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- Lee, Lina - Supnorm estimate for the [`(¶)]-equation on weakly convex domains in C2
- Adams, Jeff - Involutions of Representations
- Adrian, Moshe - Revisiting the Local Langlands Correspondence for GL(n,F), n a prime
- Agarwal, Mahesh - Bloch-Kato conjecture for convolution L-functions
- Ahmed, S. Ejaz - Biased Estimation in Generalized Linear Models
- Alfakih, Abdo - On Bar Frameworks, Stress Matrices and Semidefinite Programming
- Amezziane, Mohamed - Kernel Estimation and Bandwidth Matrix Selection for Multivariate Distribution Functions
- Anco, Stephen - Conserved integrals of compressible fluid flow in n > 1 spatial dimensions
- Anshelevich, Michael - A Bochner-Pearson type class
- Arnold, Trevor - Vanishing of L-functions in families
- Askaripour, Nadya - On holomorphic k-differentials on open Riemann surfaces
- Barbasch, Dan - Dirac cohomology and unipotent representations
- Barbero, Maria - Weak high order Maximum Principle for control-affine systems and applications
- Baribeau, Line - Hyperbolic divided differences and the Nevanlinna-Pick problem
- Barrett, David - Dual Hardy spaces on dual hypersurfaces in CPn
- Batra, Punita - Classification of Integrable representations for twisted toroidal Lie algebras
- Belostotski, Gregory - Researching the Classroom Experience of the Mathematics Student: The role of discourse analysis and phenomenology in mathematics education research
- Beltaos, Elaine - Fixed Point Factorization and Applications
- Benkart, Georgia - Motzkin Algebras
- Bezdek, Karoly - On the density of finitely many unit balls relative to their outer parallel domain
- Bickis, Mikelis - Imprecise probabilities and exponential families
- Binder, Ilia - Quasiconformal images of McMullen carpets and self-affine percolation clusters
- Binegar, Birne - W-graphs and Primitive Ideals
- Bisztriczky, Ted - The T(5) property of families of overlapping unit disks
- Bloom, Thomas - Voiculescu's Entropy and potential Theory
- Borwein, Jonathan - Future challenges for variational analysis
- Borwein, Jonathan - Why Convex?
- Brav, Chris - Smaller resolutions of Pfaffian varieties
- Braverman, Mark - Computability and Complexity of Julia Sets
- Brenken, Berndt - The C*-algebra of a Partial Isometry
- Brenner, Eliot - Analytic Properties of Residual Eisenstein Series
- Brosnan, Patrick - Essential dimension for moduli stacks
- Broucke, Mireille - Geometric Control of Patterned Linear Systems
- Calin, Ovidiu - Non-Holonomic Systems and Sub-Riemannian Geometry
- Caron, Richard - Extreme Point Identification and Linear Constraint Classification
- Caron, Rick - New Advancements for the Set Covering Paradigm for Constraint Analysis
- Cavers, Michael - On the normalized Laplacian energy of a graph
- Chang, Dong Eui - A Short Proof of the Pontryagin Maximum Principle on Manifolds
- Chen, Fuqi - Equivariance method and generalized inference in two-sample location-scale families
- Chen, Jiahua - Adjusted Empirical Likelihood with High-Order Precision
- Chen, Xueqing - Algebraic Structures over Derived Categories and Triangulated Categories
- Cheviakov, Alexei - Narrow escape problems: asymptotic optimization of small trap locations for the unit sphere
- Chitsaz, Shabnam - Improving the Performance of the Mean Response in Multivariate Multiple Regression Model With application to a Financial Model
- Choi, Man-Duen - Completely positive linear maps made more difficult
- Choi, Yemon - Convolution operators with empty residual spectrum
- Christie, Aaron
- Ciubotaru, Dan - On formal degrees for discrete series of classical affine Hecke algebras
- Cliff, Gerald - Explicit bases for representations of Lie algebras and superalgebras
- Connelly, Bob - Global Rigidity II
- Coons, Michael - The residue class distribution of W(n)
- Costea, Serban - Corona Theorems for Multiplier Algebras on Bn
- Cunningham, Clifton - Cohomological compact restriction functors
- Dahmen, Sander - Visualizing elements of Sha[3] in genus 2 jacobians
- Davidson, Kenneth R. - Commutant Lifting for Commuting Row Contractions
- Deza, Antoine - More bounds on the diameter of convex polytopes
- Dimitrov, Ivan - Weight modules over classical infinite-dimensional Lie algebras
- Doksum, Kjell - Genomics, Matrices, and Statistical Inference
- Duren, Peter - Schwarzian derivatives of convex mappings
- El Karoui, Noureddine - On the spectral properties of large-dimensional kernel random matrices
- Elliott, George - Some remarks on classification
- Faber, Xander - Prime Factors of Dynamical Sequences
- Fallahpour, Saber - Improved estimation in partially linear models with nonlinear time series errors
- Fallat, Shaun - Oppenheim's Determinantal Inequality for Certain P-matrices
- Fan, Guihong - The impact of maturation delay of mosquitoes on the transmission of West Nile Virus
- Farenick, Douglas - Weakly continuous Hilbert bundles
- Ferland, René - Boltzmann-like equations with particle replacement: merging of solutions
- Floricel, Remus - Conjugacy properties of pure E0-semigroups
- Forrest, Brian E. - Multipliers of the Fourier Algebra, Ideals and an Extension Property
- Fraser, Don - Curvature for the Bayes-frequentist disconnect
- Gabrielov, Andrei - Dessins d'Enfants for the Eigenfunctions of Anharmonic Oscillator
- Ghahramani, Fereidoun - Approximate amenability of Schatten classes, Lipschitz algebras and Segal algebras
- Gilligan, Bruce - Compact CR-solvmanifolds as Kaehler obstructions
- Goebel, Rafal - Homogeneous approximations of hybrid dynamical systems
- Goldmakher, Leo - Multiplicative mimicry and improvements of the Polya-Vinogradov theorem
- Gombay, Edit - Testing for changes in the covariance structure of linear processes
- Gordon, Yulia - Harish-Chandra characters and motivic integration
- Gottsbacher, Gerald - On modular forms for orthogonal groups of rank 2
- Graham, Colin C. - A half new characterization of I0 sets
- Graham, Ian - The structure of Loewner chains in several variables which are normalized at 0 in terms of a positive linear operator
- Graves, Hester - Euclidean Ideals in Quadratic Imaginary Fields
- Gruber, Marvin H. - A Matrix Identity and Ridge Type Estimators from Different Points of View
- Guenther, Markus - Modeling the diffusion process of a second generation biofuel: an agent-based simulation approach
- Hall, Frank - Some Eigenvalue Interlacing Results on Matrices Associated with Graphs
- Hare, Kathryn E. - Determining the `size' of orbital measures on compact, simple Lie groups
- Hare, Warren - A Strong Proximal Average
- Howard, Tatiana - Real Lie subalgebras of equal rank
- Ingram, Patrick - Periodic points of cubic polynomials with a specified multiplier
- Ion, Bogdan - On positive formulas for q-multiplicities
- Islam, Shafiqul - Markov processes induced by random dynamical systems and valuation of options.
- Ivanoff, Gail - Asymptotics for Spatial Causal ARMA Processes
- Izzo, Alexander - Function Algebras Invariant under Group Actions
- Jarvis, D., Z. Karadag, D. Martinovic et O. Radu - GeoGebra Group - GeoGebra: Dynamic Mathematics for Teaching and Research
- Jarvis, Daniel H. - GeoGebra Group - Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) in Post-Secondary Mathematics Instruction: Preliminary Results from a Research Study Investigating CAS Usage and Sustainability
- Jaworski, Wojciech - Distal properties of totally disconnected locally compact groups of polynomial growth and certain ideals in group algebras
- Johnson, Charles R. - Matrix Equilibrants and Diagonal Scaling
- Jurdjevic, Velimir - Hamiltonian systems on Lie groups and Symmetric spaces
- Kajander, Ann - Math for teaching: Who needs it?
- Kamnitzer, Joel - Categorical Lie algebra actions and braid groups
- Kapoor, Vishaal - Short Sums of Pretentious Multiplicative Functions
- Karadag, Z., D. Martinovic, O. Radu - GeoGebra Group et D. Jarvis - GeoGebra: Dynamic Mathematics for Teaching and Research
- Karney, Bryan - Effective Motivation of Engineering Mathematical Education
- Kedem, Rinat - Integrable cluster algebras
- Kennedy, Matthew - Wandering vectors and the reflexivity of free semigroup algebras
- Khalili, Abbas - New estimation and variable selection method in mixture-of-experts models
- Kinzebulatov, Damir - Holomorphic almost periodic functions on coverings of complex manifolds
- Kitchen, Sarah - Localization of degenerate principal series
- Kolokolnikov, Theodore - Simple PDE model of spot replication in any dimension
- Kotsopoulos, Donna - Searching for Fuller Rather than Partial Truths: Transdisciplinarity in Mathematics Education Research
- Kribs, David - Quantum error correction on infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces
- Kulik, Rafal - Panorama of limits for long memory processes
- Kulperger, Reg - A Corporate Exit Model, Smooth Baseline Hazards, and Biostatics Tools in Finance
- Kuo, Wentang - On Erdös-Pomerance's conjecture for the Carlitz module
- Kuttler, Jochen - Schubert varieties in the affine Grassmannian
- Lalin, Matilde - Statistics for traces of cyclic trigonal curves over finite fields
- Lanzani, Loredana - Representations for holomorphic functions on domains with reduced boundary regularity
- Lau, Anthony To-Ming - The Fourier algebra and the group von Neumann algebra
- Ledyaev, Yuri - On tangential and normal criteria for convexity of sets in Banach spaces
- Leonard, Naomi - Stability and Robustness of Collective Dynamics
- Li, Deli - A refinement of the Kolmogorov-Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund strong law of large numbers
- Li, Deli - Necessary and suffcient conditions for the asymptotic distribution of the largest entry of a sample correlation matrix
- Li, Xiannan - L-functions at the edge of the critical strip
- Li, Yi - The Dantzig Selector for Censored Linear Regression Models: Identifying Predictive Genes for Myeloma Disease Progression
- Loly, Peter - Eigenvalues of an Algebraic Family of Compound Magic Squares of Order n=3l, l=1,2,..., and Construction and Enumeration of their Fundamental Numerical Forms.
- Lorch, Lee et Martin Muldoon - Monotonic sequences related to zeros of Bessel functions
- Lucet, Yves - Applications of Computational Convex Analysis
- Lukeman, Ryan - Inferring interaction rules from empirical data of collective motion in animal groups
- Madras, Neal - Entangled Clusters in Percolation
- Maggiore, Manfredi - Reduction Theorems for Stability of Closed Sets in Finite-Dimensional Dynamical Systems, with Application in Control Theory
- Mamon, Rogemar - Filtering and parameter estimation of an electricity spot price model
- Mani, Niloofar - Fast numeric geometric techniques for computer generated DAE models
- Marcoux, Laurent - Relative annihilators and relative commutants
- Martin, Greg - Prime number races: An asymptotic formula for the densities
- Martinovic, D., O. Radu - GeoGebra Group, D. Jarvis et Z. Karadag - GeoGebra: Dynamic Mathematics for Teaching and Research
- Mashreghi, Javad - On the derivative of inner functions
- Mason, R., J. McFeetors et E. Simmt - Teachers as Curriculum Designers: Finding Authentic Spaces for Mathematical Inquiry in High School
- Mason, R., J. McFeetors et E. Simmt - 200 000 mathematicians in Manitoba: Determining the nature of mathematics through mathematics in practice
- Mason, Ralph et Janelle McFeetors - The centrality of learning in mathematics educational research: Attending to the complexities of cognition, epistemology, and identity in mathematics class
- Massam, Helene - A conjugate prior for discrete hierarchical loglinear models
- McFeetors, J., E. Simmt et R. Mason - Teachers as Curriculum Designers: Finding Authentic Spaces for Mathematical Inquiry in High School
- McFeetors, J., E. Simmt et R. Mason - 200 000 mathematicians in Manitoba: Determining the nature of mathematics through mathematics in practice
- McFeetors, Janelle et Ralph Mason - The centrality of learning in mathematics educational research: Attending to the complexities of cognition, epistemology, and identity in mathematics class
- Mingo, James A. - Cumulants of the Weingarten Function
- Mohammed, Alip - Poisson Equation with the Third Boundary Condition
- Mondal, Pinaki - Projective completion of affine varieties via degree-like functions
- Monfared, Mehdi - On finite-dimensional left ideals in the double dual of some Banach algebras
- Montarani, Silvia - Representations of Gan-Ginzburg algebras and quiver-related differential operators
- Mordukhovich, Boris - Metric Regularity and Lipschitzian Stability of Parametric Variational Systems
- Morris, Kirsten - Optimal control of a mechnical system with play
- Mugdadi, Abdel-Razzaq - The mise and the Hellinger distance of the kernel distribution estimator of functions of observations
- Muldoon, Martin et Lee Lorch - Monotonic sequences related to zeros of Bessel functions
- Murnaghan, Fiona - Relatively supercuspidal representations
- Musin, Oleg - The strong thirteen spheres problem
- Namazi, Maryam - A pitfall in using central scheme in atmospheric modeling
- Naresh, Nirmala - Ethnomathematics, Everyday Mathematics and Workplace Mathematics-Implications for teaching and learning mathematics
- Nechita, Ion - Random matrix models in quantum information theory
- Neher, Erhard - Finite-dimensional irreducible representations of equivariant map algebras
- Neslehova, Johanna - Goodness-of-fit tests for bivariate extreme-value dependence
- Nevins, Monica - Patterns in branching rules for representations of SL(2,k), k a p-adic field
- Ng, Chi-Keung - Linear orthogonality preservers of Hilbert C*-modules over general C*-algebras
- Nica, Alexandru - Infinitesimal non-crossing cumulants and free probability of type B
- Ning, Wei - A Generalized Lambda Distribution (GLD) Change Point Model For the Detection of DNA Copy Number Variations in Array CGH Data
- Nkurunziza, Severien - Statistical Modeling and Testing Concerning the Homogeneity of Some Predator-Prey Populations
- Pachl, Jan - Uniform structures on probability distributions
- Panel, 1 - Mathematics is what mathematicians think. It is a COGNITIVE phenomenon - no more, no less
- Panel, 2 - The mathematical education of mathematics teachers: Is there such a thing as 'the mathematics of the mathematics teacher'?
- Patrick, George - On converting any one-step method to a variational integrator of the same order
- Paul, Annegret - Unitary Principal Series of Split Real Groups
- Pehlivan, Lerna - No feedback card guessing for top to random shuffles
- Pineda-Krch, Mario - Evolutionary dynamics of eco-physiological traits in bark beetle-host interactions
- Pitts, David R. - The D-Radical of an Inclusion
- Qiu, Pehua - Jump Regression Analysis and Image Processing
- Qu, Harvey - Optimal Designs in High-Throughput Screening
- Quadir, Tanvir
- Quessy, Jean-François - Breakpoint detection in dependance functions
- Radu, O. - GeoGebra Group, D. Jarvis, Z. Karadag et D. Martinovic - GeoGebra: Dynamic Mathematics for Teaching and Research
- Raheem, Enayetur - Shrinkage Versus Lasso in Partially Linear Models
- Rainer, Armin - Quasianalytic perturbation of polynomials and linear operators
- Rathugamage, Sriyani - A Membrane in Dynamic Adhesive Contact
- Reid, Greg - Stable numerical-geometric approaches for differential algebraic equations
- Reid, Nancy - Likelihood inference in complex models
- Richter, David - Ghost Symmetries in the Plane
- Robinson-Sturridge, Erica - The Application of Biostatistical Analysis to Applied Health Scenarios: Realities in Curriculum, Instructional Models and Application to Service Learning
- Roche, Daniel S. - Sparse interpolation and small primes in arithmetic progressions
- Ross, Elissa - The Rigidity of Periodic Graphs
- Rousseau, Christiane - Singularities of analytic dynamical systems with 1-summable normalizing transformation
- Ruan, Zhong-Jin - p-Approximation Properties of PFp(G) and PMp(G)
- Sahi, Siddhartha - Littlewood-Richardson coefficients for Macdonald polynomials
- Sakellaridis, Yiannis - On the Plancherel formula for spherical varieties over p-adic fields
- Salamanca, Susana - On genuine omega regular unitary representations of Mp(2n)
- Samei, Ebrahim - The similairty problem for Fourier algebras and corepresentations of the group von Neumann algebras
- Savage, Alistair - Quiver grassmannians, quiver varieties and the preprojective algebra
- Schippers, Eric - The Teichmueller space of an annulus and the semigroup of rigged annuli
- Schoenfeld, Alan H. - How We Think (a work in progress)
- Shafikov, Rasul - Holomorphic closure dimension of real analytic sets
- Shalit, Orr - Can every k-tuple of commuting CP maps be dilated to a k-tuple of commuting *-endomorphisms?
- Shang, Junfeng - A Multiple Comparison Procedure Based on a Variant of the Schwarz Information Criterion in Mixed Models
- Sharifi, Romyar - Cup products and p-adic L-values
- Shelestunova, Veronika - Integral Points on Quadratic Surfaces
- Shoemaker, Christine - Continuous Optimization with Response Surfaces for Computationally Expensive Simulation Models Including Environmental Applications
- Shramchenko, Vasilisa - Fuchsian Riemann-Hilbert problem associated to Frobenius manifolds
- Simmt, E., R. Mason et J. McFeetors - Teachers as Curriculum Designers: Finding Authentic Spaces for Mathematical Inquiry in High School
- Simmt, E., R. Mason et J. McFeetors - 200 000 mathematicians in Manitoba: Determining the nature of mathematics through mathematics in practice
- Sinha, Kaneenika - Ranks of Jacobians of modular curves
- Sitar, Scott - Counting Diophantine Quadruples
- Small, Christopher - Analyzing the UK 2001 foot-and-mouth disease outbreak using stochastic graph models
- Smart, Angela - Exploring one student's experience of learning calculus through a reflection interview
- Song, Peter XK - Improving Quadratic Inference Functions via Covariance Matrix Shrinkage
- Sowa, Artur - On the topological characteristic of the spectra of some composite quantum systems
- Speissegger, Patrick - A definable version of Haefliger's Theorem
- Spivakovsky, Mark - On local uniformization in arbitrary characteristic
- Spronk, Nico - Symmetry of Beurling-Fourier algebras on compact groups
- Stange, Katherine - Amicable pairs of primes for elliptic curves
- Stephens, David - Bayesian Nonparametric Hypothesis Testing in Two Sample Problems
- Stewart, Cam - Integer points on cubic Thue equations
- Stoica, Cristina - Escape dynamics in a collinear three-point-mass system
- Styan, George - Philatelic Sudoku Puzzles
- Sun, Jie - Universal central extensions of infinite dimensional Lie algebras
- Szasz, Reka - Teaching-specific mathematics knowledge lying on the boundary of mathematics and education: dilemmas arising from a Mathematics for Teachers course
- Szmigielski, Jacek - Orthogonal and Biorthogonal Polynomials and integrable models of weakly dispersive water waves
- Szyszkowicz, Barbara - Weighted Approximations of Partial Sums-an Overview
- Tang, Adrian - Ideal Reduction in Unit Rank One Function Fields
- Toth, Csaba D. - Convex partitions with 2-edge connected dual graphs
- Tuncel, Levent - Convex Optimization meets Real Algebraic Geometry
- Vogan, David - Signatures of Hermitian forms and unitary representations
- Voight, John - On nondegeneracy of curves
- Wang, Bingwu - Normal Compactness and Its Extensions
- Wang, Shawn - On Borwein-Wiersma Decompositions of Monotone Linear Relations
- Watier, François - Mean-variance optimization in a financial market with stochastic correlations
- Watmough, James - Mechanistic models for the spread of forest alien invasive insects
- Weatherby, Chester - Transcendence of Infinite Series of Rational Functions
- Weiss, Asia Ivic - Cayley graphs and symmetric 4-polytopes
- Whiteley, Walter - Bridging Mathematics and Mathematics Education: Mathematics departments' contributions to the preparation of teachers
- Whiteley, Walter - Global Rigidity I: Coning
- Williams, Hugh - Compact Representation of the Generator of a Principal Ideal
- Willms, N. Brad - A Geometric Necessary Condition for the Schiffer Problem
- Wlodarczyk, Jaroslaw - Resolution algorithm in characteristic zero and its possible extension in positive characteristic
- Wolfson, David - The Statistical Analysis of Survival Data from Prevalent Cohort Studies with Follow-up
- Wolkowicz, Gail - Predator-prey models with time delay in the conversion process
- Wolkowicz, Henry - Strong Duality and Minimal Representations for Cone Optimization
- Wong, Chi Song - Robustness of optimal designs for correlated random variables
- Wong, Erick - Pseudorandom measures for sums of two squares
- Wu, Jianhong - Impact of Environmental Changes on Disease Spread: Case study of Avian Influenza
- Wu, Yuehua - A note on the convergence rate of the kernel density estimator of the mode
- Xie, Feng - On Extensions of Cyclic Arrangements
- Yi, Grace - Some thoughts on composite likelihood
- Zeidan, Vera - Extension of Clarke Generalized Jacobian to infinite dimension
- Zhang, Yichao - An identity of divisor functions defined on quaternion algebras
- Zhao, Kaiming - Supports of weight modules over Witt algebras
- Zhou, Xiaowen - The Reversibility of Interacting Fleming-Viot Processes
- Zhu, Huaiping - Modeling the Population of Culex Pipiens and Culex Restuans Mosquitoes with Weather Conditions
- Zhu, Ji - Partial Correlation Estimation by Joint Sparse Regression Models
- Zhu, Jim - Trend-Following Trading under a Regime Switching Model
- Zhu, Rong - The geometric down-weighting method and its applications