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Mike Zabrocki - Special cases of positivity for (q,t)-Kostka coefficients

MIKE ZABROCKI, Centre de Recherches Mathématiques, Université de Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Québec  H3C 3P8
Special cases of positivity for (q,t)-Kostka coefficients

We present two symmetric function operators H3qt and H4qtthat have the property H3qt H(2a1b)[X;q,t] = H(32a1b)[X;q,t] and H4qt H(2a1b)[X;q,t] = H(42a1b)[X;q,t]. These operators are generalizations of the analogous operator H2qt and have expressions in terms of Hall-Littlewood vertex operators. The vertex operator formulas are used to give formulas for generating functions for classes of standard tableaux that generalize the case when $\mu$ is two columns. This gives statistics, $a_{\mu}(T)$ and $b_{\mu}(T)$, on standard tableaux such that the q,t Kostka polynomials are given by the sum over standard tableaux of shape $\lambda$, $K_{\lambda\mu}(q,t) = \sum_T t^{a_{\mu}(T)}
q^{b_{\mu}(T)}$ for the case when when $\mu$ is two columns or of the form (32a1b) or (42a1b). This provides proof of the positivity of the (q,t)-Kostka coefficients in the previously unknown cases of $K_{\lambda (32^a1^b)}(q,t)$ and $K_{\lambda (42^a1^b)}(q,t)$.

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