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Extremal Combinatorics / Combinatoire extrémale
D. deCaen, Organizer
- Richard Anstee
, Ron Ferguson and Attila Sali - Small forbidden configurations
- Aart Blokhuis, Ralph Faudree
, András Gyárfás and Miklós Ruszinkó - Anti-Ramsey colorings in several rounds
- Jason Brown - The inducibility of complete bipartite graphs
- David Fisher - The minimum number of triangles in a graph
- Jerrold Griggs - Extremal graphs with bounded densities of small subgraphs
- Penny Haxell - Integer and fractional packings in dense graphs
- Felix Lazebnik - On a class of algebraically defined graphs
- Laszlo Székely - Some new Erdos-Ko-Rado type problems
- Bing Zhou - Extremal graphs related to star chromatic number and fractional chromatic number