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Discrete Geometry / Géométrie discrète
R. Connelly, R. Erdahl, M. Senechal and W. Whiteley, Organizers
- Victor Alexandrov - Sufficient conditions for the extendability of an N-th order flex of polyhedra
- Valery Alexeev - Families of algebraic varieties associated with cell decompositions
- P. Atela - Periodicity in geometric dynamical models in Phyllotaxis
- Lynn M. Batten - Blocking sets and security
- Margaret M. Bayer - Eulerian partially ordered sets
- András Bezdek - A Sylwester type theorem on circles
- Karoly Bezdek - On a stronger form of Rogers' lemma and the minimum surface area of Voronoi cells in unit ball packings
- T. Bisztriczky - A Signature Theorem for uniform oriented matroids
- Jin-Yi Cai - A new transference theorem in geometry of numbers with applications to Ajtai's connection factor
- Robert Connelly - Holes in a membrane: tension percolation
- H. S. MacDonald Coxeter - Whence does an ellipse look like a circle?
- Balázs Csikós - Some results around the Hadwiger-Kneser-Poulsen conjecture
- Ludwig Danzer and Gerrit van Ophuysen - A species of planar triangular tilings with inflation
- Robert Dawson - What shape is a loaded die?
- Michel Deza and Mikhail Shtogrin - Embedding of regular tilings and star-honeycombs
- Ferenc Fodor - Large polygons in convex sets and polygons with large perimeter
- Deborah S. Franzblau - Generic rigidity of molecular graphs
- Christopher Gold - Voronoi methods in geomatics--the importance of the spatial model
- Chaim Goodman-Strauss - Addressing and substitution tilings
- Timothy F. Havel - The role of tensegrity in distance geometry
- Donald Jacobs - Graph rigidity: applications to material science and proteins
- Gábor Kertész - The Dido problem on planes of constant curvature
- W
odzimierz Kuperburg - Covering the cube with equal balls
- Barry Monson - Realizations of regular abstract polytopes
- Konstantin Rybnikov - On traces of d-stresses in the skeletons of lower dimensions of homology manifolds
- Idzhad Kh. Sabitov - Solution of polyhedra
- Peter Schmitt - The versatility of (small) sets of prototiles
- Istvan Talata - On translative coverings of a convex body with its homothetic copies of given total volume
- Anke Walz - The Bellows conjecture in dimension four
- Asia Weiss - To be announced
- Walter Whiteley - Constraining a spherical polyhedron with dihedral angles