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Paul Arminjon - Numerical computation of 3-D flows with a non-oscillatory central scheme on unstructured tetrahedral grids

PAUL ARMINJON, Universite de Montreal, Centre de Recherches Mathematiques, Montreal, Quebec  H3C 3J7
Numerical computation of 3-D flows with a non-oscillatory central scheme on unstructured tetrahedral grids

We present a 3-dimensional Lax-Friedrichs-type central finite volume method for hyperbolic equations and systems on unstructured tetrahedral grids.The resolution of the Riemann problems at the cell interfaces is avoided thanks to the use of the staggered Lax-Friedrichs scheme. Piecewise linear cell interpolants with van Leer-type limiting techniques to estimate the gradients lead to a quasi-second order accurate non-oscillatory resolution. Numerical results for a linear advection problem and for the 3-D Euler equations (supersonic flow through a channel with a bump) are presented.

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