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Abstracts will appear on the website within 10 working days of the date of submission.
Banach Algebras and Abstract Harmonic Analysis [PDF] |
Complex Analysis [PDF] |
Convex and Variational Analysis [PDF] |
Exact and Approximate Methods for Nonlinear Differential Equations [PDF] |
Lie Algebras and Representation Theory [PDF] |
Lie Groups and Automorphic Forms [PDF] |
Mathematical Models in Environmental Sciences [PDF] |
Mathematical Statistics [PDF] |
Mathematics Education [PDF] |
Matrix Theory and Statistics [PDF] |
Measure, Probability, and Stochastic Processes [PDF] |
Non-Linear Control Theory [PDF] |
Number Theory [PDF] |
Operator Algebras [PDF] |
Real and Complex Singularities [PDF] |
Recent Trends in Discrete Geometry [PDF] |
Contributed Papers [PDF] |