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Graduate Student Seminar / Seminaire des étudiants aux cycles supérieurs
P. Libbrecht, T. Mattman and S. Thomas, Organizers
- Leo Butler - New examples of integrable geodesic flows
- Yin Chen - Estimation de spectre pour les élements algébriques
- Thomas Hugh - A bijection between NBB sets of atoms and descending chains in admissible lattices
- Hà Huy Tài - Box-shaped matrices and their ideals of
- Mikhail Kotchetov - Identities in Hopf algebras
- Ramin Mohammadalikhani - To be announced
- Nathan Ng - Prime number races
- Martin Pergler - Connection preserving actions and observable and epimorphic subgroups
- Shaloub Razak - Classifying C*-algebras
- Dominic Rochon - Dynamique bicomplexe
- Kone Siaka - Mixed order systems of ordinary linear differential equations
- Gregory G. Smith - Initial ideals in the Weyl algebra
- Michael Soltys - Boolean programs and quantified propositional proof systems
- Adam van Tuyl - Computing the spreading and covering numbers
- Khalid El Yassini - Analysis of two interior-exterior penalty algorithms for linear programming