


Résumés - par conférenciers Les résumés sont publiés sur le site Web à titre informatif seulement
et ne doivent pas être considérés comme des publications. La
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- Alobaidi, Ghada - Using Monte Carlo methods to evaluate sub-optimal exercise
policies for American options
- Anco, Stephen - Well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for a
novel generalization of Yang-Mills equations
- Archibald, Tom - Hermite and Jacobi
- Asanuma, T. - On generic A1-fibrations
- Astels, Stephen - Cantor sets and continued fractions
- Balan, Raluca - A Markov property for set-indexed processes
- Barbeau, Ed - Teaching mathematics-a matter of acculturation
- Bell, Howard E. - Almost-commutativity in rings
- Bennett, Michael - Applications of the hypergeometric method to
polynomial-exponential equations
- Bergeron, Francois - Diagonally harmonic polynomials
- Borwein, Jon - Multi-variable sinc integrals and volumes of polyhedra
- Bos, Len - Fekete type points for radial basis interpolation
- Boyd, David - Mahler's measure and the dilogarithm
- Boyer, Steven - Orderings of 3-manifold groups
- Brenken, Berndt - Representations of graph C*-algebras and endomorphisms
of type I algebras with discrete center
- Brillinger, David
- Broer, A. - Normality of nilpotent varieties
- Calabrese, Peter - Microsatellite models
- Carette, Jacque - The relationship between ``function'' and ``expression''
- Cojocaru, Alina Carmen - On the cyclicity of the reduction modulo p of an elliptic curve
over Q without complex multiplication
- Corless, Rob - Derivatives
- Cutkosky, S. D. - Monomialization of morphisms
- Daigle, Daniel - Affine rulings of weighted projective planes
and actions of (C,+) on C3
- Davidson, Ken - Primitive limit algebras and C*-envelopes
- Dawson, Don - Some aspects of the infinitely many Alleles model
- Dehornoy, Patrick - Gaussian groups are torsion-free
- Dehornoy, Patrick - From set theory to braids via self-distributive algebra
- Detemple, Jerome - To be announced
- Dubeau, Francois - On impulsive ordinary and delay differential equations
- Dufresne, Daniel - Pricing Asian options
- Durrett, Richard - Mathematical models of biodiversity
- Elliott, George - On the classification of non-simple C*-algebras
- Erlijman, Juliana - N-sided braid type subfactors
- Farenick, Douglas R. - An algebraic analogue of the Fukamiya-Kaplansky Lemma
- Felsenstein, Joe - Constructing a robotic evolutionary geneticist
- Feng, Zhaosheng - The existence of the algebraic curve solution for second
order polynomial autonomous systems in the complex domain
- Fraser, Craig - Adolph Mayer's proof of the multiplier rule in the calculus of
- Freudenburg, G. - A non-linearizable S3-action on C4
- Friedlander, John - Class group L-functions
- Geisbrect, Mark - Fast algorithms for integer matrices
- Geramita, Anthony - Higher secant varieties of Segre varieties
- Gonzalez-Meneses, Juan - Ordering pure braid groups on closed surfaces
- Goren, Eyal - Hilbert modular varieties over ramified primes
- Grabiner, Judith - MacLaurin and Newton
- Grant, Hardy - The parallel postulate revisited
- Gui, Changfeng - On some mathematical problems related to phase transition
- Haussmann, Ulrich - Optimal portfolio selection based on observed prices
- Howe, Roger - Challenges in teacher preparation and development
- Howe, Roger - Chinese excellence in mathematics teaching: can we match it in
North America
- Hundertmark, Dirk - An optimal Lp bound on the Krein spectral shift function
- Illner, Reinhard - Existence and use of kinetic equilibria in traffic dynamics,
diffusive granular flow and rarefied gases
- Iosevich, Alex - To be announced
- Ivanoff, Gail - Random censoring in set-indexed survival analysis
- Jones, Alexander - Ptolemy's numerical fudgings
- Kaczynski, Tomasz - Recursive coboundary formula for cycles in acyclic chain
- Kaliman, S. - Families of affine planes: the existence of a cylinder
- Khoury, Joseph - On a conjecture of Nowicki
- Klemes, Ivo - Finite Toeplitz matrices and sharp Littlewood conjectures
- Kribs, David - Completely positive maps in dilation and wavelet
- Krone, Steve - When can one detect overdominant selection in the infinite
alleles model?
- Kucerovsky, Dan - Ideal-related extensions
- Kuhlmann, F-V. - On local uniformization in arbitrary characteristic
- Laba, Izabella - Gowers's proof of Szemerédi's theorem, and applications to
harmonic analysis
- Lewis, Adrian - Optimizing the stability of a matrix
- Lin, Huaxin - Classification of simple amanable C*-algebras
- Linnell, Peter - Left ordered and locally indicable groups
- Ma, Liping - To be announced
- Madras, Neal - A model of segregation
- Mallier, Roland - Laplace transforms and American call options
- March, Peter - To be announced
- Marcoux, Laurent - Linear combinations of projections in certain C*-algebras
- Masuda, K. - Algebraic G-vector bundles over G-representations
- McKinnon, David - Vojta's conjectures and rational points
- Mingo, James - q-circular and z-circular elements of a C*-algebra
- Miyanishi, M. - Equivariant classification of open algebraic surfaces
- Moore, Greg - The early development of Cantor's continuum problem:
Hausdorff and Sierpinski
- Murty, Kumar - Discrete logs on Elliptic curves and rank one liftings
- Murty, Ram - The work of Brahmagupta and Jayadeva
- Murty, Ram - The Euclidean algorithm
- Neel, Kanwal - Numeracy initiatives in British Columbia
- Nica, Alexandru - R-cyclic families of matrices in free probability
- Nicol, Cynthia - Mathematics by inquiry: a certificate programme for
mathematics teachers
- Novocelskii, Sergei - Math anxiety in prospective teachers
- Ono, Ken - q-series identities and values of L-function
- Perry, Peter - Zeta functions and determinants on hyperbolic manifolds of
infinite volume
- Phillips, John - Spectral Flow and the Dixmier trace
- Phillips, N. Christopher - C*-algebras of minimal diffeomorphisms
- Pitney, Doug - Web-based mathematics instruction: two Australian models
- Pliska, Stanley - Risk sensitive asset management
- Pollack, Daniel - Gluing and wormholes for the Einstein constraint equations
- Pritsker, Igor - Bounds for the integer Chebyshev constant
- Pyke, Randall - Characterization of bound states for nonlinear wave and
Schrodinger equations
- Quastel, Jeremy - Internal DLA
- Ransford, Tomas - Countability via capacity
- Reichstein, Z. - Birational geometry of algebraic group actions
- Rhemtulla, Akbar - Which classes of right orderable groups are locally indicable?
- Roberts, Paul - Intersection theory and commutative algebra
- Roberts, Paul - Intersection multiplicities of modules of finite projective
- Rolfsen, Dale - Group orderings respecting automorphisms, with applications
- Roy, Damien - Results and methods of transcendental number theory
- Runde, Volker - Quasi-central, bounded approximate identities for group algebras
- Ruoff, Dieter - Hyperbolic parallelograms-properties and applications
- Russell, Peter - Birational endomorphisms of C2 and rational surfaces of the
form ruled surface\ample section
- Sarnak, Peter - Hilbert's Eleventh Problem
- Sathaye, A. - Planes over a two dimensional base
- Savitt, David - Modularity of some potentially Barsotti-Tate Galois
- Schmuland, Byron - To be announced
- Siebeneicher, Christian - Euler's ``Art of Reckoning''
- Skau, Christian - Toeplitz flows and Choquet simplices-using Bratteli diagrams
and dimension groups to establish a connection
- Skinner, Christopher - Denominators of some Eisenstein classes for GL(3)
- Smith, Hart - Fundamental solutions for low regularity wave equations
- Stewart, Cameron - On intervals with few prime numbers
- Sulem, Catherine - The water-wave problem and its long-wave and modulational
- Taksar, Michael - Optimal financing of a corporation subject to random returns
- Taylor, Keith - A connection between projections in the L1-algebra of a
locally compact group and wavelets
- Thompson, Tony - Geometric means of ellipsoids
- Uhlmann, Gunther - Determining riemannian manifolds from the Dirichlet-to-Neumann
- Vakil, Ravi - A mathematician talks to high school students
- Van Brummelen, Glen - Mathematical computation in Medieval Islamic astronomy:
a survey of approximation methods
- Van Tuyl, Adam - Hilbert functions of points in Pn ×Pm
- Wiest, Bert - Orderings of mapping class groups after Thurston
- Wlodarczyk, J. - Algebraic Morse theory and factorization of birational maps
- Wong, Man-Wah - The special Hermite semigroup
- Wong, Siman - On the rank of Jacobian Fibrations (progess report)
- Zapatero, Fernando - Executive stock options with effort disutility and choice of
- Zvengrowski, Peter - Fundamental groups of Seifert manifolds