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Felix Lazebnik - On a class of algebraically defined graphs
FELIX LAZEBNIK, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 19716, USA |
On a class of algebraically defined graphs |
Let Fn denote be the n-dimensional vector space over a field
F. For and each
, let
be a function of 2i variables. We consider a
graph whose vertex partitions P and L are copies of Fn with
joined by an edge if and only if the following n-1 equalities are

For particular fields F and particular functions fi's, the families of graphs defined this way (or slightly modified) possesses many remarkable properties. They are concerned with forbidden cycles, girth, graph homomorphism, eigenvalues, and edge-decompositions of complete graphs and complete bipartite graphs. In this talk we survey some known and some new results on such graphs based on the work of A. J. Woldar and the speaker.

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