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Orders, Lattices and Universal Algebra / Ordres, treillis et algèbre universelle
L. Haddad, B. Larose and I. Rosenberg, Organizers
- Stanley Burris - Density in abstract number systems
- Isidore Fleisher - Functional representation of pre-iterative/combinatory formalism
- George Gratzer - On the endomorphism monoids of (uniquely) complemented lattices
- Jennifer Hyndman - Strong duality of finite algebras that generate the same quasivariety
- Hans-Karl Keiser - To be announced
- Hajime Machida - Hyperclones on the two-element setzo
- Alioune Ngom - Set-valued logic algebras
- Grant Pogosyan - Irreducible clones
- Bob Quackenbush - Duality and nonduality theorems for finite groups
- Luigi Santocanale - Free
- Claude Tardif - Projectivity and product colourings
- William Trotter - To be announced
- Shelly Wismath - Hyperidentities for varieties of star bands
- Laszlo Zadori - Finite posets with symmetric idempotent operations