Plenary Speakers / Conférenciers principaux
- TOM ARCHIBALD, Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia
France, Germany, and the making of modern mathematics
The transformation of mathematical research practice over the course of
the nineteenth century culminated in an international mathematics
research community which was incipiently modern. We use the term
"modern" here in much the same way it would be used by historians of
art or literature, for example in the sense that mathematics became
less focussed on the representation of a supposed natural world and
concentrated more on problems generated within mathematics itself.
Much more mathematical research came to have a decidedly abstract
character, and philosophical, even metaphysical, issues came to be of
central importance to many important practitioners. Corresponding to
this shift, mathematics came to be centred in the universities, and the
production of pure mathematical research was professionalized both via
its professorial context and through other means, such as the rise of
national and international mathematical associations. In these and
other developments, the French and German mathematical communities were
the leaders, though each of these communities had its own internal
In this paper I discuss how the interaction between the two national
groups played a central role in establishing the leading lines of
development for mathematics internationally by around 1900. In so
doing, I will look at the transition from an older, pre-modern form of
mathematical endeavour, exemplified by such figures as C. G. J. Jacobi
and Charles Hermite, to the more abstract and structurally oriented
work of the early twentieth century. In particular, I will outline the
leading role of Hermite as interpreter of, and enthusiast for, German
mathematical work (in particular that of Weierstrass and Kronecker).
The resulting stresses between modern tendencies and more classical
mathematical approaches did a great deal to establish a hierarchy of
values for mathematical research, and we shall also look briefly at how
these developments played a role in setting the agenda for the
twentieth century.
- DEBORAH BALL AND HYMAN BASS, University of Michigan
The role of definitions in teaching and learning
Mathematicians agree that precise use of terms is a cornerstone of
mathematical practice, and yet helping students develop such
sensibility and skill is not always successful. How can a need for
definitions be developed, and how might definitions emerge? Our
presentation will span examples from primary school through university
level, examining the nature, role, and development of mathematical
definitions in learning and teaching mathematics.
- ROBERT CALDERBANK, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08540, USA
Quantum computers and cellular phones
We explore the connection between quantum error correction and wireless
systems that employ multiple antennas at the base station and the
mobile terminal. These subjects share a common mathematical foundation,
which is the combinatorics of binary quadratic forms, that is to say
orthogonal geometry. We shall describe how the wireless industry is
making use of a mathematical framework developed by Radon and Hurwitz
about a hundred years ago.
- ANDREW GRANVILLE, Université de Montréal
Uncertainty principles in arithmetic
Try to pick a set A containing roughly half the integers up to
(large) x, so that the integers in the set are "as well-distributed
as possible"; by this I mean that the number of elements of A which
are b(mod q) should be as close to x/2q as possible, for all b
and q. In 1964 Roth proved the astounding result that one cannot do
this particularly well, in that there will always exist an arithmetic
progression b (mod q), with q < x(1/2), which contains either
(x/100q)(1/2) more elements of A than expected, or
(x/100q)(1/2) less elements of A than expected.
Recently Soundararajan and the speaker found some substantially
stronger results about subsets of the primes, arising out of an
uncertainty principle for a certain operator. In this talk we will
describe some of the new results, try to show the relevance for
questions in arithmetic and combinatorics, and discuss the relevant
"uncertainty principles".
- ANAND PILLAY, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Mathematics,
Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA
Stable theories, examples, and applications
This talk is in honour of Alistair Lachlan. Alistair had a deep
influence on classification theory (in model theory) in its various
aspects; classifying first order theories, classifying models of first
order theories, and describing the category of definable sets in a
given structure or model. I plan to describe some of the conceptual
apparatus of this theory, and point out how it is meaningful, useful,
and suggestive, in a couple of specific examples, the category of
compact complex spaces, and the category of "algebraic
- MADHU SUDAN, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, USA
List decoding of error correcting codes
The task of dealing with errors (or correcting them) lies at the very
heart of communication and computation. The mathematical foundations
for this task were laid in two concurrent and interdependent works by
Shannon and Hamming in the late 1940s. The two theories are strikingly
powerful and distinct in their modelling of the error. Shannon's theory
models errors as effected by a probabilistic/stochastic process, while
Hamming envisions them as being introduced by an adversary. While the
two theories share a lot in the underlying tools, the quantitative
results are sharply diverging. Shannon's theory shows that a channel
that corrupt (arbitrarily) close to 50% of the transmitted bits can
still be used for transmission of information. Hamming's theory in
contrast has often been interpreted to suggest it can handle at most
25% error on a binary channel.
So what can we do if an adversary is given the power to introduce more
than 25% errors? Can we protect information against this, or do we
just have to give up? The notion of list-decoding addresses precisely
this question, and shows that under a relaxed notion of "decoding" (or
recovering from errors), the quantitative gaps between the Shannon and
Hamming theories can be bridged. In this talk, we will describe this
notion and some recent algorithmic developments.