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Esfandiar Haghverdi - Linear logic, geometry of proofs and full completeness

ESFANDIAR HAGHVERDI, Department of Mathematics, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario  K1N 6N5
Linear logic, geometry of proofs and full completeness

Girard invented Linear Logic, a resource sensitive logic which is a refinement of classical and intuitionistic logic. He introduced many novelties including a graphical proof syntax and a wide range of mathematical models. He also introduced his Geometry of Interaction Programme (GoI) in a series of papers. The goal of this programme was to provide a mathematical analysis of the cut elimination process in linear logic proofs. This new interpretation replaces graph-rewriting by information flow in proof-nets. A specific model considered by Girard was based on the C*-algebra of bounded linear operators on the space $\ell^2$. From a computational point of view this yields an analysis of $\lambda$-calculus $\beta$-reduction and has been applied in such areas as the analysis of optimal reduction strategies. GoI has also brought forward a new perspective for the semantics of computation which places it in a kind of ``middle ground'' between imperative/procedural, denotational/operational approaches in the semantics of programming languages. This new view helps to model the computational dynamics which is absent in denotational semantics and manages to offer a mathematical analysis which is lacking in operational semantics.

In this talk we give a general algebraic framework for the Girard programme inspired by recent work of Samson Abramsky. We introduce a special class of traced symmetric monoidal categories called traced unique decomposition categories. We discuss how to construct models of linear logic based on such categories that we call GoI-models. We also show that such models are fully complete, that is completeness with respect to proofs. Next, we define type-free GoI-models and discuss how these provide a GoI interpretation of linear logic proofs. We then complete our journey by going back from type-free GoI-models to discover that we arrive at models of untyped combinatory logic.

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