


Number Theory / Théorie des nombres (Rajiv Gupta and Nike Vatsal, Organizers)
- MICHAEL BENNETT, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA
Applications of the hypergeometric method to
polynomial-exponential equations
We generalize and refine the so-called hypergeometric method in
Diophantine approximation, to apply it to certain
polynomial-exponential equations. Sharpening work of Beukers, we
deduce sharp bounds on the number of solutions to families of
generalized Ramanujan-Nagell equations, including those of the form
x2+D = pn, for a fixed prime p and nonzero integer D. This is
joint work with Mark Bauer (also University of Illinois).
- DAVID BOYD, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia
Mahler's measure and the dilogarithm
The Mahler measure m(P) of a polynomial P(x,y) is its geometic mean
over the 2-torus. We will describe various situations in which
m(P) can be evaluated as a sum of Bloch-Wigner dilogarithms of
algebraic numbers. This leads to infinitely many examples in which
m(P) is a rational multiple of d1/2zF(2)/p2n-1, where
F is a number field of degree n and discriminant d with exactly
one non-real embedding into C. These formulas can be
regarded as generalizing Smyth's well known evaluation of m(1+x+y) in
terms of zF(2), where F = Q(Ö3), and are
manifestations of the theme ``period = L-value''.
- JOHN FRIEDLANDER, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario
Class group L-functions
We discuss joint work with W. Duke and H. Iwaniec, on the title topic,
extending over several years and just recently reaching culmination.
- EYAL GOREN, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec H3A 2K6
Hilbert modular varieties over ramified primes
We shall report on a joint work with F. Andreatta on the geometry and
arithmetic of Hilbert modular varieties over ramified primes. In
particular, we discuss certain strata and the theory of modular forms.
This complements previous works of the speaker (partly joint with Oort
and Bachmat) in the unramified case, and we shall compare the ramified
with the unramified situation. Furthermore, we shall indicate
applications to congruences for abelian L functions and to filtration
on q-expansions.
- DAVID MCKINNON, Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts 02155, USA
Vojta's conjectures and rational points
In this talk, I will discuss how weakened versions of Vojta's
Conjectures imply results on how many rational points there are on
curves. I will then discuss the proof of Vojta's Main Conjecture for
certain surfaces and how this implies unconditional quantitative
results on the numbers of points on curves on these surfaces.
- KUMAR MURTY, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G3
Discrete logs on Elliptic curves and rank one liftings
We discuss the Elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem and its
relation to lifting of points to curves of rank one.
- RAM MURTY, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6
The Euclidean algorithm
We will discuss some recent joint work with Malcolm Harper on the
classification of Euclidean rings of integers of number fields. The
generalized Riemann hypothesis predicts that the ring of integers of an
algebraic number field whose unit group is infinite and which is a PID
is necessarily Euclidean (though not necessarily for the norm
mapping). We will describe our recent unconditional treatment of this
- KEN ONO, University of Wisconsin, Wisconsin, USA
q-series identities and values of L-function
Recently, Zagier proved a q-series identity related to Dedekind's
eta-function. This identity was important in his work on Vassiliev
invariants in knot theory. Here we present several infinite families
of such identities. These identities are then used to produce
generating functions for the values of certain L-functions at
negative integers. This is joint work with G. E. Andrews and
J. Jimenez-Urroz.
- CHRISTOPHER SKINNER, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Denominators of some Eisenstein classes for GL(3)
Let S3 be the symmetric space associated to the reductive group
GL(3). We define some classes in the singular cohomology of S3
associated to Eisenstein series built up from cusp forms on GL(2).
We relate the denominators of these Eisenstein classes (which measures
their failure to be integral) to certain special values of the
L-functions of the cusp forms.
- CAMERON STEWART, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
On intervals with few prime numbers
In this talk we shall discuss some recent joint work with H. Maier.
Our objective is to prove that there exist relatively long intervals
which contain few primes. Our results interpolate between and include
the result of Rankin from 1938 on large gaps between consecutive primes
and the result of Maier from 1985 on intervals starting at x of
length a power of logx which have fewer than the expected number of
- SIMAN WONG, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA
On the rank of Jacobian Fibrations (progess report)
We apply Tate's conjecture on algebraic cycles to study the
Neron-Severi groups of fiber products of fibered varieties. This is
inspired by the work of Rosen and Silverman, who carry out such an
analysis to derive a formula for the rank of the group of sections of
an elliptic surface. Using a Shioda- Tate formula for fibered surfaces
plus an analysis of the precise form of the local zeta-functions of the
singular fibers, we propose, under Tate's conjecture, to give an
formula for the rank of the Jacobian fibration associated to a fibered
surface, and to give a conjectural description of the Néron-Severi
group of Kuga fiber varieties.