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Teaching of Linear Algebra / L'enseignement de l'algèbre lin'eaire
J. Hillel, J. Klasa and V. Hussin, Organizers
- John Auer - Ten years of teaching linear algebra using Maple V at Brock University
- Jeff Boats - On using computer tutorials to tailor linear algebra for secondary teachers
- Bill Byers - Working with ambiguity in linear algebra
- Bill Casselman - Linear algebra with a Java-based programmable calculator
- Daniel Norman - Teaching linear algebra independence via unique representation
- Asuman Oktac - Linear algebra: Is possible at a distance
- Morris Orzech - Linear algebra and rigour--mixed messages as an opportunity
- David Poole - Does linear algebra need to be ``reformed''?
- Anna Sierpinska - Practical, theoretical, synthetic and analytic modes of thinking in linear algebra
- Gilbert Strang - Partly random graphs and small world networks