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- Assem, Ibrahim - Cluster Automorphisms
- Baird, Thomas - Representation varieties of non-orientable surface groups
- Bal, Guillaume - Inverse Transport Problems and Photoacoustics
- Barnich, Glenn - Asymptotically flat spacetimes revisited: aspects of the BMS/CFT correspondence
- Baum, Paul - Fine structure in the K-theory of reductive p-adic groups
- Bazdell, Gary - Projection-Product and Asymptotic Constructions of Mixed Level Covering Arrays
- Beattie, Margaret - Some results for dual quasi-Hopf algebras
- Beattie, Margaret - Cocycle twists of bialgebras in a Yetter-Drinfel'd category
- Behrend, Juliane - Covariant Averaging in a Class of Metric-Affine Theories of Gravity
- Berget, Andrew - On the rank partition of a matroid
- Berman, Leah - Highly Incident Configurations
- Bezdek, Karoly - From illuminating ball-polyhedra to minimizing the volume of spherical sets of constant width
- Bezdek, Karoly - On a generalization of the Blaschke-Lebesgue theorem
- Binding, Paul - Some Sturm-Liouville type results for the p-Laplacian
- Bisztriczky, Ted - Separation in neighbourly convex 4-polytopes
- Bleher, Frauke - Parameters for dihedral blocks with two simple modules
- Bonato, Anthony - Fighting intelligent fires
- Booth, Ivan - Black brane entropy and hydrodynamics
- Boyer, Steve - Involutions on 3-manifolds and exceptional Dehn filling
- Branker, Maritza - Exposing Society's Reliance on Mathematics: A crucial task
- Brannlund, Johan - Covariant tensor averaging
- Brauer, Fred - A simple epidemic model with behavioral changes
- Brav, Chris
- Breda, Ana - Deformations of Spherical Isometric Foldings
- Breda, Antonio - Stretching chirality to the extreme
- Bremner, David - Finding extreme rays via the fundamental domain
- Brewster, Richard - Lexicographic Products and High Reconstruction Numbers
- Brown, Jason - A Hard Day's Math: The Connections Between Mathematics and Music
- Bruen, Aiden A. - Elliptic curves in cryptography and geometry
- Bruen, Trevor - A characterization of certain (0,1) matrices
- Brüstle, Thomas - Cluster Categories from Surfaces
- Budney, Ryan - Splicing of knots
- Bunge, Marta - A characterization of frames as suplattices without the use of the tensor product
- Burchard, Almut - On computing the instability index of certain non-selfadjoint operators
- Burr, Michael - Dynamic Maintenance of Half-Space Depth and Contours
- Bustamante, Juan Carlos - Special biserial algebras with no outer derivations
- Campbell, H E A Eddy - Mathematics in Today's University
- Cao, Jiguo - Estimating Differential Equations from Real Data
- Charette, Virginie - Proper affine deformations of surface groups
- Chen, Dan - Absolute Approximation of Tukey Depth: Theory and Experiments
- Chugunova, Marina - On stability of waves in liquid films on vibrating substrates
- Clarke, Nancy - Injective Oriented Colourings
- Colak, Pinar - Two-sided Ideals in Leavitt Path Algebras
- Cruttwell, Geoff - Generalized multicategories
- D'Adderio, Michele - Entropy in algebras
- Dawson, Robert - Some Chebyshev Sets in Hyperspaces
- de Vries, Gerda - Mathematics for multiple-scale modelling and emergent behaviour: case studies from biology
- Derksen, Harm - Approximate Categories for the Graph Isomorphism Problem
- Deza, Antoine - More colourful simplices
- Dubiel, Malgorzata - SFU Experiments with LON-CAPA Homework Submission Systems
- Dufresne, Emilie - Additive group actions in positive characteristic
- Dukes, Peter - Arrangement Codes
- Dupont, Grégoire - Geometric bases in cluster algebras
- Edoukou, Frederic - The functional codes from non-degenerate Hermitian variety
- Egger, Jeff - A non-"evil" definition of dagger compact closed category?
- Elliott, George - An abstract characterization of the index of a Fredholm operator
- Elmer, Jonathan - On the depth of separating algebras of finite groups
- Fan, Guihong - Oscillations in delay differential equation models for vector-borne diseases
- Fathizadeh, Farzad - The Gauss-Bonnet theorem for the noncommutative torus II
- Finbow, Art
- Finbow-Singh, Wendy - Isostatic Almost Spherical Frameworks via Disc Decomposition
- Flint, Ortho - Graph Isomorphism Testing
- Freudenberg, Gene - Locally nilpotent derivations of rings with roots adjoined
- Freyd, Peter
- Galvao-Sousa, Bernardo - Thin Film Limits for Ginzburg-Landau with Strong Applied Magnetic Fields
- Goodearl, Ken - Zariski topology in quantized coordinate rings
- Gorokhovsky, Alexander - Local index theorem for projective families
- Goulden, Ian - Maps, Branched Covers and the KP Hierarchy
- Green, Ed - When are selfinjective algebras Koszul?
- Green, Ed - 2−d Koszul algebras
- Greenleaf, Allan - Linearized seismic inversion in the presence of caustics
- Greer, Meredith L. - Can cyanobacterial blooms in nutrient-poor lakes accelerate eutrophication? Perspectives from modeling
- Grosshans, Frank - The resolvent sextic of McClintock
- Gumel, Abba - Mathematical Analysis of a Model for Quarantine/Isolation
- Guo, Hongbin - Global dynamics of a stage-structured differential infectivity model for HIV infection
- Gustafson, Stephen - Singularities and asymptotics for some geometric nonlinear Schroedinger equations
- Haber, Eldad - A computational method for the Monge Kantorovich Problem
- Hajac, Piotr M. - A new type of cocyclic modules
- Hao, Yufang - Spectra of Self-Adjoint Extensions of a Symmetric Operator with Deficiency Indices (1,1) and Application in Sampling Theory
- Hartnell, Bert - Girth and the Greedy Algorithm
- Hasan, Anwar - Resisting Fault Analysis Attacks on ECC via Repeated and Parallel Computations
- Hassanzadeh, Mohammad - Cup products in Hopf cyclic cohomology
- Haxell, Penny - On covering triangles by edges
- He, Daihai - Plug-and-play inference for disease dynamics: measles in large and small populations as a case study
- Heffernan, Jane - The influence of a backward bifurcation in a model describing HBV or HCV infection in-host
- Helminck, Loek
- Hofstra, Pieter - Actions of semigroups and groupoids
- Hohlweg, Christophe - Geometry of generalized associahedra
- Hossain, Golam - Scalar field theory and polymer quantization
- Hua, William - More bounds on the diameters of convex polytopes
- Huisgen-Zimmermann, Birge - Strongly tilting truncated path algebras
- Hyndman, Discussion, Facilitator: Jennifer
- Hyndman, Jennifer - The Accidental Teacher
- Ibrahim, Slim - Strichartz type estimates and application to a 2D energy critical NLW in a bounded domain
- Igusa, Kiyoshi - Spaced-out m-clusters
- Igusa, Kiyoshi - Hatcher handles and the rigidity conjecture
- Iron, David - A threshold area of organic to conventional agriculture ratio causes recurrent pathogen outbreak
- Jaberi-Douraki, Majid - Dynamics of a honeybee model on regulation of work distribution
- Jacobson, Michael - Security Estimates for Quadratic Field Based Cryptosystems
- Jao, David - Evaluating isogenies on elliptic curves in subexponential time
- Jin, Yu - Seasonal Influences on Spatial Population Dynamics
- Jones, Trevor - Heat Kernel for Open Manifolds
- Kadish, Harlan - Polynomial Bounds for Invariant Functions Separating Orbits
- Karabash, Illia - Extension of Molchanov's oscillation criterion to nonlinear ODE of p-Laplacian type
- Karoubi, Max - Bott periodicity for discrete orthogonal groups
- Kemper, Gregor - Invariants of a Vector and a Covector
- Kenney, Toby - Categories as Monoids in Span, Rel, and Sup
- Kim, Edward - An update on the Hirsch Conjecture
- Kirkman, Ellen - Invariants of AS-Regular Algebras: Complete Intersections
- Kirkpatrick, Kay - Bose-Einstein condensation: from many quantum particles to a quantum "super-particle" and beyond
- Kirr, Eduard - Stability and bifurcations of large bound states in nonlinear Schroedinger equation
- Kleiner, Mark - Homological methods in the representation theory of partially ordered sets
- Kocay, William - A Rational Coordinatization of the Georges Configuration
- Kohls, Martin - On degree bounds for separating invariants
- Koo, Eva - Asymptotic stability of small solitary waves for nonlinear Schrödinger equations with electromagnetic potential in R3
- Kraehmer, Ulrich - On the NCG of the Podles sphere (again)
- Kreienbuehl, Andreas - Ultraviolet Behavior in Background Independent Quantum Field Theory
- Kunduri, Hari - An infinite class of extremal horizons in higher dimensions
- Kunstatter, Gabor - Quantum Corrected Spherical Collapse: A Phenomenological Framework
- Lamoureux, Michael - Gabor multipliers in imaging
- Le Meur, Patrick - Crossed-products of Calabi-Yau algebras by finite groups
- Lean, Mark Mac - Science One: University of British Columbia's Interdisciplinary First-Year Science Program
- Li, Jing - Can we spend our way out of the AIDS epidemic? A world halting AIDS model
- Li, Michael - Co-existence of Multiple Stable Periodic Solutions in in-host Viral Models with Delayed Immune Response
- Liko, Tomas - A unified treatment of asymptotically flat and anti-de Sitter spacetimes
- Linton, Fred - Meditations on Arens Multiplication
- Lisonek, Petr - Bent functions on finite fields
- Lou, Yijun - A reaction-diffusion malaria model with incubation period in the vector population
- Lu, Qiuping - Compactly supported solutions of a class of semilinear elliptic equations
- Luoto, Kurt - Quasisymmetric and noncommutative Schur functions
- Lyubich, Mikhail - Renormalization Ideas in Real and Complex Dynamics
- Madran, Ugur - On separating invariants over prime fields
- Makkai, Michael - Weakly closed structures on higher-dimensional categories
- Malherbe, Octavio - A categorical model of higher-order quantum computation
- Man-Duen, Choi - Magic in non-commutative computation
- Mann, Robert - Lifshitz Black Holes
- Marko, Frantisek - Algebra of supersymmetric polynomials and invariants of general linear supergroup
- Maszczyk, Tomasz - Noncommutative algebraic sets
- McCurdy, Micah - String and Stripes: Graphical Notation for Functors between Tensor Categories
- McDonald, Jessica - Extremal multigraphs for edge-colouring
- Meagher, Conor - Structural Properties of the Directed Cut Polytope
- Mendivil, Franklin - Random Iteration of Functions
- Messinger, Margaret-Ellen - Greedily cleaning edges: the robot vacuum
- Mihalcea, Leonardo - Double Schubert polynomials for classical groups
- Milson, Robert - The type N Karlhede bound is sharp
- Mingarelli, Angelo
- Mityagin, Boris - Convergence of spectral decompositions of Hill operators with trigonometric polynomial potentials
- Mixer, Mark - Transitivity of Graphs Associated with Highly Symmetric Polytopes
- Monson, Barry - The Tomotope
- Morris, Joy - The Cayley Isomorphism Problem
- Mosca, Michele - Quantum Key Agreement in a Classical World
- Moscovici, Henri - Hopf algebras and transverse characteristic classes
- Moskow, Shari - Convergence of the inverse Born series for the Calderon problem
- Munson, Brian - Derivatives of the identity and link maps
- Musiker, Gregg - Linear Systems on Tropical Curves
- Nanayakkara, Basil - Brauer pairs and terminal resolutions
- Nevins, Monica - NTRU over the Eisenstein Integers
- Niefield, Susan - The Glueing Construction and Double Categories
- Nyman, Adam - Non-commutative quadrics are ruled
- Ola, Petri - Impedance tomography with an imperfectly known boundary
- Olsen, John - Three Dimensional Manifolds All of Whose Geodesics Are Closed
- Owen, Megan - Averages in the space of phylogenetic trees
- Panario, Daniel - Self-Inverse Permutation Functions over Finite Fields and Interleavers for Turbo Codes
- Paquette, Charles - Auslander-Reiten theory for the representations over an infinite quiver
- Paré, Bob - Mealy morphisms of enriched categories
- Parlier, Hugo - Curves on surfaces with large topology
- Pataki, Gabor - Basis Reduction, and the Complexity of Branch-and-Bound
- Pelinovsky, Dmitry - Excited states in the Thomas-Fermi limit
- Pettet, Alexandra - Out(F) and its relatives
- Pike, David - Hamilton Cycles in 1-Block-Intersection Graphs
- Pourkia, Arash - A super version of the Connes-Moscovici Hopf algebra, H1
- Pronk, Dorette - Adjoining Adjoints to a Free Category on a Graph
- Rapke, Tina - Learning, Creating and Teaching Mathematics: Complimentary Processes
- Reading, Nathan - Coarsening polyhedral complexes
- Redmond, Brian - Polarized strong categories for lower complexity
- Reiten, Idun - Categorification of quiver mutation
- Reynolds, Patrick - Criteria for certain systems of PDEs to be Hamiltonian
- Rhea, Karen - Introductory Courses at a Large Research University
- Rideout, David - Oriented Matroids as Combinatorial Structures Underlying Loop Quantum Gravity
- Rosebrugh, Robert - Algebras and view updates
- Ross, Elissa - The Rigidity of Graphs on a Flexible Torus
- Saint-Aubin, Yvan - The Temperley-Lieb algebra, indecomposable representations and statistical physics
- Sakovich, Anton - Internal modes of discrete solitons near the anti-continuum limit of the dNLS equation
- Salo, Mikko - The Calderón problem on Riemannian manifolds
- Saltman, David - Embedding Division Algebras
- Sanaei, Asiyeh - Existential Closure of Block Intersection Graphs of Infinite Designs
- Sarvepalli, Pradeep - Quantum Secret Sharing, Matroids and Stabilizer Codes
- Scheidler, Renate - Efficient Divisor Reduction on Hyperelliptic Curves
- Schiffler, Ralf - Cluster algebras from surfaces
- Schleich, Kristen - Trapped Surfaces and Seiberg-Witten invariants
- Schleich, Kristin - Topological censorship and beyond: black holes and singularities from topological structures
- Schost, Eric - Some applications of multivariate modular composition
- Schulte, Egon - Parasite Constructions for Chiral Polytopes
- Scott, Phil - Recent Results in Partially Traced Tensor Categories
- Seahra, Sanjeev - Implications of polymer quanization in cosmology
- Seamone, Ben - Spanning Trees of Complete Cayley Graphs
- Seely, Robert - Faà di Bruno Categories
- Seo, Justine Gunog - The effect of temporal variability on persistence conditions in rivers
- Serrano, Luis - Cyclic sieving for longest reduced words in the hyperoctahedral group
- Sezer, Mufit - Explicit separating invariants for cyclic p-groups
- Shank, R. James - Rings of Invariants and Varieties of Representations
- Sharigyn, Georgy - Hopf-cyclic cohomology and pairings: examples
- Shoushtari, Reza G. - Hopf-Galois coextension and SAYD modules
- Shulman, Michael - Extraordinary multicategories
- Sica, Francesco - An Analytic Approach to Subexponential Factoring
- Simpson, Gideon - Spectral Analysis of Matrix Hamiltonian Operators
- Simpson, Gideon - Applications of Sinc Spectral Methods to Solitary Waves
- Sitarz, Andrzej - The spectral geometry of the Hopf fibration
- Smith?, Robert - When zombies attack! Mathematical modelling of an outbreak of zombie infection
- Soltan, Piotr - Homogeneous Spaces for Non-regular Quantum Groups
- Souvaine, Diane - Computational Geometry and Statistical Depth Functions
- Stephens, Benjamin
- Stevens, Brett - Codes, Capacities and Covering Arrays
- Strohm, Shaun - Dispersal of Mountain Pine Beetle and Impacts of Management
- Sun, Chengjun - The effect of extra infection during travel on disease transmission
- Sutlu, Serkan - Connes-Moscovici Hopf Algebras Associated To Lie Algebras
- Talaska, Kelli - Matrix factorization and path enumeration
- Tamasan, Alex - Local reconstruction of electrical conductivity from incomplete interior data
- Taylor, Ami Mamolo, Peter - An engineering calculus teaching project: unexpected outcomes
- Teismann, Holger - Local controllability of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a time-varying box
- Ting, Fridolin - Dynamic stability of multi-vortex solutions to Ginzburg-Landau equations with external potential
- Tingley, Daryl - UNB's Experiences with Online Homework
- Tingley, Peter - Universal Verma modules and the Misra-Miwa Fock space
- Todorov, Gordana - Generalized cluster categories and c-sortable words
- Todorov, Gordana - Functor categories, module categories and words in Coxeter groups
- Toth, Csaba - Containment queries for colorful simplices
- Trepode, Sonia - Cluster tilted algebras with cyclically oriented quiver
- Truhachev, Dmitri - A Connection between Rateless Coding and Multiple Stream Information Transmission
- Tyler, Helene - A Comparison of Orderings for Preprojective Modules
- Tzou, Leo - Inverse Problems for the Schödinger Operator on Riemann Surfaces
- Uehara, Hokuto - Tilting generators via ample line bundles
- Uhlmann, Gunther - Cloaking, Transformation Optics and Inverse Problems
- Ulfarsson, Henning - Equivalence relations on permutations and pattern avoidance
- Virág, Bálint - Random eigenvalues
- Volkmer, Hans W. - The eigenvalue at infinity of a Sturm-Liouville problem
- Vougalter, Vitali - On the solvability conditions for the diffusion equation with convection terms
- Wagner, David - The lattice of integer flows of a regular matroid
- Wan, Hui - The backward bifurcation in compartmental models for West Nile virus
- Wang, Lin - Threshold Dynamics in Disease Models with Latency and Relapse
- Warren, Michael - Strict intervals in monoidal categories
- Watmough, James - A model for the regulation of foraging in honey bee colonies
- Watson, Liam - L-spaces and left orderability
- Wehlau, David - Modular Invariant Theory of the Cyclic Group via Classical Invariant Theory
- Wei, Ruizhong - Some Combinatorial Methods for Wireless Sensor Network Scheduling
- Weibel, Christophe - Maximal f-vectors of Minkowski sums of large numbers of polytopes
- Weiss, Asia - Uniform maps on surfaces of non-negative Euler characteristic
- Whiteley, Walter - Transfer of infinitesimal and finite rigidity among metrics
- Williams, Gordon - Minimal Regular Covers of the Archimedean Tilings
- Willms, Brad - Doomsday, Friday November 13, 2026; Is it Really Coming?
- Witt, Don - Soap Bubbles and 2+1-Gravity
- Wolkowicz, Gail - Affect of Delay on the Dynamics of the Classical versus the Chemostat Predator-Prey Model
- Wolkowicz, Henry - Sensor Network Localization, Euclidean Distance Matrix Completions, and Graph Realization
- Wood, Richard - Tensor Products of Sup Lattices
- Woolgar, Eric - Ricci flow of the RP3 geon, and beyond
- Wu, Jianhong - Impact of Environmental Changes on Migration Strategies and its Consequence for Spatial Dynamics of Northern Pintails
- Xie, Zhizhang - Relative Index Paring and Odd Index Theorem for Even Dimensional Manifolds
- Yang, Xiande - On Morphic Trivial Extension of a Commutative Domain
- Zielinski, Bartosz - Finite closed coverings of compact quantum spaces