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Algebraic Combinatorics, Group Representations and MacDonald Polynomials / Combinatoire algébrique, représentations des nombres et polynômes de Macdonald
F. Bergeron, N. Bergeron and M. Zabrocki, Organizers
- Ed Allen - Bitableaux bases for some Garsia-Haiman modules and other related modules
- Jean-Christophe Aval - To be announced
- François Bergeron - Diagonal harmonics and generalizations
- Carol Chang - Representations of quivers with free modules of covariants
- Adriano Garsia - An update on the n! conjecture
- Tudose Geanina - Littlewood-Richardson rule for a special case of fusion coefficients
- Victor Ginzburg - Principal nilpotent pairs in a semisimple Lie algebra
- Mark Haiman - The McKay correspondence and the n! conjecture
- Luc Lapointe - To be announced
- Alain Lascoux - Graphe de Yang-Baxter
- Jennifer Morse - A new basis for Macdonald polynomials
- Siddharta Sahi - To be announced
- Luc Vinet - To be announced
- Mike Zabrocki - Special cases of positivity for (q,t)-Kostka coefficients