For Plenary Speakers and Prize Lectures,
please consult the main page.
For a list of those delivering Contributed Papers,
please consult the abstracts section.
By invitation of the Meeting Committee,
there will be symposia in the following areas.
Here is the preliminary list of speakers. If you are
interested in being an invited speaker in one of the symposia,
it may be possible to do so by contacting one of the organizers
of that symposium.
Org: Petr Lisonek (Simon Fraser) and Brett Stevens (Carleton)
Richard Anstee (UBC),
Francois Bergeron (UQAM),
Nantel Bergeron (York),
Iliya Bluskov (UNBC),
Jonathan Jedwab (Simon Fraser),
Mark Kayll (Montana),
Marni Mishna (UQAM),
Lucia Moura (Ottawa),
Frank Ruskey (Victoria),
Nabil Shalaby (Memorial),
John van Rees (Manitoba),
Timothy Walsh (UQAM),
David Wehlau (RMC and Queen's),
Julian West (Malaspina).
Dynamical Systems, Celestial Mechanics
Org: Florin Diacu (Victoria)
Larry Bates (Calgary),
Stefanella Boatto (Fields Institute),
Monica Cojocaru (Guelph),
Zuosheng Hu (Carleton),
Wu Jianhong (York),
Tomasz Kaczynski (Sherbrooke),
Bill Langford (Guelph),
Dan Offin (Queens),
Juan-Pablo Ortega (CNRS, Nice, France),
George Patrick (Saskatchewan),
Ernesto Perez-Chavela (UAM, Mexico City),
Mark Roberts (Surrey),
Christiane Rousseau (Montreal),
Manuele Santoprete (California-Irvine),
Dana Schlomiuk (Montreal),
Tanya Schmah (Warwick),
Jedrzej Sniatycki (Calgary),
Cristina Stoica (Surrey),
Andre Vanderbauwhede (Gent).
Graphs and Matroids
Org: Luis Goddyn (Simon Fraser) and Ladislav Stacho (Simon Fraser)
Kathie Cameron (Waterloo),
Dalibor Froncek (Minnesota),
Penny Haxell (Waterloo),
Peter Horak (Washington),
Jing Huang (Victoria),
Gary McGillivray (Victoria),
Sean McGuinness (Adelphi),
Jenny McNulty (Montana),
Wendy Myrvold (Victoria),
Nancy Neudauer (Pacific),
Ortrud Oellermann (Winnipeg),
Bruce Reed (McGill),
Nick Wormald (Waterloo),
Roger Yu (Cariboo),
Bing Zhou (Trent).
Harmonic Analysis
Org: Izabella Laba (UBC) and Alex Iosevich (Missouri-Columbia)
Michael Christ (California-Berkeley),
Walter Craig (McMaster),
Galia Dafni (Concordia),
Andrea Fraser (Dalhousie),
Sinan Gunturk (NYU),
Steve Hofmann (Missouri-Columbia),
Elliot Krop (Washington),
Michael Lacey (Georgia Tech),
Marius Mitrea (Missouri-Columbia),
Gerd Mockenhaupt (Georgia Tech),
Camil Muscalu (UCLA),
Melvyn Nathanson (CUNY),
Malabika Pramanik (Wisconsin-Madison),
Eric Sawyer (McMaster),
Andreas Seeger (Wisconsin-Madison),
Daniel Tataru (California-Berkeley),
Gunther Uhlmann (Washington).
History of Mathematics
Org: Len Berggren (Simon Fraser)
Tom Archibald (Acadia),
Lawrence D'Antonio (Ramapo College of New Jersey),
Hardy Grant (York),
Alexander Jones (Toronto),
Israel Kleiner (York),
Gregory Moore (McMaster),
Ram Murty (Queen's),
Nathan Sidoli (Toronto),
Glen Van Brummelen (Bennington College).
Mathematical Biology
Org: Leah Keshet (UBC)
Fred Brauer (UBC),
Daniel Coombs (UBC),
Gerda de Vries (Alberta),
Roderick Edwards (Victoria),
Maren Friesen (UBC),
Daniel Grunbaum (Washington),
Yue-Xian Li (UBC),
Gerald Lim (SImon Fraser),
Frithjof Lutscher (Alberta),
Nathaniel K. Newlands (UBC),
Eirikur Palsson (Simon Fraser),
Alexei Potapov (Alberta),
Peter Taylor (Queen's),
Brian G. Topp (Simon Fraser),
Rebecca Tyson (Okanagan University College),
Pauline van den Driessche (Victoria),
James Watmough (New Brunswick).
Mathematical Education
Org: Malgorzata Dubiel (Simon Fraser)
Brent Davis (Alberta),
Peter Liljedahl (SFU),
Christine Stewart (Douglas College).
In addition to the speakers listed above, there will be a Panel Discussion entitled School Mathematics Curriculum: Is
there any hope left for "Less is More"?. Panelists will be
Brent Davis (Alberta), Tom O'Shea (SFU), Peter Taylor (Queen's), and Walter Whiteley (York), with chairs Malgorzata Dubiel and Peter Liljedahl (SFU).
Model Theory and Recursion Theory
Org: Robert Woodrow (Calgary), Bradd Hart (Fields Institute), and John Baldwin (Illinois-Chicago)
This Symposium is organized in honour of Alistair Lachlan on the
occasion of his 65th birthday and to recognise his many contributions
to Model Theory and Recursion Theory.
John Baldwin (Illinois-Chicago),
Gregory Cherlin (Rutgers),
Paul Eklof (California-Irvine),
Yuri Gurevich (Microsoft Research),
Carl Jockusch (Illinois-Urbana-Champagne),
Julia Knight (Notre Dame),
Richard Ladner (Washington),
Chris Laskowski (Maryland),
David Lippel (McMaster),
Dave Marker (Illinois-Chicago),
L. Newelski (Instytut Matematyczny),
Gerald Sacks (Harvard),
Ted Slaman (California),
Robert Soare (Chicago),
Simon Thomas (Rutgers).
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
Org: Rustum Choksi (Simon Fraser) and Keith Promislow (Simon Fraser)
Georg Dolzmann (Maryland),
Stephen Gustafson (UBC),
Robert Jerrard (Toronto),
Nathan Kutz (Washington),
Giovanni Leoni (Carnegie Mellon),
Yi A. Li (Steven's Institute of Technology),
Bob Pego (Maryland),
Dmitry Pelinovski (McMaster),
Keith Promislow (Michigan State),
Arnd Scheel (Minnesota),
Daniel Spirn (Brown),
Vitali Vougalter (McMaster).
Number Theory
Org: Michael Bennett (UBC), Peter Borwein (Simon Fraser), David Boyd (UBC), Imin Chen (Simon Fraser), and Stephen Choi (Simon Fraser)
Amir Akbary (Lethbridge),
Chantal David (Concordia),
Karl Dilcher (Dalhousie),
John Friedlander (Toronto),
Hershy Kisilevsky (Concordia),
Claude Levesque (Laval),
David McKinnon (Waterloo),
Ram Murty (Queen's),
Nathan Ng (Montreal),
Damien Roy (Ottawa),
Cam Stewart (Waterloo),
Gary Walsh (Ottawa),
Hugh Williams (Calgary).
Operator Algebras
Org: Marcelo Laca (Victoria) and Ian Putnam (Victoria)
This session is dedicated to the memory of Mahmood Khoshkam.
Martin Argerami (Regina),
Berndt Brenken (Calgary),
Julian Buck (Prince George),
Michael Burns (Victoria),
Ken Davidson (Waterloo),
Andrew Dean (Lakehead),
George Elliott (Toronto),
Juliana Erlijman (Regina),
Remus Floricel (Ottawa),
Thierry Giordano (Ottawa),
David Kerr (Rome),
Dan Kucerovsky (New Brunswick),
Michael Lamoureux (Calgary),
Jamie Mingo (Queen's),
Andu Nica (Waterloo),
Igor Nikolaev (Calgary),
Vladimir Pestov (Ottawa),
John Phillips (Victoria),
N.C. Phillips (Oregon),
Bahram Rangipour (Victoria),
Christian Skau (Trondheim),
Keith Taylor (Saskatchewan).
Quantum Cohomology and Mirror Symmetry
Org: Kai Behrend (UBC)
Ionut Ciocan-Fontanine (Minnesota),
Alastair Craw (Stony Brook),
Chuck Doran (Washington),
Barbara Fantechi (SISSA),
Holger Kley (Colorado),
Sándor Kovács (Washington),
Ravi Vakil (Stanford).
Representations of Associative Algebras and Related Topics
Org: Vlastimil Dlab (Carleton) and Shiping Liu (Sherbrooke)
Yuri Bahturin (Memorial),
Raymundo Bautista (UNAM, Morelia),
Frauke Bleher (Iowa),
Thomas Bruestle (Bielefeld),
Ragnar Buchweitz (Toronto),
Xueqing Chen (Ottawa),
Christof Geiss (UNAM),
Ed Green (Virginia Polytech),
Ellen Kirkman (Wake Forest),
Shiping Liu (Sherbrooke),
Frank Marko (Pennsylvancia State-Hazelton),
Alex Martsinkovsky (Northeastern),
Markus Schmidmeirer (Florida),
Rita Zuazua (UNAM, Morelia).
Universal Algebra and Lattice Theory
Org: Jennifer Hyndman (UNBC)
Erin Beveridge (Northern British Columbia),
David Casperson (Northern British Columbia),
Dejan Delic (Ryerson),
Dwight Duffus (Emory),
Jie Fang (Univ of Los Andes),
George Gratzer (Manitoba),
Benoit Larose (Concordia),
Ralph McKenzie (Vanderbilt),
Bob Quackenbush (Manitoba),
Michael Roddy (Brandon),
Boza Tasic (Waterloo),
Matt Valeriote (McMaster),
Shelly Wismath (Lethbridge).