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Nataliya Bantsur - Existence of T-periodic solutions of nonlinear scalar differential equations with maxima

NATALIYA BANTSUR, Institute of Mathematics of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv  252601 Ukraine
Existence of T-periodic solutions of nonlinear scalar differential equations with maxima

Problems of the existence of T-periodic solutions of nonlinear scalar superlinear differential equations with maxima of the form

\begin{displaymath}x'(t)= f\bigl(x(t)\bigr)+
g\bigl(\max_{u\in [t-h;t]}
x(u)\bigr) + p(t) \quad t, x\in R

is investigated. Part of these results is joint work with E. Trofimchuk.

N. R. Bantsur and E. P. Trofimchuk, About existence of T-periodic solutions of nonlinear scalar differential equations with maxima. Nonlinear oscillation 1(1998), 1-5 (in Ukraine).
to 3em, Existence and stability of the periodic and almost periodic solutions of quasilinear systems with maxima. Ukrain. Mat. Zh. 1(1998), 747-753 (in Ukraine).

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