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Contributed Papers / Communications libres
L. Haddad, Organizer
- Paul Arminjon - Numerical computation of 3-D flows with a non-oscillatory central scheme on unstructured tetrahedral grids
- Lyudmila Bantsur - The method of stability analysis of nonlinear systems using Liapunov functions in the form of norms is proposed
- Nataliya Bantsur - Existence of T-periodic solutions of nonlinear scalar differential equations with maxima
- Boris Dekster - Each convex body in E3 symmetric about a plane can be illuminated by 8 directions
- Paul Gauthier - The Cauchy and Green theorems pour connexite arbitraire
- Mykola Hladiy - Generalized Green's operator of boundary value problem with impulse action
- O. Kihel et C. Levesgue - Sur un problème de Diophante
- O. Kihel et C. Levesgue - Sur les sommes de puissances consécutives
- Peter Lancaster - Numerical ranges of selfadjoint quadratic matrix polynomials
- Jun Li - Asymptotic behavior of a linear vector recurrence
- Wei-Jiu Liu - Adaptive control of Burgers' equation with unknown viscosity
- F. Perron - To be announced
- Dieter Ruoff - Proportionality in the non-Euclidean plane
- Konstantin Rybnikov - Loss of tension in an infinite membrane with holes distributed by a Poisson law
- Cristina Stoica - The relative two-body problem in quasi-homogeneous potentials fields
- James Watmough - A simple SIS epidemic model with a backward bifurcation