramsky. We introduce a special class of traced symmetric monoidal categories called traced unique decomposition categories. We discuss how to construct models of linear logic based on such categories that we call GoI-models. We also show that such models are fully complete, that is completeness with respect to proofs. Next, we define type-free GoI-models and discuss how these provide a GoI interpretation of linear logic proofs. We then complete our journey by going back from type-free GoI-models to discover that we arrive at models of untyped combinatory logic.

Next: Doug Howe - Combining Up: Applied Logic / Logique Previous: Amy Felty - A