Here are the abstracts, as of November 6, 1998. After November 6, updates to the abstracts will appear in the printed copy of the meeting programme only. Participants are asked to consult the meeting programme available during on-site registration.
Voici les résumés de conférences, en date du 6 novembre 1998. Après cette date, tout changement à cette liste ne sera apporté qu'à la copie imprimé du programme de la réunion. Les participants sont encouragés á consulter le programme, disponible á la table d'inscription.
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- Algebraic Geometry / Géométrie algébrique
- Fedor Bogomolov - On the fundamental groups and universal coverings of complex projective surfaces and symplectic fourfolds
- Andrew Hwang - Construction of Circle-Invariant Kahler Metrics
- Lisa Jeffrey - The Verlinde formula for moduli spaces of parabolic bundles
- Askold Khovansky - Algebraic geometry and geometry of convex polyhedra
- Don O'Shea - Limits of tangent spaces to real surfaces
- Evgenii Shustin - Asymptotically proper bounds in the geometry of equisingular families of curves
- Yosef Yomdin - A tractable problem on the way (hopefully) to counting limit cycles of polynomial vector fields
- Discrete Geometry / Géométrie discrète
- Victor Alexandrov - Sufficient conditions for the extendability of an N-th order flex of polyhedra
- Valery Alexeev - Families of algebraic varieties associated with cell decompositions
- P. Atela - Periodicity in geometric dynamical models in Phyllotaxis
- Lynn M. Batten - Blocking sets and security
- Margaret M. Bayer - Eulerian partially ordered sets
- András Bezdek - A Sylwester type theorem on circles
- Karoly Bezdek - On a stronger form of Rogers' lemma and the minimum surface area of Voronoi cells in unit ball packings
- T. Bisztriczky - A Signature Theorem for uniform oriented matroids
- Jin-Yi Cai - A new transference theorem in geometry of numbers with applications to Ajtai's connection factor
- Robert Connelly - Holes in a membrane: tension percolation
- H. S. MacDonald Coxeter - Whence does an ellipse look like a circle?
- Balázs Csikós - Some results around the Hadwiger-Kneser-Poulsen conjecture
- Ludwig Danzer and Gerrit van Ophuysen - A species of planar triangular tilings with inflation
- Robert Dawson - What shape is a loaded die?
- Michel Deza and Mikhail Shtogrin - Embedding of regular tilings and star-honeycombs
- Ferenc Fodor - Large polygons in convex sets and polygons with large perimeter
- Deborah S. Franzblau - Generic rigidity of molecular graphs
- Christopher Gold - Voronoi methods in geomatics--the importance of the spatial model
- Chaim Goodman-Strauss - Addressing and substitution tilings
- Timothy F. Havel - The role of tensegrity in distance geometry
- Donald Jacobs - Graph rigidity: applications to material science and proteins
- Gábor Kertész - The Dido problem on planes of constant curvature
- W
odzimierz Kuperburg - Covering the cube with equal balls
- Barry Monson - Realizations of regular abstract polytopes
- Konstantin Rybnikov - On traces of d-stresses in the skeletons of lower dimensions of homology manifolds
- Idzhad Kh. Sabitov - Solution of polyhedra
- Peter Schmitt - The versatility of (small) sets of prototiles
- Istvan Talata - On translative coverings of a convex body with its homothetic copies of given total volume
- Anke Walz - The Bellows conjecture in dimension four
- Asia Weiss - To be announced
- Walter Whiteley - Constraining a spherical polyhedron with dihedral angles
- Extremal Combinatorics / Combinatoire extrémale
- Richard Anstee
, Ron Ferguson and Attila Sali - Small forbidden configurations
- Aart Blokhuis, Ralph Faudree
, András Gyárfás and Miklós Ruszinkó - Anti-Ramsey colorings in several rounds
- Jason Brown - The inducibility of complete bipartite graphs
- David Fisher - The minimum number of triangles in a graph
- Jerrold Griggs - Extremal graphs with bounded densities of small subgraphs
- Penny Haxell - Integer and fractional packings in dense graphs
- Felix Lazebnik - On a class of algebraically defined graphs
- Laszlo Székely - Some new Erdos-Ko-Rado type problems
- Bing Zhou - Extremal graphs related to star chromatic number and fractional chromatic number
- Richard Anstee
- Number Theory / Théorie des nombres
- A. Akbary - On the distribution of the values of symmetric square
L-functions in the half plane
- Henri Darmon - Modularity of hypergeometric abelian varieties
- Chantal David - To be announced
- Jacek W. Fabrykowski - To be announced
- G. Frei - On the discovery of the reciprocity law by Artin
- Eyal Goren - Stratifications of moduli spaces and modular forms
- C. Greither - On Brumer's conjecture
- James Huard - An arithmetic reciprocity relation of Liouville type and applications
- Hershey Kisilevsky - Rank of E(K) for cyclic cubic extensions
- Manfred Kolster - Higher relative class number formulas
- Arne Ledet - Some small 2-groups as Galois groups
- C. Levesque - Explicit solutions of a family of Thue diophantine equations
- Kumar Murty - Zeros of Dedekind zeta functions in towers of fields
- W. Georg Nowak - Large convex domains sometimes contain more lattice points than we would expect
- Yannis Petridis - Zeros of the Riemann zeta function and central values of L-series of holomorphic cusp forms
- Gael Rémond - Theta heights and Kodaira construction
- D. Roy - Criteria of algebraic independence and approximation by hypersurfaces
- Gary Walsh - Old and new results on quartic diophantine equations
- Hugh Williams - Computer verification of the Ankeny-Artin-Chowla conjecture for all p< 5.1010
- Kenneth Williams - Values of the Dedekind eta function at quadratic irrationalities
- A. Akbary - On the distribution of the values of symmetric square
L-functions in the half plane
- Operator Algebras / Algèbres d'opérateurs
- Berndt Brenken - Endomorphisms of finite direct sums of
- Kenneth R. Davidson - Principal bimodules of nest algebras
- George Elliott - An abstract Brown-Douglas-Fillmore absorption theorem, II
- Thierry Giordano - Ergodic theory and dimension G-spaces
- Dan Kucervosky - An abstract Brown-Douglas-Fillmore absorption theorem, I
- Michael Lamoureux - Crossed product algebra constructions
- Alexandru Nica - Some minimization problems for the free analogue of the Fisher information
- John Phillips - Spectral flow and index in bounded and unbounded
-summable Fredholm modules: integral formulas
- Jack Spielberg - A new look at
-algebras of infinite graphs
- Sam Walters - K-theory of non commutative spheres arising from the Fourier automorphism
- Berndt Brenken - Endomorphisms of finite direct sums of
- Probability Theory / Théorie des probabilités
- Siva Athreya - Existence of Positive Solutions Satisfying the Boundary Harnack Principle for a Semi-linear Dirichlet Problem
- Claude Belisle - The Hit-and-run sampler
- David Brillinger - Some aspects of the motion of particles described by stochastic differential equations
- Murray D. Burke - Model checking and estimation: A large sample approach
- Colleen D. Cutler - Scaling structures, chaos, and determinism in time series
- André Dabrowski - A unified approach to fast teller queues and ATM
- Eric Derbez - Generating functions and Integrated SuperBrownian Excursion ( ISE)
- Shui Feng - The behaviour of some degenerate diffusions near boundary under large deviations
- René Ferland - Propagation of chaos: from Physics to Finance
- A. Földes - About the local time of random walk and Brownian motion
- Geneviéve Gauthier - Asymptotic distribution of the EMS option
- Edit Gombay - Correcting some limit theorems about the likelihood ratio
- Lajos Horváth - Best approximations for bootstrapped processes with applications
- Gail Ivanoff - Set-indexed Martingales
- Michael Kouritzin - Parabolic equations with random coefficients
- Reg Kulperger - Empirical processes and tests of independence
- Brenda MacGibbon - On statistical minimax estimation and principal eigenfunctions of the Laplacian
- Neal Madras - In search of faster simulations
- Don L. McLeish - Estimating parameters of financial time series using highs and lows
- Majid Mojirsheibani - Combined estimation and probabilistic classification
- Bruno Remillard - Empirical processes based on pseudo-observations
- Pál Révész - Critical branching Wiener process in the d-dimensional Eucledean space (3 talks)
- Jeffrey Rosenthal - The mathematics of Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms
- Thomas S. Salisbury - The complement of the planar Brownian path
- Byron Schmuland - Rademacher's theorem on configuration space
- Qi-Man Shao - Gaussian correlation conjecture and small ball probabilities
- Zhan Shi - The maximum of the uniform empirical process
- Gordon Slade - The scaling limit of the incipient infinite cluster in high-dimensional percolation
- Christopher G. Small - The analysis of random shapes
- Barbara Szyszkowicz - An interplay of weighted approximations and change-point analysis
- Keith Worsley - The geometry of correlation fields, with an application to functional connectivity of the brain
- Hao Yu - Weighted Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of stock return distribution
- Ricardas Zitikis - The Vervaat, Lorenz and some other related processes of probability and mathematical statistics in weighted metrics
- Topology--4 sub-sessions / Topologie--4 sous-sessions
- 1) Differential Geometry and Global Analysis / Géométrie
différentielle et analyse globale
- Igor Belegradek - Pinching and Pontrjagin classes
- Christoph Böhm - Inhomogeneous Einstein metrics on spheres
- Jeffrey Boland - Magnetic fields on negatively curved manifolds
- Virginie Charette - Properly discontinuous actions of free groups on Minkowski space
- Jingyi Chen - Triholomorphic curves and complex ASD connections
- Ailana Fraser - On the free boundary variational problem for minimal disks
- Michael Gage - Remarks on B. Süssmann's proof of the Banchoff-Pohl inequality
- Miroslav Lovric - Multivariate normal distributions parametrized as a Riemannian symmetric space
- Mohan Ramachandran - To be announced
- Patrick Ryan - Real hypersurfaces in complex space forms
- Patrice Sawyer - Ghostly symmetric spaces
- Alina Stancu - Asymptotic behavior of a crystalline evolution
- John Toth - To be announced
- 2) Homotopy Theory / Théorie de l'homotopie
- Dan Christensen - Phantom maps: all or nothing
- F. R. Cohen - On stunted projective spaces
- Gustavo Granja - On self maps of HPn
- Steve Halperin - The homotopy Lie algebra of a finite complex
- Philip R. Heath - Fibre techniques in Nielsen periodic point theory
- Barry Jessup - Estimating the rational LS-category of elliptic spaces
- Brenda Johnson - Constructing and characterizing degree n functors
- Keith Johnson - Elliptic homology cooperations
- Sadok Kallel - The homology structure of free loop spaces
- Kathryn Lesh - Progress toward a partial splitting of E2 in the UASS for SO
- L. Gaunce Lewis, Jr. - Recent results on Mackey functors for a compact Lie group
- John Martino - A Minami-Webb formula for compact Lie groups
- Joseph Neisendorfer - James-Hopf invariants, Anick's spaces, and decompositions of the double loops on a Moore space
- Stewart Priddy - Decomposing products of classifying spaces
- Charles Rezk - A model for the homotopy theory of homotopy theory
- Laura Scull - Rational S1-equivariant homotopy theory
- Paul Selick - Natural decompositions of loop suspensions and tensor algebras
- Stephen D. Theriault - Homotopy exponents for certain
-2r Moore spaces
- 3) Set Theoretic Topology / Topologie des ensembles
- Murray Bell - Cardinal functions of centered spaces
- Maxim R. Burke - Continuous functions which take a somewhere dense set of values on every open set
- Krzysztof Ciesielski - Each Polish space cocompactly quasimetrizable
- W. W. Comfort - Continuous cross sections on abelian groups equipped with the Bohr topology
- Ilijas Farah -
need not be an
- Douglas L. Grant - Alternative universes: the role of set theory in topological algebra
- Gary Gruenhage - More on a-Toronto spaces
- Melvin Henriksen - Embedding a ring of continuous functions in a regular ring: preliminary report
- James Hirschorn - Towers of measurable functions
- Valery Miskin - Set ideals everywhere
- Justin Tatch Moore - A linearly fibered Souslinean space Under Martin's axiom
- Alexander Shibakov - Controlling sequential order in topological vector spaces
- Slawomir Solecki - Polish group actions and measures
- Paul J. Szeptycki - Normality and property (a)
- Andrzej Szymanski - On a class of special Namioka spaces
- Frank Tall - The topology of elementary submodels
- Murat Tuncali - On generalizations of the Hahn-Mazurkiewicz theorem
- E. D. Tymchatyn - Measures and topological dynamics on Menger manifolds
- Grant Woods - Recent developments in rings of continuous functions
- Eduardo Santillan - Topological properties of removable singularities for analytic functions
- 4) Symplectic/Low Dimensional Topology / Topologie en basses
dimensions/Topologie symplectique
- Steven Boyer - Norm duality and hyperbolic 3-manifolds
- Jacques Hurtubise - To be announced
- Francois Lalonde - Applications of Quantum cohomology to some fundamental problems of dynamics
- Yuriy Shkolnikov - A generalisation of Whitney's trick in dimension 4, borromeanism and related questions
- Jennifer Slimowitz - Length minimizing geodesics in the group of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms
- Xingru Zhang - On simple points of the character variety of a cusped hyperbolic 3-manifold
- Universal Algebra and Multiple-Valued Logic / Algèbre
universelle et logique multi-valuée
- Clifford Bergman - Complexity of some problems in universal algebra
- Jie Fang - Ockham algebras with pseudocomplementation
- Ibrahim Garro - An application of non-wellfounded sets to infinite valued infinitary propositional calculus
- George Grätzer - Independence Theorems for automorphism groups and congruence lattices of lattices
- Jennifer Hyndman - Dualizable is not the same as fully dualizable
- Benoit Larose - Projective graphs and Hedetnyemi's conjecture
- Jonathan Leech - Noncommutative lattices: foundational issues and recent results
- Robert W. Quackenbush - Varieties of binary linear codes
- I. G. Rosenberg - Completeness for uniformly delayed circuits
- Ross Willard - Independence of the linear commutator
- Education I/ Éducation I
Identifying and Overcoming Barriers to
Teaching and Learning Mathematics at University /
Identifier et vaincre les obstacles à
l'enseignement et l'apprentissage des mathématiques
à l'université- Edward Barbeau - The teacher as coach
- Bill Beyers - Revealing the inner mathematician
- Morris Orzech - Addressing student difficulties specific to linear algebra
- Thomas W. Rishel - Teaching and job initiatives for graduate programs in mathematics
- Martha Siegel - To be announced
- Keith F. Taylor - The Math readiness project at the University of Saskatchewan
- Education II/ Éducation II
Teaching Mathematics--Why We do What We do in the Classroom? /
L'enseignement des mathématiques--pourquoi fait-on ce qu'on fait en classe?- George Gadanidis - If Piaget was a math teacher--Theoretical images, classroom practice and the power of students' minds
- William Higginson - Having, knowing, and being: some fundamental questions about mathematics teaching
- Lynn McAlpine and Cynthia Weston - How six outstanding math professors use reflection to improve their teaching
- Pat Rogers - The importance of why: encouraging students to reflect
- Nathalie Sinclair - Romancing powerful mathematical ideas
- Mathematics on the Internet /
Mathématiques sur internet- William Casselman - Colour, animation, interaction--the next generation of electronic journals
- Stan Devitt - Extracting mathematical meaning from MathML notation--an essential step towards live math on the Web
- Stan Devitt - The Relationship between OpenMath and MathML
- Nicholas Jackiw - Taking dynamic geometry on-line
- Loki Jörgenson - The CMS Journals On-Line: A Study in Digital Publishing
- Robert Miner - Putting math on the Web
- Contributed Papers Session / Communications libres
- Graduate Student Seminar / Séminaire pour étudiants
- Leo Butler - A New Class of Homogeneous Manifolds with Liouville-Integrable Geodesic Flows
- Leo Creedon - Constructing free groups in modular group algebras
- Mark V. DeFazio - The behaviour of the complex zeroes of the Laguerre polynomial
- Jody Esmonde - Parametric solutions to the generalized Fermat equation
- Shaun Fallat - Multiplicative principal minor inequalities for totally nonnegative matrices
- Andrei V. Gagarin - Characterizations of
-polar graphs by forbidden induced subgraphs
- Malcolm Harper - A family of Euclidean rings containing
- Yu-Ru Liu - The Turán sieve and probabilistic Galois theory
- David McKinnon - An arithmetic Bézout theorem
- Satya Mohit - The ABC-Conjecture and bounds for the order of the Tate-Shafarevich group
- Daniel Piché - Wavelet compression on fractal tilings
- Filip Saidak - On zero-free regions of the zeta function
- Gregory S. Smith - Computing global extension modules
- Sarah Sumner - Investigating transcendence in the field of p-adic numbers
- Drew Vandeth - Transcendence of the values of generalized Mahler functions