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II) Group Theory Methods and Application / Méthodes de la théorie des groupes et applications
- Stephen Anco - Conservation laws of field equations
- P. Bracken - The generalized Weierstrass system for mean curvature surfaces and the completely integrable sigma model
- John Harnad - The bilinear differential equations satisfied by Fredholm determinants appearing in random matrices
- Niky Kamran - Non-existence of time-periodic or quasi-periodic solutions of the Dirac operator in stationary axisymmetric black hole geometries
- A. Koudriavtsev - To be announced
- François Lalonde - Vers une geometrie intrinseque sur le groupe des diffeomorphismes hamiltoniens et ses relations avec la cohomologie quantique
- Martin Légaré - Low dimensional integrable systems and topological Yang-Mills theories
- Jiri Patera - Non-standard exploitation of cut and project point sets (``Quasicrystals for cryptography'')
- Gregory Reid - Deformations and symmetries of nonlinear differential systems
- Pavel Winternitz - Nonlinear differential and difference equations with superposition formulas