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Gregory G. Smith - Initial ideals in the Weyl algebra
GREGORY G. SMITH, Mathematics Department,University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA |
Initial ideals in the Weyl algebra |
Let An(k) be the Weyl algebra over a field of characteristic zero and let M be a finitely generated left An(k)-module. If An(k) is equipped with a filtration such that the associated graded algebra is the commutative polynomial ring in 2nindeterminates, we prove that each irreducible component of the characteristic variety of M has dimension at least n. In particular, this generalizes an important consequence of the fact that characteristic variety is involutive when An(k) has the order filtration. We also establish, for certain skew polynomial rings including the Weyl algebra and universal enveloping algebras for finite dimensional Lie algebras, an equidimensionality theorem for the characteristic variety, extending known results to non-Zariskian filtrations.

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