Representations of Associative Algebras and Related Topics / Représentations d'algèbres associatives et sujets connexes Org: Vlastimil Dlab (Carleton) and/et Shiping Liu (Sherbrooke)
- YURI BAHTURIN, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Memorial University
of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland A1C 5S7
Gradings on finite-dimensional algebras
In this talk we are going to discuss various aspects of gradings on
finite-dimensional algebras and their representations. Among topics
covered are the description of gradings by finite groups on simple
finite-dimensional algebras, the structure of not necessarily simple
finite-dimansional algebras, graded modules over graded algebras, the
connection between the properties of the identity component of the
grading and those of the whole of algebra. The talk will be based on
joint results with V. Drensky, S. Montgomery, S. Sehgal and
M. Zaicev.
- RAYMUNDO BAUTISTA, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Instituto de Matematicas
Unidad Morelia, Morelia, Mich. Mexico
The category of morphisms between projective modules
Let A be an artin algebra over a local commutative artinian ring
k. We consider the category p(A) whose objects are morphisms
f: P® Q with P and Q finitely generated left
A-modules. We introduce an exact structure on p(A). We prove a
relation between the Hom-functor and the Ext-functor of the exact
structure. From here we can prove the existence of almost split
sequences in p(A) and its relation with the almost split sequences
for finitely generated A-modules.
- FRAUKE BLEHER, University of Iowa, USA
Actions of finite groups on homogeneous coordinate rings
Let k be a field of positive characteristic p, let G be a finite
group and let P be a Sylow p-subgroup of G. Suppose X is a
non-singular projective variety over k with a faithful linear action
of G. We discuss the question of whether X has an embedding into
projective N-space PN for some N such that the
corresponding coordinate ring S(X) of X can be written as a
direct sum of indecomposable kG-modules which lie in finitely many
kG-isomorphism classes. This was shown to be the case by Symonds and
Karagueuzian in case k is finite and X=PN (embedding into
itself). We show that this is also true if either (i) X is a
projective curve, or (ii) X is a projective surface,
H1(X,OX)=0 = H2(X,OX) and XP ¹ Æ.
- THOMAS BRUESTLE, Sherbrooke University
Elliptic Lie algebras and tubular algebras
It is well-known that the positive part g+ of a
Kac-Moody algebra g is isomorphic to Ringel's composition
algebra c(Q), defined by a quiver Q with the same root
system as g. Using vertex operator algebras, one can
construct a Lie algebra g(L) for every generalized root
lattice L. If L is elliptic and simply laced, Saito and Yoshii
gave a description of the Lie algebras g(L) by generators
and relations. Our aim is to compare in some cases g(L)
with the composition algebra c(A) of certain tubular
algebra A=kQ/I. Here the quiver Q encodes the Serre relations of
g(L) and the ideal I of the path algebra kQ encodes
the additional relations described by Saito and Yoshii. These
additional relations (which Saito and Yoshii consider to be strange,
since they involve more than two simples) are very natural from the
point of view of finite-dimensional algebras.
- RAGNAR BUCHWEITZ, Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, 100 St. George
Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G3
The derived Eckmann-Hilton argument and commutativity
of Hochschild cohomology
Surely, one of the deepest results in homological algebra is
Gerstenhaber's theorem that Hochschild cohomology of any associative
algebra is commutative with respect to the Yoneda product.
It has been observed by several authors recently that for flat algebras
the result follows very elegantly from the Eckmann-Hilton argument
originally used to prove commutativity of higher homotopy groups.
Here, we investigate the scope of this method and show that various
incarnations of Hochschild cohomology, such as selfextensions of the
identity functor on the category of endofunctors, are amenable to the
same treatment.
We prove further that flatness can be replaced by the weaker hypothesis
that the algebra K® A satisfies Tor+K(A,A) = 0.
- XUEQING CHEN, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5
Root vectors and integral PBW basis of the composition
algebra of the Kronecker algebra
According to the canonical isomorphism between the positive part
U+q(g) of the Drinfeld-Jimbo quantum group
U q (g) and the generic composition algebra
C (D) of L, where the Kac-Moody Lie algebra
g and the finite dimensional hereditary algebra L
have the same diagram, in specially, we get a realization of quantum
root vectors of the generic composition algebra of the Kronecker
algebra by using the Ringel-Hall approach. The commutation relations
among all root vectors are given and an integral PBW-basis of this
algebra is also obtained.
- CHRISTOF GEISS, Instituto de Matematicas, UNAM, Ciudad Universitaria, 04510 Mexico
D.F., Mexico
Semicanonical bases and preprojective algebras
This is a report on joint work with J. Schröer and B. Leclerc.
Let g be a simple Lie algebra of type A,
D, E and n a maximal nilpotent
subalgebra of g. Moreover, let N be a maximal unipotent
subgroup of a simple Lie group with Lie algebra g.
Finally, let P denote the corresponding preprojective algebra.
Lusztig's semicanonical basis B of U(n) is parametrized
by irreducible components of the corresponding preprojective varieties
mod (P,d). The dual B* is a basis of C[N].
We can show:
$\bullet$ For two elements of B* holds
bC·bD Î B* if for the corresponding
components holds extP1(C,D)=0.
$\bullet$ The dual canonical basis Bq* of
Uq(n) specializes for q=1 to B if and only if P
is representation finite.
This explains the multiplicative properties of the dual canonical basis
observed previously in the cases A2,3,4. On the other
hand it gives us a good control over the dual semicanonical basis in
the cases A5 and D4, i.e. when P is
tame, since we have in this case a precise combinatorial description of
the irreducible components of mod(P,d) in terms of
indecomposable components.
- ED GREEN, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia 24060, USA
Ext-algebras of Koszul-like algebras
In this talk I describe some joint work with Eduardo N. Marcos of
University of São Paulo, Brazil. We give a definition of a
Koszul-like algebra in terms of graded projective resolutions and
finite generation of the Ext-algebra. This class includes Koszul
algebras and D-Koszul algebras (introduced by R. Berger and studied
by Green-Marcos-Martínez-Zhang). For such algebras, we find
necessary and sufficient condition on the degrees of generators of the
projective modules in the resolution for the Ext-algebra to be finitely
generated. We investigate the finite generation of a restricted class
of bigraded algebras.
Another consequence of our work is studying certain subalgebras of
Ext-algebras. In particular, we prove the following proposition. Let
A be a Koszul algebra and E(A) be its Ext-algebra åk ³ 0ExtAk(A/J,A/J) where J is the graded Jacobson radical of
A. Then for n ³ 1, the subalgebra sumk ³ 0ExtAnk(A/J,A/J) is always a Koszul algebra.
- ELLEN KIRKMAN, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27109,
Fixed subrings of Noetherian graded regular rings
Let A be a graded algebra having the Auslander-Gorenstein property,
and let G be a group of graded automorphisms of A. P. Jørgensen
and J. Zhang and N. Jing and J. Zhang have given conditions when the
fixed subring AG also satisfies the Auslander-Gorenstein property;
these conditions involve the "homological determinant" of the
automorphisms in G. We study groups of graded automomorphisms of
down-up algebras and generalized Weyl algebras, and compute the
homological determinants of these automorphisms. We use these results
to produce examples of fixed subrings having the Auslander-Gorenstein
- SHIPING LIU, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec J1K 2R1
The no loop conjecture for special biserial algebras
(Joint work with Jean-Philippe Morin)
Let A be a finite dimensional algebra over a field given by a quiver
with relations. Let S be a simple A-module with a non-split
self-extension, that is, the quiver has a loop at the corresponding
vertex. The strong no loop conjecture claims that S is of
infinite projective dimension. First we show that ExtiA(S,S), for
all i ³ 1, does not vanish if the self-extension is almost split.
As a by-product of the proof, we get a new characterization of Nakayama
algebras, strengthening the one given by Auslander-Reiten-Smalø.
Further, using a result of Green-Solberg-Zacharia, we deduce that
ExtiA(S,S) does not vanish for all i ³ 1 if no power of the
loop is a component of a polynomial relation. Finally, we show that
ExtiA(S,S) does not vanish for all i ³ 1 if the convex support
of S is a special biserial algebra.
- FRANK MARKO, Pennsylvania State University, Hazleton, Pennsylvania 18202,
Properties of Schur superalgebras in positive characteristics
(Joint work with Alexandr Zubkov)
Classical Schur algebras are known to be quasi-hereditary and cellular
and the Schur superalgebras in "large" characteristics are
semisimple. In case of "small" characteristics we determine that the
Schur superalgebras are no longer quasi-hereditary or cellular. In
case when the characteristic divides the degree r we determine all
Schur superalgebras S(m|n,r) of finite representation type.
- ALEX MARTSINKOVSKY, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Stabilizing the Auslander-Reiten formula
As was shown by R. Martinez Villa and A. Martsinkovsky, noncommutative
Serre duality for generalized Artin-Schelter regular algebras can be
deduced from the Auslander-Reiten formula for quasi-Frobenius (QF)
algebras. This is based on a functorial isomorphism, provided by
Koszul duality, between cohomology of tails and stable cohomology and
on the interpretation of the the Auslander-Reiten formula for QF
algebras as a duality in stable cohomology. This result opens a
possibility for establishing Serre-type duality formulas for much more
general classes of algebras. Their Koszul duals would not be QF and,
therefore, the original Auslander-Reiten formula would have to be
replaced by a hypothetical formula expressing a duality in stable
cohomology. We establish such a formula by subjecting the
Auslander-Reiten formula to the process of stabilization, which will be
explained in the lecture. This is joint work with Idun Reiten.
- MARKUS SCHMIDMEIRER, Florida Atlantic University, USA
Birkhoff's problem and poset representations
Let L be an artin algebra. We denote by S(L) the
category of pairs (A,B) where A is a finitely generated
L-module and B is a submodule of A; a map f:(A,B)®(A¢,B¢) is just a L-linear map f: B® B¢ such that
f(A) Ì A¢. The case of L = Z/(pn) with p a
prime number and n a positive integer has attracted a lot of interest
since the categories S(Z/(pn)) describe the
possible embeddings of a subgroup in a finite abelian pn-bounded
group. The category S(Z/(pn)) has finitely many
indecomposables for n £ 5, is tame for n=6 and wild for n ³ 7.
For L a commutative local uniserial ring of Loewy length n,
and (A,B) an object in S(L), the radical and socle series of
A and B give rise to a filtration of B; the subsequent factors
form the vector spaces for a subspace representation of a poset. In
case n=6, this poset is tame of tubular type E8; from its
indecomposable representations we can reconstruct parts of the category
This is a report about joint work with Claus Michael Ringel.
- RITA ZUAZUA, Instituto de Matematicas, UNAM, Morelia
Almost split sequences for complexes of fixed size
Let A be the category of projective L modules for
L an Artin algebra. In this talk we show the existence of
almost split sequence in the category of projective finite complexes