Abstracts - listed by speaker
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- Address, Opening
- Akbary, Amir - On non-vanishing of convolution of Dirichlet series
- Anstee, Richard - A conjecture for small forbidden configurations
- Archibald, Tom - Jules Tannery, Paul Appell, and the mathematical research
community in France, 1870-1914
- Archibald, Tom - France, Germany, and the making of modern mathematics
- Argerami, Martin - Young's inequality for trace-class operators
- Bahturin, Yuri - Gradings on finite-dimensional algebras
- Baldwin, John - Categoricity and model completeness
- Ball, Deborah and Hyman Bass - The role of definitions in teaching and learning
- Bass, Hyman and Deborah Ball - The role of definitions in teaching and learning
- Bates, Larry - Complete integrabilty beyond Liouville-Arnol'd
- Bautista, Raymundo - The category of morphisms between projective modules
- Bergeron, Francois - On a conjecture about Littlewood-Richardson coefficients
- Bergeron, Nantel - Combinatorial Hopf algebra have character
- Beveridge, Erin - Irresponsible homomorphisms and rank infinity
- Bleher, Frauke - Actions of finite groups on homogeneous coordinate rings
- Bluskov, Iliya - LDEO in recent search for designs
- Boatto, Stefanella - Curvature perturbations and vortex stability
- Brauer, Fred - A discrete model for SARS transmission
- Brenken, Berndt - A C*-algebra for a winding on the torus
- Bruestle, Thomas - Elliptic Lie algebras and tubular algebras
- Buchweitz, Ragnar - The derived Eckmann-Hilton argument and commutativity
of Hochschild cohomology
- Buck, Julian - Connes-Chern characters of hexic and cubic modules
- Burns, Michael - Extending Jones' planar algebras to broader classes of
- Calderbank, Robert - Quantum computers and cellular phones
- Cameron, Kathie - Finding induced matchings and dissociation sets in graphs
- Casperson, David - ALDOR and universal algebra
- Chen, Jingyi - Recent developments in mean curvature flow of higher codimension
- Chen, Xueqing - Root vectors and integral PBW basis of the composition
algebra of the Kronecker algebra
- Cherlin, Gregory - Countable universal graphs with forbidden subgraphs: a decision
- Christ, Michael - On multilinear oscillatory integrals
- Ciocan-Fontanine, Ionut - Gromov-Witten invariants of GIT quotients
- Cojocaru, Alina Carmen - Elliptic curves modulo p
- Cojocaru, Monica - Periodic solutions for projected dynamical systems
- Coombs, Daniel - Equilibrium behaviour of cell-cell synapses
- Craig, Walter - On surface water waves
- Craw, Alastair - Towards the McKay correspondence in higher dimensions
- D'Antonio, Lawrence - The solution of the Beha-Eddin problem: elliptic curves to the
- Dafni, Galia - Some results on the spaces Qa(Rn)
- David, Chantal - Average Frobenius distribution for inert primes in Q(i)
- Davidson, Ken - A Kaplansky Theorem for free semigroup algebras
- Davis, Brent - A study of mathematics pedagogy
- de Vries, Gerda - Using mathematical models to deduce the spatio-temporal
dynamics of nuclear proteins from experimental fluorescence
recovery curves
- Dean, Andrew - Classification of C*-dynamical systems
- Delic, Dejan - Hereditarily homogeneous locally finite groups
- Dilcher, Karl - Resultants of Chebyshev and related polynomials
- Discussion, Panel - School Mathematics Curriculum: Is there any hope left for
"Less is More"?
- Dolzmann, Georg - Nonconvex variational problems and minimizing Young
- Doran, Chuck - Integral structures, toric geometry, and homological
mirror symmetry
- Duffus, Dwight - A lattice theoretic approach to union-closed set systems
- Edwards, Roderick - Central pattern generators for digging behaviour in sandcrabs
- Eklof, Paul - Tilting toward definability
- Elliott, George - Amenable C*-algebras: The gathering storm
- Erlijman, Juliana - On braid subfactors and generalisations
- Fang, Jie - The endomorphism kernel Property in finite
semi-simple Ockham algebras
- Fantechi, Barbara - Quantum cohomology for orbifiolds
- Floricel, Remus - E0-semigroups in standard form
- Fraser, Andrea - A classification by multipliers of Calderón-Zygmund
SIO's on the Heisenberg group
- Friedlander, John - On a zero-sum problem
- Friesen, Maren - Sympatric ecological diversification due to frequency-dependent
competition in Escherichia coli
- Froncek, Dalibor - Factorizations of complete graphs into spanning trees
- Geiss, Christof - Semicanonical bases and preprojective algebras
- Giordano, Thierry - Some developments on orbit equivalence
- Grant, Hardy - Greek mathematics in cultural context
- Granville, Andrew - Uncertainty principles in arithmetic
- Gratzer, George - Games sectional complements play
- Green, Ed - Ext-algebras of Koszul-like algebras
- Grunbaum, Daniel - Extracting social behavior rules from group dynamics of
schooling fish
- Gunturk, Sinan - Accuracy of one-bit quantization and the fair-duel problem:
some extremal problems on {-1,+1} sequences
- Gurevich, Yuri - Logic of choice
- Gustafson, Stephen - Asymptotic stability and completeness in the energy space
for nonlinear Schroedinger equations with small solitary waves
- Haxell, Penny - Independent transversals in r-partite graphs
- Hofmann, Steve - Lp bounds for Riesz transforms
- Horak, Peter - Covering vertices of a graph by trees
- Hu, Zuosheng - Favard's theorem for almost periodic processes on Banach
- Huang, Jing - Bigraphs of Ferrers dimension two and circular arc graphs
- Jedwab, Jonathan - Constructing binary sequences with merit factor greater
than 6.34
- Jerrard, Robert - Vortex fliaments in Bose Einstein condensates
- Jianhong, Wu - Hyperbolic PDEs with delay: delayed diffusion and
retarded reaction in biological systems
- Jockusch, Carl - Completing pseudojump operators
- Jones, Alexander - Ptolemy's mathematical tones
- Kaczynski, Tomasz - Detection of interesting dynamics via combinatorial index
- Kayll, Mark - On weak Sidon sequences: a new proof with an improved bound
- Kerr, David - Noncommutative geodesic flows and dynamical growth
- Kirkman, Ellen - Fixed subrings of Noetherian graded regular rings
- Kisilevsky, Hershy - Twisting elliptic L-functions by Dirichlet characters
- Kleiner, Israel - Fermat: The founder of modern number theory
- Kley, Holger
- Knight, Julia - Computable classification
- Koblitz, Neal - Introduction to elliptic curve cryptography
- Kovács, Sándor - Zero sets of holomorphic one forms on varieties of general
- Krop, Elliot
- Kucerovsky, Dan - Locally full extensions
- Kutz, Nathan - Dynamics and stability of periodic solutions of the optical
parametric oscillator equations
- Lacey, Michael - Hilbert transform on smooth families of lines
- Ladner, Richard - The influence of recursion theory on computational complexity
- Lamoureux, Michael - Representation of linear operators by Gabor multipliers
- Langford, Bill - Hopf meets Hamilton under Whitney's umbrella
- Larose, Benoit - The complexity of solving polynomial equations over finite
- Laskowski, Chris - The complexity of trivial, uncountably categorical theories
- Leoni, Giovanni - On optimal regularity for free boundary problems
- Levesque, Claude - Fundamental systems of units for some families of number
fields of degree 12 over Q
- Li, Yi A. - Hamiltonian approximation of the Green-Naghdi (GN)
equations to the water wave problem
- Li, Yue-Xian - A theory of forced pattern formation in excitable media
- Liljedahl, Peter - What can mathematicians tell us about learning mathematics?
- Lim, Gerald - A numerical study of the mechanics of red blood cell shapes and
shape transformations
- Lippel, David - One-based theories and finite axiomatizability
- Liu, Shiping - The no loop conjecture for special biserial algebras
- Lutscher, Frithjof - A solution of the drift paradox
- Marker, Dave - Remarks on Zilber's pseudoexponentiation
- Marko, Frank - Properties of Schur superalgebras in positive characteristics
- Martsinkovsky, Alex - Stabilizing the Auslander-Reiten formula
- McGillivray, Gary - Near-Unanimity functions of reflexive graphs
- McGuinness, Sean - Sequential transversals in matroids
- McKenzie, Ralph - The interplay between structural insight and algorithmic
problems in general algebra
- McKinnon, David - Rational approximation and counting points
- McNulty, Jenny - Non-orientable matroids and characteristic sets
- Mingo, Jamie - Orthogonal Polynomials and non-crossing annular diagrams
- Mishna, Marni - Automatic combinatorial identities arising from symmetric
- Mitrea, Marius - Estimates on Sobolev and Besov scales for elliptic
PDE in non-smooth Riemannian manifolds
- Mockenhaupt, Gerd - On the Hardy Littlewood majorant property
- Moore, Gregory - Attacking the infinite, defending the infinite: Cantor's
strategy and tactics
- Mosca, Mike - Quantum computing and quantum cryptography
- Moura, Lucia - Primitive pentanomials and orthogonal arrays
- Murty, Ram - History of the Euclidean algorithm
- Murty, Ram - Modular forms and Dirichlet series
- Muscalu, Camil - On an inequality of Kato and Ponce in non-linear PDE
- Myrvold, Wendy - Hunting for torus obstructions
- Nathanson, Melvyn - Problems in additive number theory
- Neudauer, Nancy - Graph representations of a bicircular matroid
- Newelski, L. - Countable coverings of groups and graphs
- Newlands, Nathaniel K. - Multi-scale modeling of tuna population dynamics: search
behaviour drives schooling, aggregation and dispersal
- Ng, Nathan - Discrete moments of the Riemann zeta function
- Nica, Andu - On and around the q-circular element
- Nikolaev, Igor - Moduli of Riemann surfaces and classification of simple dimension
groups of rank 2n
- Oellermann, Ortrud - Contour vertices and convexity notions in graphs
- Offin, Dan - Lagrangian singularities and stabiltity of periodic orbits
- Ortega, Juan-Pablo - The geometry of Hamiltonian conservation laws
- Palsson, Eirikur - Chemotaxis, cell adhesion, and cell sorting using Dictyostelium as a
- Patrick, George - Interactions of relative equilibria of point vortices
- Pego, Bob - Dynamic scaling, Smoluchowski ripening and Burgers turbulence
- Pelinovski, Dmitry - Bifurcations and stability of BEC solitons in optical
- Perez-Chavela, Ernesto - Relative equilibria in the charged three body problem
- Pestov, Vladimir - Distortion property and the infinite unitary group
- Phillips, John - From spectral flow to the local index formula
- Phillips, N.C. - Crossed products of irrational rotation algebras by
actions of finite groups
- Pillay, Anand - Stable theories, examples, and applications
- Potapov, Alexei - Climate and competition: the effect of moving range boundaries
on habitat invasibility
- Pramanik, Malabika - Averaging and maximal operators for curves in R3
- Promislow, Keith - Bifurcation in elliptic-parabolic models of membrane hydration
- Quackenbush, Bob - The classical umbral calculus via universal algebra
- Rangipour, Bahram - Cyclic homology of Hopf algebras and duality in cyclic
- Reed, Bruce - An odd version of Hadwiger's conjecture
- Roberts, Mark - Relative periodic solutions of symmetric Lagrangian systems
- Roddy, Michael - Bruns' conjecture
- Rousseau, Christiane - Modulus of orbital analytic classification of a family
unfolding a generic saddle-node
- Roy, Damien - Simultaneous approximation and small value estimates
- Ruskey, Frank - Some recent results about Venn diagrams
- Sacks, Gerald - Bounding theorems
- Santoprete, Manuele - Qualitative properties of the anisotropic Manev problem
- Sawyer, Eric
- Scheel, Arnd - Absolute instabilities of standing pulses
- Schlomiuk, Dana - Recent results on global problems about planar polynomial
vector fields
- Schmah, Tanya - A slice theorem for cotangent-lifted symmetries
- Schmidmeirer, Markus - Birkhoff's problem and poset representations
- Seeger, Andreas - Maximal functions associated with Mikhlin-Hoermander multipliers
- Shalaby, Nabil - Skolem and Rosa-type sequences
- Sidoli, Nathan - Menelaus' Theorem in Ptolemy & Theon
- Skau, Christian - Free continuous actions of countable groups on the Cantor
- Slaman, Ted - Random sequences and recursive measures
- Sniatycki, Jedrzej - Poisson algebras in reduction of symmetries
- Soare, Robert - Automorphisms of the computably enumerable sets
- Spirn, Daniel - Dynamics and instability of vortex sheets with surface
- Stewart, Cam - On a family of pseudorandom sequences
- Stewart, Christine - Any valid method will be accepted...but should it be?
- Stinson, Doug - Introduction to cryptography
- Stoica, Cristina - Bifurcations from collinear relative equilibria for triatomic
- Sudan, Madhu - List decoding of error correcting codes
- Tasic, Boza - HSP ¹ SHPS for commutative rings with identity
- Tataru, Daniel - Lp bounds for the eigenfunctions of the Hermite operator
- Taylor, Keith - From projections to tight frames
- Taylor, Peter - Negotiation in evolutionary games of conflict
- Thomas, Simon - Asymptotic cones of finitely presented groups
- Topp, Brian G. - The pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes: a dynamical bifurcation?
- Tyson, Rebecca - Dispersal of the codling moth
- Uhlmann, Gunther - The Dirichlet-to-Neumann map and the boundary distance
- Vakil, Ravi - Schubert induction
- Valeriote, Matt - Definable principal congruences and solvability
- Van Brummelen, Glen - Taking latitude with Ptolemy: Al-Kashi's final solution to the
determination of the positions of the planets
- van den Driessche, Pauline - The spatial spread of a multi-species disease
- van Rees, John - (m,t)-splitting systems and set intersection systems
- Vanderbauwhede, Andre - Bananas and banana splits: degenerate subharmonic branching
in reversible systems
- Vougalter, Vitali - Spectra of positive and negative energies in the linearized
NLS problem
- Walsh, Gary - Ternary recurrence sequences and torsion points on Williams curves
- Walsh, Timothy - Generating gray codes in O(1) worst-case time per word
- Watmough, James - Spatial patterns of biological invasions
- Wehlau, David - Complete caps in PG(n,2)
- West, Julian - Perfect matchings for the Gale-Robinson sequence
- Williams, Hugh - Cryptography and number theory
- Williams, Hugh - Periodic continued fractions with short periods
- Wismath, Shelly - Inflations and generalized inflations
- Wormald, Nick - Tournaments with many Hamilton cycles
- Yu, Roger
- Zhou, Bing - List colouring the hypergraph of maximal cliques of
planar graphs
- Zuazua, Rita - Almost split sequences for complexes of fixed size