Abstracts - Listed by Speaker
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- Ali, Twareque - Quaternionic wavelets on quaternionic Hilbert spaces
- Alilooee, Ali - When is a Square-Free Monomial Ideal of Linear Type ?
- Anco, Stephen - Symmetry analysis and exact solutions of nonlinear wave equations
- Anco, Stephen - A group foliation method for finding exact solutions to nonlnear PDEs
- Apaloo, Joe - Evolutionary Stability in Ecological Populations
- Ara, Dimitri - On higher quasi-categories
- Armstrong, Joshua - Application of three data mining and machine learning methods in data from the Honolulu-Asian Aging Study
- Au-Yeung, Enrico - Non-Uniform Gabor sampling and Balayage of Fourier transforms
- Bahturin, Yuri - Group Gradings on Nilpotent Lie Algebras
- Bergner, Julie - Group actions on $(\infty, 1)$-categories
- Berman, Leah - Movable 4-Configurations are Plentiful
- Biasse, Jean-Francois - Sieving methods for ideal class group and unit group computation
- Bihlo, Alexander - Invariant and conservative parameterization schemes
- Bollt, Erik M. - Finite Time Coherent Sets with Nonhyperbolic Boundaries
- Bose, Christopher J. - Asymptotics for random intermittent maps
- Braverman, Elena - On stochastic perturbations of chaotic dynamical systems: is stabilization possible?
- Bronsard, Lia - Singular Limits for Thin Film Superconductors in Strong Magnetic Fields
- Brown, Aidan - Peroxisome homeostasis
- Brunerie, Guillaume - An elementary definition of globular weak $\infty$-groupoids
- Burrill, Sophie - On the use of generating trees in a variety of combinatorial classes
- Caboara, Massimo - Reducing the size and number of linear programs in a dynamic Groebner basis algorithm.
- Carrillo, Jose - Stability and Pattern formation in Nonlocal Interaction Models
- Caviglia, Giulio - Betti tables of p-Borel-fixed ideals
- Chaturapruek, Tum - Crime Modeling with L\'evy Flights
- Chen, Joe - Recent progress on Gaussian free fields on fractals
- Chen, Shaohua George - Global and Blowup Solutions for Quasilinear Parabolic Equations Not in Divergence Form
- Chen, Shibing - Ancient solution to the generalized curve shortening flow
- Chen, Yuxin - Equilibrium solutions to an aggregation model subject to exogenous and Newtonian endogenous forces in 2D
- Connon, Emma - When do monomial ideals have linear resolutions?
- Contreras, Andrès - Stable Vortex States in Superconductivity
- Cooper, Susan - Symbolic Powers of Monomial Ideals
- Cuadra, Juan - New examples of Hopf algebras with nonzero integral
- Currey, Bradley - Cross-sections for multiply generated abelian group actions
- Curry, Eva - Poisson Boundary and Low-Pass Filters
- Dafni, Galia - Local Hardy spaces and applications
- David, Chantal - Average distributions for elliptic curves
- Dawson, Robert - Monotone Spreads and Chebyshev Sets in Hyperspaces
- Day, Dylan
- Demaine, Erik - Algorithms Meet Art, Puzzles, and Magic
- Dettmann, Carl - Escape and diffusion through small holes
- Dinevari, Toktam - Fixed point results for multivalued G-contractions
- Erdahl, Robert
- Filaseta, Michael - Problems connected to the factorization of $f(x) x^{n} + g(x)$
- Finbow-Singh, Wendy - Modified Spheres
- Fink, Alex - Lim: an impartial game elucidated by a coordinate change
- Fiore, Tom - Waldhausen Additivity and Approximation in Quasicategorical $K$-Theory
- Fiorilli, Daniel - Dirichlet L-functions at the central point
- Fitzpatrick, Shannon - What happens at CMS Math Camps?
- Flemming, Joanna Mills - Challenges in Marine Statistical Ecology
- Fouli, Louiza - Lower Bounds for the depth of powers of edge ideals of graphs
- Frigon, Marlene - Boundary value problems for systems of second order equations on times scales.
- Führ, Hartmut - Wavelet coorbit theory in higher dimensions
- Funk, Daryl - The 2-separated excluded minors for the class of bias matroids
- Gabardo, Jean-Pierre - Convolution inequalities in locally compact groups and unitary systems
- Galvao-Sousa, Bernardo - Accelerating Fronts in Semilinear Wave Equations
- Garcia, Gaston - Pointed Hopf algebras over finite simple groups of Lie type
- Ghandehari, Mahya
- Gora, Pawel - Consecutive maxima maps
- Groth, Moritz - Additive $\infty$-categories and canonical monoidal structures I
- Guardo, Elena - Star configuration on generic hypersurfaces
- Gupta, Sanjiv Kumar - Transference of Multipliers on Lie Groups
- Gurski, Nick - Semi-strictness via factorization
- Hakova, Lenka - Weyl group orbit functions and their remarkable properties
- Han, Bin - Theory and Application of Frequency-based Framelets
- Harbourne, Brian - Advances on Recent Containment Counterexamples
- Hare, Andrew - "The Enjoyment of Mathematics": a classic text in the popularization of mathematics
- Hare, Kathryn - Multifractal analysis of self-similar measures with overlap
- Hare, Kevin - Representation of integers base $d$ with digits $0, 1, \cdots, q-1$
- Herman, Allen - Brauer-Clifford groups for Hopf Algebra actions and coactions
- Hermida, Claudio - Representable n-Multicategories
- Herzog, Juergen - On the subadditivity problem for maximal shifts in free resolutions
- Holden, Joshua - Counting solutions to exponential congruences using p-adic methods
- Huang, Yanghong - Self-propelled particles with quasi-Morse potential
- Imran, Mudassar - Optimal Dosing Strategies against Susceptible and Resistant Bacteria
- Ingalls, Brian - Sensitivity Trade-offs in Systems Biology
- Inoue, Tomoki - Invariant measures for random maps with continuous random parameters
- Iovanov, Miodrag - On co-Frobenius Hopf algebras and coalgebras
- Iron, David - Lattice patterns in the periodic Gierer-Meinhardt system
- Irwin, Andrew - Statistical models of phytoplankton niches in a changing ocean
- Jedrzejewicz, Piotr - A homogeneous generalization of a theorem of Ganong and Daigle
- Jeffries, Jack - The j-Multiplicity of Monomial Ideals
- Jones, John - The tame-wild principle
- Jorgensen, Palle - Multiresolutions, multivariable operator theory, and representations.
- Joyal, André - Categorical Aspects of Homotopy Type Theory
- Kashina, Yevgenia - Semisimple Hopf Algebras of dimension 32
- Kaveh, Kamran - Population dynamics of cancer stem cell
- Kock, Joachim - Incidence algebras and Möbius inversion in Rezk categories and decomposition spaces
- Kolokolnikov, Theodore - Vortex swarms
- Korobenko, Lyudmila - Hypoellipticity of Infinitely Degenerate Second Order Quasilinear Operators
- Kotchetov, Mikhail - Graded modules over simple Lie algebras with a group grading
- Krop, Len - Isomorphism classes in a class of Abelian extensions
- Krumm, David - Quadratic points on dynamical modular curves
- Lai, Chun-Kit - Classification of self-affine tile digit sets as product-forms
- Lai, Chun-Kit - Frames of multi-windowed exponentials on subsets of ${\mathbb R}^d$
- Larsson, Urban - A Doubling game avoiding three term arithmetic progressions
- Lauve, Aaron - Convolution Powers of the Identity in Graded Connected Hopf Algebras
- Lawrence, Jim - Some polytopes with vertex-transitive symmetry
- Le, Dung - On the Regular Set of BMO Weak Solutions to $p$-Laplacian Strongly Coupled Nonregular Parabolic Systems
- Levy, Chris - Dynamics and Stability of a 3D Model of Cell Signal Transduction with Delay
- Li, Zhenyang - W-shaped maps and slope condition for stability of acim
- Lindsay, Alan - The Stability and Evolution of Curved Domain Arising From One Dimensional Localized Patterns
- Lotfipour, Maryam - Nonempty intersection theorems via KKM theory
- Lukeman, Ryan - Transition Dynamics in Collective Animal Motion
- Ma, Junling - Vaccination on random contact networks
- MacArthur, Joshua - Wavelets with Crystal Symmetry Shifts
- Macchia, Antonio - The Arithmetical Rank of the Edge Ideals of Graphs with Whiskers
- Mackey, Alan - Two-species Particle Aggregation and Co-dimension One Solutions
- Madariaga, Sara - Special identities for the pre-Jordan product in the free dendriform algebra
- Malik, Tufail - The Impact of a Vaccine and Pap Screening on the Human Papillomavirus Transmission and Cervical Cancer
- Masuoka, Akira - Hopf algebraic techniques applied to affine algebraic supergroups
- McNutt, Dave - Vacuum Plane Waves: Equivalence and Physical Interpretation
- Mei, Ming - Stability of non-monotone traveling waves for Nicholson's blowflies equations
- Mendivil, Franklin - Geometry of a fractal curtain -- stacking Cantor sets
- Mermin, Jeff - An unsatisfying bijection
- Milson, Robert - A new characterization of the Painleve I equation
- Minác, Ján - “How being chased by Ralph, Rex, and the nurses, did not prevent me from becoming a teacher of mathematics”
- Mitnitski, Arnold - System biology mechanics of aging: A stochastic dynamics model
- Moen, Kabe - Regularity of solutions to degenerate p-Laplacian equations
- Monson, Barry - Finite Polytopes have Finite Regular Covers
- Montgomery, Susan - Brauer characters for representations of bismash products
- Monticelli, Dario - Sign-changing solutions of the critical equation for the sublaplacian on the Heisenberg group
- Mori, Makoto - On the Spectrum of Perron-Frobenious Operators on Continuous Functions
- Mossinghoff, Michael - Sporadic Reinhardt polygons
- Mossinghoff, Michael - Barker sequences, Wieferich pairs, and Compute Canada
- Motlochova, Lenka - Discretization of Weyl group orbit functions
- Nagata, Wayne - Wave train selection behind predator invasions in a population model with nonlocal prey competition
- Nagel, Uwe - On the Weak Lefschetz Property for Artinian Gorenstein algebras
- Ncube, Israel - Stability switching and Hopf bifurcation in a multiple-delayed neural network
- Ng, Siu-Hung - Cauchy's Theorem for Spherical Fusion Categories
- Niemeyer, Robert G. - Dense orbits, periodic orbits and nontrivial paths of fractal billiard tables
- Nikolaus, Thomas - Additive $\infty$-categories and canonical monoidal structures II
- Nolan, Kathleen and Harley Weston - Math on the Move
- Nowakowski, Richard J. - Game Profiles
- O'Keefe, Augustine - Cellular resolutions of some monomial ideals
- Oberman, Adam - Convergent finite difference solvers for the Monge-Ampère equation with Optimal Transportation boundary conditions
- Odesskii, Alexander - Integrable matrix equations and algebraic structures related to them.
- Ojakian, Kerry - Cops and Robber on the Hypercube
- Oliveros, Deborah - Colourful and fractional (p,q)-theorems.
- Oussa, Vignon - Continuous Wavelets on Nilpotent Lie Groups and Admissibility
- Paré, Bob - The "Triple Category" of Bicategories
- Pass, Brendan - Multi-marginal optimal transport on a Riemannian manifold
- Peeva, Irena - Matrix Factorizations for Complete Intersections
- Pena, Fernando - Trajectories of changes in health status over fourteen years of older adults using a multi-state modeling.
- Petrovic, Sonja - Toric algebra of hypergraphs
- Pilehrood, Tatiana Hessami - Modulo $p$ structures of multiple harmonic sums.
- Pronk, Dorette - Weakly globular double categories
- Raynor, Sarah - A New Approach to Soliton Stability for the KdV Equation
- Ren, Xiaofeng - A double bubble solution in a ternary system with inhibitory long range interaction
- Renault, Gabriel - Dicots, and a taxonomic ranking for misère games
- Ribeiro, Patricia - Towards the Standard Spherical Tiling
- Riehl, Emily - The formal category theory of quasi-categories
- Rodney, Scott - A Harnack Inequality for a Class of Second Order Degenerate Quasi-Linear Equations
- Rubinstein, Michael - Elliptic curves with positive rank and the Riemann zeta function
- Salem, W Abou - Semi-Relativistic Schroedinger-Poisson System of Equations with Long-Range Interactions
- Sawyer, Eric - Two weight norm inequalities for singular integrals in higher dimension
- Schaefer, Martin - Alpha-Molecules
- Schäppi, Daniel - Two-dimensional Morita theory and Galois cohomology
- Schauenburg, Peter - Weak Hopf Algebras Associated to Tambara-Yamagami Categories
- Schreiber, Urs - Synthetic quantum theory in higher cohesive toposes
- Shallue, Andrew - Constructing a 10 billion factor Carmichael number
- Sherratt, Jonathan - A Nonlocal Model for Cancer Invasion
- Smirnov, Roman - Algebraic aspects of orthogonal coordinate webs
- Smith, Abraham - Tableaux of PDE systems and associated Lie Pseudogroups
- Soltan, Valeriu - Convex hypersurfaces with plane quadric sections
- Sommerhauser, Yorck - Semilinear Actions of General Linear Groups on Character Rings of Hopf Algebras
- Sorenson, Jonathan - Approximately Counting Semismooth Integers
- Steinhurst, Ben - Bond Percolation on the hexacarpet and related fractals
- Stewart, Fraser - Scoring Play Combinatorial Games
- Sturgeon, Stephen - Cellular Resolution of the n-gon
- Swaminathan, Ashvin - Surreal Analysis: An Analogue of Real Analysis for Surreal Numbers
- Szafraniec, Franek - Framings and operators
- Szarek, Tomasz - Stability of Random Dynamical Systems
- Szegedy, Balázs
- Taneja, Swadhin - Fracture model of bacterial growth
- Taylor, Keith - Wavelets and Representation Theory
- Taylor, Tara - Totally Disconnected Sierpinski Relatives
- Teske, Edlyn - Solving the ECDLP using Semaev Polynomials, Weil Descent, and Groebner basis methods -- an experimental study
- Thompson, Robert - Invariant submanifold flows and pseudogroup reconstruction
- Toth, Csaba - On the total perimeter of convex bodies in a container
- Usefi, Hamid - The interplay between group algebras and enveloping algebras
- Valiquette, Francis - Recursive Moving Frames
- Vass, Jozsef - Fractal Geometry via Containment, and the Exact Convex Hull of C-Type IFS Fractals
- Weber, Eric - Vector Valued Wavelets and Multiresolution Analyses
- Weber, Mark - Weak n-categories with strict units via iterated enrichment
- Wehlau, David - Horn's Conjecture, The Littlewood-Richardson Cone and Permutations
- Weimerskirch, Mike - Why David Gale’s ‘Nim with Pass’ is difficult to solve
- Weiss, Asia Ivić - Polytopes derived from cubic tessellations
- Weston, Harley and Kathleen Nolan - Math on the Move
- Wild, Geoff - Evolutionary Dynamics and Helping a Neighbour
- Williams, Gordon - Monodromy Groups of Belt Polyhedra
- Williams, Hugh - Linear Divisibility Sequences of Order Six
- Winternitz, Pavel - Superintegrable systems in classical and quantum mechanics
- Woodroofe, Russ - An absence of leaves in regularity
- Xu, Runzhang - Global well-posedness for nonlinear Schrodinger equation with combined power type nonlinearities for positive initial energy
- Ye, Deping - On the monotone properties of general affine surfaces under the Steiner symmetrization
- Zhang, Yinhuo - Green rings of rank one pointed Hopf algebras of nilpotent type