


Partial Differential Equations / Équations aux dérivées
(Sponsored by the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences /
Parrainée par l'Institut Pacific pour les sciences mathématiques) (Richard Froese, Nassif Ghoussoub and Izabella Laba, Organizers)
- STEPHEN ANCO, Department of Mathematics, Brock University,
St. Catharines, Ontario
Well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for a
novel generalization of Yang-Mills equations
We study a generalization of Yang-Mills equations which is related to
wave maps (i.e. nonlinear sigma models) for Lie group targets.
Wave maps arise naturally in many areas of mathematical physics as a
geometrical nonlinear wave equation for a function of n ³ 1 space
variables and a time variable into a Riemannian target space. In the
case of Lie group target spaces, the wave map equation has a dual
formulation as a nonlinear abelian gauge field theory which we show can
be generalized to include a non-abelian Yang-Mills interaction of the
gauge field. This yields a novel nonlinear geometrical wave equation
system combining features of both wave maps and Yang-Mills equations.
We consider the Cauchy problem and prove existence, uniqueness, and
causality of (local in time) solutions with smooth compact support
initial data.
- CHANGFENG GUI, UBC and University of Connecticut
On some mathematical problems related to phase transition
Gradient theory of phase transitions has been studied by many
mathematicians. In this talk I will discuss some solved and unsolved
problems, particularly those regarding the basic configuration near
interfaces or junctions such as the De Giorgi conjecture.
- DIRK HUNDERTMARK, California Institute of Technology, California
An optimal Lp bound on the Krein spectral shift function
Let xA,B be the Krein spectral shift function for a pair of
operators A, B, with C = A-B trace class. We establish the bound
ó õ
F |
æ è
|xA,B(l)| |
ö ø
dl £ |
ó õ
F |
æ è
|x|C|,0(l)| |
ö ø
dl = |
¥ å
j = 1
[F(j)-F(j-1)]mj(C), |
where F is any non-negative convex function on [0,¥) with
F(0) = 0 and mj(C) are the singular values of C. Specializing to
F(t) = tp, p ³ 1 this improves a recent bound of Combes, Hislop,
and Nakamura.
- REINHARD ILLNER, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Victoria,
Victoria, British Columbia V8W 3P4
Existence and use of kinetic equilibria in traffic dynamics,
diffusive granular flow and rarefied gases
The type and properties of equilibrium solutions in kinetic theory are
relevant in many applications, and notably in the closure of momentum
equations of the kinetic model. The prototype of this closure process
is the (formal) derivation of the compressible Euler equations from the
Boltzmann equation.
Kinetic models have recently been introduced with much success into the
fields of granular flow and traffic dynamics. In the case of granular
flow, it is known that the only equilibria are trivial, i.e., all
particles move with the same velocity. This changes if a diffusion term
Dv f is added to the collision term, for example by the
immersion of the system into a heat bath. One has to solve an equation
for a new type of kinetic equilibrium, called ``diffusive
equilibrium.'' We prove that diffusive equilibria do not exist for the
Boltzmann equation, but provide evidence for their existence for
granular flow.
A similar program is carried out for kinetic traffic flow models. We
show that the existence of non-trivial equilibria is closely related to
the nature of the braking and acceleration behavior of individual
drivers relative to their leading vehicles.
- ALEX IOSEVICH, Columbia-Missouri
To be announced
- PETER PERRY, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40506-0027, USA
Zeta functions and determinants on hyperbolic manifolds of
infinite volume
Selberg's zeta function is the dynamical zeta function for geodesic
flow on a hyperbolic manifold. It is now known that for hyperbolic
manifolds of infinite volume without cusps, the divisor of the zeta
function is determined by eigenvalues and scattering resonances
together with the Euler characteristic of the manifold. We will discuss
a variety of applications of this result (due to Patterson and Perry in
even dimensions and Bunke and Olbrich in odd dimensions), including:
counting scattering resonances, counting closed geodesics, and defining
a `determinant of the Laplacian' whose zeros are the eigenvalues and
scattering resonances. The latter application (involving joint work
with David Borthwick) is especially interesting since standard
regularization tricks using spectral zeta functions appear to fail.
- DANIEL POLLACK, University of Washington, Department of Mathematics,
Seattle, Washington 98195-4350, USA
Gluing and wormholes for the Einstein constraint equations
Initial data for Einstein's general relativistic field equations for
the gravitational field consist of a Riemannian metric g and a
symmetric tensor K specified on a three-manifold S3, with
g and K satisfying, the vacuum constraint equations
In 1952, Choquet-Bruhat proved that Einstein's vacuum field equations
Gmn º Rmn-[1/2]R gmn = 0, form a
locally well posed hyperbolic system. Thus for any choice of
(S3, g, K) satisfying the vacuum constraint equations,
there exists an e > 0 and a Lorentz metric g defined on the
spacetime manifold S3×(-e, +e), with g
satisfying the Einstein equations, with g being the induced
intrinsic metric of the hypersurface S3×{0}, and with
K being the induced second fundamental form. Using this result, one
can seek to understand solutions to the field equations by
understanding solutions to the vacuum constraint equations.
We will present a general gluing construction for solutions to the
vacuum constraint equations with trK = t constant. Using the
``conformal method'' of Choquet-Bruhat, Lichnerowicz and York, this
involves solving a semi-coupled system consisting of a linear elliptic
system for a vector field and a scalar semilinear elliptic equation for
the induced metric. Applications of the construction to connected sums
of space-times and the existence of wormholes will be given.
This is joint work with Jim Isenberg and Rafe Mazzeo.
- RANDALL PYKE, Ryerson Polytechnic University, Toronto, Ontario
Characterization of bound states for nonlinear wave and
Schrodinger equations
Bound states are solutions that are localized in space, uniformly in
time (some examples are solitons and traveling waves). Bound states
play a prominent role in in the scattering theory of these equations
since we expect that in the large time limit, a general solution will
converge (in a local norm) to a boundstate while radiating energy (the
convergence being driven by dispersion). However, except for special
equations (namely, integrable equations and equations with repulsive
nonlinearities), it is difficult to determine whether or not an
equation possesses bound states. We address this issue by first
proving that bound states are almost periodic in time. Then we can
apply previous established necessary conditions for the existence of
almost periodic solutions to state necessary conditions for the
existence of bound states.
- HART SMITH, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA
Fundamental solutions for low regularity wave equations
We discuss recent results on absolute bounds for the Green kernel
associated to a general wave equation with metric of class C2.
These bounds can be used to establish Strichartz type estimates for
such equations, as well as to establish Lp norm estimates for
spectral clusters on Riemannian manifolds with low regularity metrics.
- CATHERINE SULEM, Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, Toronto,
The water-wave problem and its long-wave and modulational
We review some of the basic mathematical results on solutions of the
water-wave problem, such as existence of traveling waves and the
well-posedness of the initial value problem. We also discuss rigorous
results which concern the various asymptotic scalings that lead to the
principal canonical equations of mathematical physics.
- GUNTHER UHLMANN, Department of Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle,
Washington 98195, USA
Determining riemannian manifolds from the Dirichlet-to-Neumann
We describe some recent results concerning the determination of an
isometric copy of a compact Riemannian manifold with boundary from the
Dirichlet-to-Neumann map associated to the Laplace-Beltrami operator.
- MAN-WAH WONG, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, York University, Toronto,
Ontario M3J 1P3
The special Hermite semigroup
We give a formula for the one-parameter strongly continuous semigroup
generated by the special Hermite operator L in terms of
pseudo-differential operators of the Weyl type, i.e. Weyl
transforms, and use it to obtain an estimate for the solution of the
heat equation governed by L in terms of the initial data.