Short-course on Cryptography / Mini-cours : " Cryptologie "
- NEAL KOBLITZ, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA
Introduction to elliptic curve cryptography
I will introduce the basic ideas of Elliptic Curve Cryptography, describe its
advantages over competing systems, and discuss both cryptosystems constructed
by analogy with systems based on the multiplicative group of a finite field
and also cryptosystems based on the particular properties of elliptic curves.
- MIKE MOSCA, Department of Combinatorics and Optimization, University of Waterloo,
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
Quantum computing and quantum cryptography
Information is stored in a physical medium and manipulated by physical
processes, so any meaningful theory of information processing
(including communication and computation) must refer, at least
implicitly, to a realistic physical theory.
Early in the last century, physicists discovered that a new framework
was necessary in order to explain basic physical phenomena. This
framework is called quantum mechanics. Quantum computation and quantum
cryptography are the natural consequences of considering computation
and cryptography in this quantum mechanical framework.
Quantum computers seek to exploit the quantum mechanical properties of
the bits that comprise them in order to solve problems with a
computational complexity much lower than that of the best known
classical computer algorithms.
The consequences of quantum theory for cryptography cannot be ignored.
E.g. computationally secure cryptography requires that no
reasonable algorithmic process could solve a specific computational
problem in a feasible amount of time. If quantum theory enables an
adversary to solve such problems efficiently, then we can no longer
rely on these assumptions.
Quantum theory also offers new primitives for cryptography, such as
intrinsic eavesdropper detection which leads to "unconditionally
secure" quantum key establishment.
In this lecture, I will describe the basics of quantum information,
and summarize the impact on computation and cryptography.
- DOUG STINSON, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
Introduction to cryptography
In this talk, I will give a brief overview of the objectives of
cryptography and the tools that are used to achieve these objectives.
A short history of the development of modern cryptography will be
presented. The evolution of the notion of "security" will be
discussed. Some recent trends in cryptography will be mentioned, as
well as some possible future directions. This is a relatively
non-technical talk.
- HUGH WILLIAMS, University of Calgary
Cryptography and number theory
In the last 25 years, computational number theory and cryptography have
become closely intertwined. For example, the security of almost all
commercially available public-key cryptosystems is based on the
presumed difficulty of some mathematical problems such as the integer
factorization problem in computational number theory. Number theory
provides most of the hard computational problems used to provide the
security of cryptographic schemes
In this talk I will describe several techniques, which owe their origin
to the application of number theory to cryptography, that have been
successfully applied to classical problems arising in computational
number theory. In particular, I will discuss the integer factoring
problem, the discrete logarithm problem, and the primality testing