
Organizing Committee
Scientific Committee
George Bluman, Department of Mathematics, University of British Columbia, vice-president of the West of the Canadian Mathematical Society
Christiane Rousseau, Département de mathématiques et de statistique, Université de Montréal, President of the Canadian Mathematical Society
Honorary President:
Pierre Reid, Ministry of Education of Quebec
Ed Barbeau, Chair of the CMS Education Committee, University of Toronto
John Barsby, John Ravenscourt School, Winnipeg
Nadine Bednarz, Département de mathématiques, section didactique, UQAM
Steve Brown, Associate Dean (External Relations) of Mathematics, University of Waterloo
Rick Caron, Chair-elect of the CMS Education Committee, University of Windsor
Stewart Craven, mathematics coordinator for the Toronto District School Board
Peter Crippin, University of Waterloo
Brent Davis, Education, University of Alberta
Ysbrand DeBruyn, mathematics and physics teacher at Glenforest Secondary School, Peel District School Board, in Mississauga, master from OISE
André Deschênes, Vice president AMQ
Jean Dionne, President of AMQ (Association mathématique du Québec)
Malgorzata Dubiel, President of CMESG, Simon Fraser University
Florence Glanfield, University of Saskatchewan, Education
Edgar Goodaire, Mathematics and Statistics, Memorial University
Bradd Hart, The Fields Institute
Bernard Hodgson, Université Laval, Secretary General of ICMI
John Grant McLoughlin, Education, University of New Brunswick
Eric Muller, Brock University, Canadian Representative to ICMI
Kanwal Neel, Past President, BC Association of Mathematics Teachers
David Reid, Education, Acadia University
Maureen Tingley, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New Brunswick
Ravi Vakil, Stanford University
Local Arrangements Comittee
Chair: Louis Charbonneau, Département de mathématiques, UQAM
Manzoor Ahmad, Département de mathématiques, UQAM
Pierre Bouchard, Département de mathématiques, UQAM