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Adam van Tuyl - Computing the spreading and covering numbers

Computing the spreading and covering numbers

Let $S=k[x_1,\ldots,x_n]$, d a positive integer, and suppose that $S_d := \{m_1,m_2,\ldots,m_l\}$ where $l = \binom{d+n-1}{n-1}$ is the set of all monomials of degree d. Let $V \subseteq S_d$ be a subset of monomials and define $s(n,d) := \max\{\dim V\vert \dim S_1V = n \dim
V\}$ and $c(n,d): = \min \{\dim V \vert S_1V = S_{d+1}\}$. The numbers s(n,d) and c(n,d) are called the spreading numbers and covering numbers, respectively. These numbers are of interest because of their connection to the Ideal Generation Conjecture. We describe a new approach to calculate these numbers that uses simplicial complexes. This is joint work with Tai Ha of Queen's University and Enrico Carlini of the University of Genova.