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odzimierz Kuperburg - Covering the cube with equal balls
TEX2HTML_WRAP odzimierz Kuperburg, Department of Mathematics, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama 36849-5310, USA |
Covering the cube with equal balls |
Define cd(k), the covering radius, as the minimum radius of
k congruent balls that can cover the unit d-dimensional cube.
packing radius is defined similarly.) In general, the problem of
determining the values of cd(k) as well as the corresponding
problem seem to be extremely difficult even in dimension 2. On the
packing problem, several results have been obtained in dimension 2by
various authors, and a few results in dimension 3, mainly by
J. Schaer. We discuss the covering problem and we determine cd(2),
c3(3), c3(4), c3(8), c4(4), and c4(16) along with the
optimal configurations of balls that produce them. Also, we state
conjectures on the remaining values of c3(k) and their ball
configurations for .

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