Transportation from Detroit Airport to the Hilton Hotel in Windsor:
Robert Q provides ground transportation from Detroit airport to the Holiday Inn in Windsor. The cost for the shuttle is $42. Conference participants will receive a 15% discount. Please mention the discount code #1982 when you make your advance reservation. Reservations can be made online or by calling 1-800-265-4948. From the Holiday Inn, one can take a taxi to the Hilton Hotel for approximately $10.
The cost for a taxi from Detroit airport to the Hilton Hotel in Windsor will be about $80 to $120. The driving distance between Detroit airport and the Hilton Hotel is about 45 km; please allow at least 30 minutes for the border crossing.
A taxi fare from the Windsor airport to downtown costs approximately $25.
Detailed information regarding the city of Windsor and the province of Ontario, including tourism information, local weather and climate, site and street maps, and itineraries for self-guided tours, are available at the following websites: