
Working Group 1: Teaching Geometry Effectively with Dynamic Software
(bilingual working group organized by G. Hanna, M. Sinclair, Y. deBrujn)
Working Group 2: Mathematics for Active Citizenship
(bilingual working group organized by G. Roulet, N. Descamps-Bednarz, R. Pallascio)
- Mathematics for Active Citizenship
- First meeting (Theme II): Friday 16, 15:45 to 17:15, chaired by Geoff Roulet
- Second meeting (Theme III): Saturday 17, 10:45 to 12:15, chaired by Richard Pallascio
- Third meeting (Theme IV): Saturday 17, 15:30 to 17:00, chaired by Nadine Descamps-Bednarz
Working Group 3: Popularization of Mathematics
(English working group organized by K. Heinrich, R. Lancaster, R. Mason, D. Reid)
Working Group 4: Learning in the Presence of Technology
(bilingual working group organized by F. Caron, J. Borwein, T. Steinke)
- Learning in the Presence of Technology
- First meeting (Theme II): Friday 16, 15:45 to 17:15
- Second meeting (Theme III): Saturday 17, 10:45 to 12:15
- Third meeting (Theme IV): Saturday 17, 15:30 to 17:00
Working Group 5: Making it Interesting
(bilingual working group organized by S. Dilena, C. Rousseau, Y. Saint-Aubin, N. Sinclair)
Working Group 6: Mathematics and Intuition
(bilingual working group organized by B. Davis, G. Flewelling, K. Hoechsmann)
- Mathematics and Intuition
- First meeting (Theme II): Friday 16, 15:45 to 17:15, Background, chaired by Brent Davis
- Second meeting (Theme III): Saturday 17, 10:45 to 12:15, Where we are today, chaired by Klaus Hoechsmann
- Third meeting (Theme IV): Saturday 17, 15:30 to 17:00, Outlook for the future, chaired by Gary Flewelling
Working Group 7: Education of Elementary School Teachers: Goals and Challenges
(bilingual working group organized by C. Lajoie, M. Dubiel, C. Gaulin)
Working Group 8: The Needs of Industry in a Mathematical Education
(English working group organized by B. Hart, R. Caron, Scott Davis)
Working Group 9: Educating Secondary Mathematics Teachers
(bilingual working group organized by L. Radford, E. Simmt, H. Weston)
- Educating Secondary Mathematics Teachers
- First meeting (Theme II): Friday 16, 15:45 to 17:15, Assumptions currently underpinning mathematics teacher education
- Second meeting (Theme III): Saturday 17, 10:45 to 12:15, Educating awareness in mathematics teacher education
- Third meeting (Theme IV): Saturday 17, 15:30 to 17:00, Expanding the space of the possible in mathematics teacher education
Working Group 10: Mathematics Teacher Training, Algebra, and Teacher Shortages
(bilingual working group organized by C. Kieran, G. Gadanidis, T. Salisbury)
Working Group 11: Teaching Mathematics to Aboriginal Students: the Importance of Building on the Aboriginal Cultural Differences
(bilingual working group organized by J. Barta, E. Doolittle, C. Jetté, L. Poirier, D. Wiseman)
Working Group 12: In-Service Secondary Teacher Education
(bilingual working group organized by O. Chapman, B. Higginson, L. Lee)
- In-Service Secondary Teacher Education
- First meeting (Theme II): Friday 16, 15:45 to 17:15
- Second meeting (Theme III): Saturday 17, 10:45 to 12:15
- Third meeting (Theme IV): Saturday 17, 15:30 to 17:00
Working Group 13: Rethinking Math Thinking in Secondary Maths Classes
(bilingual working group organized by E. Barbeau, D. Tanguay, P. Taylor)
- Rethinking Math Thinking in Secondary Maths Classes
- First meeting (Theme II): Friday 16, 15:45 to 17:15, Understanding, Power and Applicability, chaired by Edward Barbeau
- Second meeting (Theme III): Saturday 17, 10:45 to 12:15, chaired by Peter Taylor
- Third meeting (Theme IV): Saturday 17, 15:30 to 17:00, Déployer un raisonnement en mathématiques : comment développer cette compétence chez les enseignants du secondaire en formation, chaired by Denis Tanguay
Working Group 14: The Visual at the Core of Mathematics
(English working group organized by S. Dalrymple, L. Moshe, A. Sierpinska, W. Whiteley)
- The Visual at the Core of Mathematics
- First meeting (Theme II): Friday 16, 15:45 to 17:15, The Visual in School Mathematics
- Second meeting (Theme III): Saturday 17, 10:45 to 12:15, Visual Thinking in Mathematics and in the World
- Third meeting (Theme IV): Saturday 17, 15:30 to 17:00, Preparation of Teachers and Teacher Development
Working Group 15: Teaching Mathematics at College Level
(bilingual working group organized by D. Lidstone, M. Blain, V. Papillon)
- Teaching Mathematics at College Level
- First meeting (Theme II): Friday 16, 15:45 to 17:15, chaired by Marie Blain
- Second meeting (Theme III): Saturday 17, 10:45 to 12:15, chaired by Dave Lidstone
- Third meeting (Theme IV): Saturday 17, 15:30 to 17:00, chaired by Vincent Papillon
Working Group 16: Preparation for University Engineering and Science Courses
(English working group organized by G. Bluman, P. Loewen, M. Tingley, R. Willard)
- Preparation for University Engineering and Science Courses
- First meeting (Theme II): Friday 16, 15:45 to 17:15, Essential Topics, chaired by Maureen Tingley
- Second meeting (Theme III): Saturday 17, 10:45 to 12:15, Thinking Skills, chaired by Philip Loewen
- Third meeting (Theme IV): Saturday 17, 15:30 to 17:00, Implementation, chaired by George Bluman and Ross Willard