Next: Berndt Brenken - Endomorphisms Up: Abstracts/Résumés Previous: Kenneth Williams - Values
Operator Algebras / Algèbres d'opérateurs
J. Mingo, Organizer
- Berndt Brenken - Endomorphisms of finite direct sums of
- Kenneth R. Davidson - Principal bimodules of nest algebras
- George Elliott - An abstract Brown-Douglas-Fillmore absorption theorem, II
- Thierry Giordano - Ergodic theory and dimension G-spaces
- Dan Kucervosky - An abstract Brown-Douglas-Fillmore absorption theorem, I
- Michael Lamoureux - Crossed product algebra constructions
- Alexandru Nica - Some minimization problems for the free analogue of the Fisher information
- John Phillips - Spectral flow and index in bounded and unbounded
-summable Fredholm modules: integral formulas
- Jack Spielberg - A new look at
-algebras of infinite graphs
- Sam Walters - K-theory of non commutative spheres arising from the Fourier automorphism