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Leo Butler - A New Class of Homogeneous Manifolds with Liouville-Integrable Geodesic Flows
LEO BUTLER, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6, Canada. |
A New Class of Homogeneous Manifolds with Liouville-Integrable Geodesic Flows |
A family of nilmanifolds possessing Riemannian metrics whose geodesic
flow is Liouville-integrable is demonstrated. These homogeneous spaces
are of the form
, where H is a connected,
simply-connected and two-step nilpotent Lie group and D is a
discrete, cocompact subgroup of H. The metric on these homogeneous
spaces is obtained from a left-invariant metric on H. These
nilmanifolds provide the first example of manifolds whose fundamental
group possesses no commutative subgroup of finite index, yet they admit
a Liouville-integrable geodesic flow. The conclusions of
Taimanov's theorem do not obtain in the category of
Liouville-integrable geodesic flows with smooth first integrals.

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