List of Participants
Total number of participants: 531
The following list includes participants who have registered
as of January 5, 2023.
(17 participants have chosen to not appear on this list.)
(University of Toronto)
Davoud Abdi (University of Calgary)
Stéphanie Abo (University of Waterloo)
Ben Adcock (Simon Fraser University)
King-Yeung Lam (Adrian) (The Ohio State University)
Ala' Alalabi (University of Waterloo)
Tim Alderson (University of New Brunswick SJ)
Maryam Alhawaj (University of Toronto)
Brady Ali Medina (University of Waterloo)
Courtney Allen (University of Guelph)
Shaun Allison (University of Toronto)
Javier Almonacid (Simon Fraser University)
Andersen Ang (C&O, University of Waterloo)
Julien Arino (University of Manitoba)
Sofia Arturo (The Erindale Academy)
Jananan Arulseelan (McMaster University)
M. Ali Asadi-Vasfi (University of Toronto)
Yeganeh Bahoo (Toronto Metropolitan University)
Robert Bailey (Grenfell Campus, Memorial University)
Tom Baird (Memorial University)
Nicolas Banks (University of Waterloo)
Dan Barake (McMaster University)
Edward Barbeau (University of Toronto)
Line Baribeau (Université Laval)
Emily Barnard (DePaul University)
Dror Bar-Natan (University of Toronto)
Maryam Basiri (University of Ottawa)
Isabel Beach (University of Toronto)
Jacques Bélair (Université de Montréal)
Jason Bell (University of Waterloo)
Andrew Beltaos (University of Waterloo)
Nathan Benedetto Proença (University of Waterloo)
François Bergeron (UQAM)
Nantel Bergeron (York University)
Aaron Berk (McGill University)
Quentin Bertrand (Mila et Université de Montréal)
Kieran Bhaskara (McMaster University)
Vijay Bhattiprolu (University of Waterloo)
Xiaoning Bian (Dalhousie University)
Ilia Binder (University of Toronto)
Marie B.Langlois (Cornell University)
Cindy Blois (Toronto)
Hans U. Boden (McMaster University)
Oleg Bogoyavlenskij (Queen's University)
Anthony Bonato (Ryerson)
Eric Boulter (University of Waterloo)
Blaise Bourdin (McMaster University)
Ludovick Bouthat (Université Laval)
Steve Boyer (UQAM)
Keegan Boyle (UBC)
Emily Braley (Johns Hopkins University)
Jason Bramburger (Concordia University)
Phillip Braun (Western)
Elena Braverman (University of Calgary)
Denis Brazke (University of Heidelberg)
Jane Breen (Ontario Tech University)
Lia Bronsard (McMaster University)
Mireille Broucke (University of Toronto)
Carmen Bruni (University of Waterloo)
Micah Brush (University of Alberta)
Thomas Brüstle (Bishop's and Sherbrooke)
Andie Burazin (UTM)
Almut Burchard (University of Toronto)
Andrea Burgess (University of New Brunswick Saint John)
Steve Butler (Iowa State University)
Samantha-Jo Caetano (University of Toronto)
Daniel Calderon Wilches (University of Toronto)
Francis Calingo (York University)
Sue Ann Campbell (University of Waterloo)
Alberto Cavallo (UQAM)
Michael Cavers (University of Toronto Scarborough)
Jérémy Champagne (University of Waterloo)
Ada Chan (York University)
Kelvin Chan (York University)
Benoit Charbonneau
James Charbonneau (University of British Columbia)
Nicolas Chavarria Gomez (University of Notre Dame)
Cindy Chen (University of Saskatchewan)
Tianyu Cheng
Jie Chen (McMaster University)
Meixi Chen (University of Waterloo)
Michael Chen (York University)
Qiuting Chen (University of Waterloo)
Xuemiao Chen (University of Waterloo)
Yuming Chen (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Joseph Cheriyan (University of Waterloo)
Amenda Chow (York University)
Chu Chu (York University)
Gustavo Cicchini Santos
Carrie Clark (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Alexander Clow (Simon Fraser University)
Monica Cojocaru (University of Guelph)
Matt Coles (University of British Colubmia)
Andrew Colinet (McMaster University)
Pingping Cong (Western University)
Adrian Cook (McMaster University)
Leonardo Coregliano (Institute for Advanced Study)
César Ismael Corral Rojas (York University)
Matheus Duzi Ferreira Costa (York University)
Jason Crann (Carleton University)
Eric Culf (University of Ottawa)
Mike Cummings (McMaster University)
Galia Dafni (Concordia University)
Katherine Daignault (University of Toronto)
Charles Daly (Brown University)
Will Dana (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
Sanjeena Dang (Carleton University)
Peter Danziger (TMU)
Keegan Dasilva Barbosa (Fields Institute)
Sourabhashis Das (University of Waterloo)
Reza Dastbasteh (Simon Fraser University)
Kenneth Davidson (U.Waterloo & U.Ottawa)
Troy Day (Queen's University)
Andrew Dean (Lakehead University)
Jamie de Jong (University of Toronto, Mississauga)
Michel Delfour (Université de Montréal)
Jintao Deng (University of Waterloo)
Qin Deng (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Dequêne (UQAM)
Megan Dewar (Tutte Institute for Mathematics and Computing)
Jairo Diaz-Rodriguez (York)
Oscar Dominguez (Oscar Dominguez)
Sebastian Dominguez Rivera (Siemens)
Michael Doob (University of Manitoba)
Nicolas Doyon (Laval University)
Stevan Dubljevic
Eduardo Dueñez (University of Texas at San Antonio)
Michel Duprez (INRIA)
Anirban Dutta (Queen's University)
Dylan (Queen's University)
Christopher Eagle (University of Victoria)
Hermann J Eberl (University of Guelph)
George Elliott (University of Toronto)
Jess Enright (Jess Enright)
Osvaldo Espin-Garcia (Western University)
Shaun Fallat (University of Regina)
Jerin Tasnim Farin (Queen's University)
Kilian Fatras (Mila, McGill University)
Katharine Faulkner (University of British Columbia)
Jordan Fazio (University of Toronto)
David Feder (University of Calgary)
Stephen Finbow (St Francis Xavier University)
Samuel Fischer (Osnabrück University)
Remus Floricel (University of Regina)
Joshua Flynn (CRM-ISM, McGill University)
Annika Fuernsinn (Queen's University)
Frank Fu (Dalhousie University)
Xuanlong Fu (Fields Institute)
Yomgne Diebou Gael (The Fields Institute for research in Mathematical Sciences)
Lucas Gagnon (York University)
Ludovick Gagnon (Inria)
Len Gallagher (retired teacher)
Fletcher Gates (McMaster University)
Mehrdad Ghadiri (Georgia Tech)
Tyrone Ghaswala (University of Waterloo)
Ryan Gibara (University of Cincinnati)
Manuela Girotti (Saint Mary's University)
Valeria Giunta (University of Sheffield)
Chris Godsil (U. Waterloo)
Isaac Goldbring (University of Notre Dame)
Edgar Goodaire (Memorial University)
Andrew Grace (University of Waterloo)
Nathan Grieve (RMC)
Nicolas Grisouard (University of Toronto)
Jesse Gronsbell (University of Toronto)
Celeste Groux (McGill University)
Roberto Guglielmi (University of Waterloo)
Diane Guignard (University of Ottawa)
Mehul Gupta (University of Toronto)
Maryam Haghighi
Clovis Hamel (University of Toronto)
Frederic Hamelin (U. Rennes, France)
Bin Han (University of Alberta)
Changho Han (University of Waterloo)
Kevin Hare (University of Waterloo)
Peter Harrington (University of British Columbia)
Robert Harris (University of Waterloo)
Amanda Harsy (Lewis University)
Robert Haslhofer (University of Toronto)
Hamed Hatami (McGill University)
Chris Heggerud (University of California, Davis)
Thomas Hillen (University of Alberta)
Ehsaan Hossain (University of Toronto)
Ali Hosseinzadehkavaki (York University)
Dan Huang (Western University)
Keping Huang (Michigan State University)
Jukka-Pekka Humaloja (University of Alberta)
Jacques Hurtubise (McGill University)
Kennedy Idu (University of Toronto)
Colin Ingalls (Carleton University)
Patrick Ingram (York University)
Alex Iosevich (University of Rochester)
Jose Iovino (The University of Texas at San Antonio)
Tetsuya Ishiu (Miami University)
Cristian Ivanescu (MacEwan University)
Sumun Iyer (Cornell University)
Cam Jakub (University of Guelph)
Hanna Jankowski (York University)
Muhammad Tariq Javed (Toronto Metropolitan University)
Lisa Jeffrey (University of Toronto Scarborough)
Robert Leon Jerrard (University of Toronto)
Yingyan Jia (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Leo Jimenez (University of Waterloo)
Yu Jin (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Nathaniel Johnston (Mount Allison University)
Caleb Jones (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
Caroline Junkins (McMaster University)
Borys Kadets (University of Georgia)
Adilbek Kairzhan (University of Toronto)
Spiro Karigiannis (University of Waterloo)
Homayun Karimi (McMaster University)
Lord Kavi (University of Ottawa)
Mark Kempton (Brigham Young University)
Laurence Ketchemen Tchouaga (University of Ottawa)
Nicholas Kevlahan (McMaster University)
Lobna Khadraoui (Ottawa University)
Illya Kierkosz (McMaster University)
Hyungseop Kim (University of Toronto)
Paula Kimmerling (Washington State University)
Sooyeong Kim (York University)
Damir Kinzebulatov (Université Laval)
Keegan Kirk (Rice University)
Stephen Kirkland (University of Manitoba)
Feodor Kogan (University of Toronto)
Theodore Kolokolnikov (Dalhousie University)
Alexander Kolpakov (Neuchâtel)
Jude Kong (York University)
Termeh Kousha (Canadian Mathematical Society)
Michael Kozdron (University of Regina)
David Kribs (University of Guelph)
Arundhathi Krishnan (University of Waterloo)
Lilia Krivodonova (University of Waterloo)
Larissa Kroell (University of Waterloo)
Alex Kroitor (University of Waterloo)
Debanjana Kundu (UBC Vancouver)
Roy H. Kwon (University of Toronto)
Marcelo Laca (University of Victoria)
Alice Lacaze-Masmonteil (University of Ottawa)
Rongjie Lai (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Yongzeng Lai (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Matilde Lalin (Université de Montréal)
Nguyen Lam (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
Therese Landry (Therese Landry)
Kunquan Lan (Toronto Metropolitan University)
Sabrina Lato (University of Waterloo)
Sabrina Lato (University of Waterloo)
Jennifer Lawson (University of Calgary)
Anthony Lazzeroni (Hong Kong Baptist University)
Claude LeBrun
Euiwoong Lee (University of Michigan)
Fok-Shuen Leung (University of British Columbia)
Sun Kai Leung (Université de Montréal)
Jeremy Levick
Maxwell Levit (University of Waterloo)
Greg Lewis (Ontario Tech)
Mark Lewis (University of Victoria)
Ao Li (York University)
Bingtuan Li (University of Louisville)
Michael Li (University of Alberta)
Gabor Lippner (Northeastern University)
Shi Li
Pierre Lissy (Université Paris-Dauphine)
Ankai Liu (York's University)
Jun Liu (University of Waterloo)
Rongsong Liu (University of Wyoming)
Shiping Liu (Université de Sherbrooke)
Xinzhi Liu (University of Waterloo)
Wanlin Li (Washington University in St. Louis)
Zhenzhen Li (Western University)
Marina Garrote López (University of British Columbia)
Baptiste Louf (Universite de Montreal)
Jonathan Love (McGill University / CRM)
Miroslav Lovric (McMaster)
Jose-Pablo Lucero-Lorca (University of Colorado at Boulder)
Milivoje Lukic (Rice University)
Allysa Lumley (York University)
Martin Lysy (University of Waterloo)
Sullivan MacDonald (McMaster University)
Kodjo Raphael Madou (Université Laval)
Neal Madras (York University)
Laila Mahrat (Lewis University)
Rehan Malik (Toronto Metropolitan University)
Alessandro Malusà (University of Toronto)
Trent Marbach (Toronto Metropolitan University)
Odile Marcotte (CRM / UQAM)
John Marcoux (Toronto Metropolitan University)
Javad Mashreghi (Laval University)
Masoud (Western)
Tonatiuh Matos Wiederhold (University of Toronto)
Maxence Mayrand (Université de Sherbrooke)
Giusy Mazzone (Queen's University)
Robert McCann (University of Toronto)
Conor McCoid (Université Laval)
Duncan McCoy (UQAM)
Dylan McGinley (McMaster)
David McKinnon (University of Waterloo)
Jessie Meanwell (McMaster University)
Ming Mei (Champlain College St-Lambert)
Eric Mendelsohn (University of Toronto & Toronto Metropolitan University)
Rafael Mendes de Oliveira (University of Waterloo)
John Mighton (Jump Math)
James Mingo (Queen's)
Shirin Moein (Mount Allison University)
Negar Mohammadnejad (University of Manitoba)
Seyed Ahmad Mojallal (University of Regina)
Michael Molnar (Toronto Metropolitan University)
Hermie Monterde (University of Manitoba)
Sebastian Moraga Scheuermann (Simon Fraser University)
Ruxandra Moraru (University of Waterloo)
Miguel Moreno (University of Vienna)
Adam Morgan (University of Toronto)
Frédéric Morneau-Guérin (TÉLUQ)
Anton Mosunov (University of Waterloo)
Walaa Moursi (University of Waterloo)
Kaveh Mousavand (Queen's University)
Ivan Moyano (Universite de Nice)
Ana Mucalica (McMaster University)
Todd Mullen (University of Prince Edward Island)
Daniel Munoz (Queen's University)
Mathav Murugan (The University of British Columbia)
Christopher Musco (New York University)
Siva Nair (Universite de Montreal)
Patrick Naylor (Princeton University)
Monica Nevins (University of Ottawa)
Tan Nguyen (University of California, Los Angeles)
Nilima Nigam (Simon Fraser University)
Jd Nir (Toronto Metropolitan University)
Zhuang Niu (University of Wyoming)
Mahsa N. Shirazi (University of Manitoba)
David Oakden (Retired)
Alexandre Odesski (BROCK)
Kelly Ogden (Western University)
Mateusz Olechnowicz (University of Toronto)
Jason Olsthoorn (Queen's University)
Gavin Orok (University of Waterloo)
Marcu-Antone Orsoni (University of Toronto)
Chunhua Ou (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
Dolapo Oyetunbi (University of Ottawa)
Cintia Pacchiano (University of Calgary)
José Palacios (University of Toronto)
Charles Paquette (Royal Military College of Canada)
Pierre Parisé (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
Doug Park (University of Waterloo)
GaYee Park (UQAM)
Min Seong Park (University of Toronto)
Fabian Parsch (University of Toronto)
Kanstantsin Pashkovich (University of Waterloo)
David Pike (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
Brittany Pittman (Toronto Metropolitan University)
Puttipong Pongtanapaisan (University of Saskatchewan)
Stephanie Portet (University of Manitoba)
Francis Poulin (University of Waterloo)
Deepanshu Prasad (Queen's University)
Chris Prashad (York University)
Bartosz Protas (McMaster University)
Kevin Purbhoo (University of Waterloo)
Fabio Pusateri (University of Toronto)
Brent Pym (McGill University)
Weiwei Qi (University of Alberta)
Jeremy Quastel (University of Toronto)
Vanessa Radzimski (University of the Fraser Valley)
Thomas Ransford (Université Laval)
Robert Robere (McGill University)
Scott Rodney (Cape Breton University)
Vinicius Rodrigues (York University)
Erica Rosenblum (University of Manitoba)
Ethan Ross (University of Toronto)
Dan Roy (University of Toronto)
Michael Roysdon (ICERM, Brown University and CRM, Concordia University)
Subham Roy (Université de Montréal)
Shigui Ruan (University of Miami)
Xingchi Ruan (University of Waterloo)
Kaleb Ruscitti (McGill University)
Arthur Ryman (Toronto Metropolitan University)
Katarina Sacka (McMaster University)
Esha Saha (University of Waterloo)
Yvan Saint-Aubin (Université de Montréal)
Ivan Salgado (University of Toronto)
Yurij Salmaniw (University of Alberta)
Luciano Enrique Salvetti Martinez (University of Toronto)
Zhanna Sametova (York University)
Dayanna Sanchez (Lewis University)
Darryen Sands (Ontario Tech University)
Alyssa Sankey (University of New Brunswick)
Alejandro Santacruz Hidalgo (Western University)
Pam Sargent (York)
Eric Sawyer (McMaster University)
Carlo Maria Scandolo (University of Calgary)
Carlo Scarpa (CIRGET)
Tanya Schmah (University of Ottawa)
Camila Sehnem (University of Waterloo)
Hristo Sendov (The University of Western Ontario)
Charles Senécal (Université de Montréal)
Khrystyna Serhiyenko (University of Kentucky)
Salma Shaheen (University of Waterloo)
Chunhua Shan (The University of Toledo)
Owen Sharpe (University of Waterloo)
Dolph Shaw (Edmonton Public Schools)
Chifeng Shen
Xi Sisi Shen (Columbia University)
Zhongwei Shen (University of Alberta)
Alexey Shevyakov (University of Saskatchewan)
Jia Shi (MIT)
Junping Shi (William & Mary)
Yujia Shi (Northeastern University)
Yakov Shlapentokh-Rothman (University of Toronto)
Peter Shor (MIT)
Lindsey Shorser (University of Toronto)
Jason Siefken (University of Toronto)
Israel Michael Sigal (University of Toronto)
Gordon Sinnamon (Western University)
Paul Skoufranis (York University)
Diana Skrzydlo (University of Waterloo)
Chrystal Smith (York University)
Gregory Smith (Queen's University)
Michael Smith (Lewis University)
Xhano Soares (UWI/UTECH)
Mariia Sobchuk (University of Waterloo)
Farhad Soltani (York University)
Patricia Sorya (Université du Québec à Montréal)
David Speyer (University of Michigan)
Melissa Stadt (University of Waterloo)
Gigliola Staffilani (MIT)
Dominik Stantejsky (McMaster University)
Marek Stastna (University of Waterloo)
Matthew Stoffregen (Michigan State University)
Sabrina H Streipert (University of Pittsburgh)
Jaye Sudweeks (University of British Columbia)
Catherine Sulem (University of Toronto)
Cara Sulyok (Lewis University)
Evan Sundbo (University of Toronto)
Evan Sundbo (University of Toronto)
Ruiran Sun (McGill University)
Wanting Sun (University of Waterloo)
Paul Szeptycki (York University)
Mandana Tabrizi (York University)
Aysa Tajeri E (York University)
Franklin Tall (University of Toronto)
Yun-chi Tang (University of TOronto)
Peter Taylor (Queen's University)
Adi Tcaciuc (MacEwan)
Étienne Tétreault (Université du Québec à Montréal)
Thomas Theurer (University of Calgary)
Hugh Thomas (UQAM)
Sergey Tikhonov (ICREA)
Aaron Tikuisis (University of Ottawa)
Gordana Todorov (Northeastern University)
Yash Totani (University of Waterloo)
Giang Tran (University of Waterloo)
H. Murat Tuncali (Nipissing University)
Kam Chuen (Alex) Tung (University of Waterloo)
Graeme Turner (University of Waterloo)
Chelsea Uggenti (University of Waterloo)
Ignacio Uriarte-Tuero (University of Toronto)
Jeremy Usatine (Brown University)
Hamid Usefi (Memorial University)
Reihaneh Vafadar (Université Laval)
Christopher van Bommel (University of Manitoba)
Olga Vasilyeva (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Grenfell Campus)
Yevgeniy Vasilyev (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Grenfell Campus)
Yvon Verberne (University of Toronto)
William Verreault (Université Laval)
Luc Vinet (IVADO/CRM)
Maria Grazia Viola (Lakehead University)
Prateek Kumar Vishwakarma (University of Regina)
Silas Vriend (McMaster University)
Michael Waite (University of Waterloo)
Nancy Wallace (York University)
Fei Wang (University of Waterloo)
Hao Wang (University of Alberta)
Weiqi Wang (Concordia University)
Xiaoying Wang (Trent University)
Zhichao Wang (The University of British Columbia)
Alex Wasser (Queen's University)
James Watmough (University of New Brunswick)
Kevin Watmough (University of Toronto)
Suzanne Weekes (SIAM)
David Wehlau (RMC and Queen's)
Nicholas Williams (Lancaster University)
Alexander Wilson (Dartmouth College)
James Wilson (University of Vermont)
Dan Wolczuk (University of Waterloo)
Thomas Wolf (Brock University)
Gail Wolkowicz (McMaster University)
Prof. Henry Wolkowicz (University of Waterloo)
C.-M. Michael Wong (Louisiana State University)
Robert Woodrow
Jianhong Wu (York University)
Mohan Wu (University of Waterloo)
Jie Xiao (Memorial University)
Weichen Xie (Clarkson University)
Shuwen Xue (Northern Illinois University)
Wei Xu (Toronto Metropolitan University)
Milen Yakimov (Northeastern University)
Dilian Yang (University of Windsor)
Haizhao Yang (University of Maryland College Park)
Deping Ye (Memorial University)
Pei Yu (Western University)
Mike Zabrocki (York University)
Daniel Zackon (McGill University)
Asif Zaman (University of Toronto)
Kexue Zhang (Queen's University)
Xiaohong Zhang (Université de Montréal)
Hanmeng (Harmony) Zhan (SFU)
Xiaoqiang Zhao (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
Yibin Zhao (University of Toronto)
Yiqiang Zhao (Carleton Univ)
Yuming Zhao (University of Waterloo)
Xiao Zhong (University of Waterloo)
Huaiping Zhu (York University)
Eugene Zivkov (Toronto Metropolitan University)
Nina Zorboska (University of Manitoba)
Alexandre Zotine (Queen's University)
Xingfu Zou (University of Western Ontario)