The 2020 Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge — Oct 29/30
Eligibility for Students:
The COMC is open to students in all locations, at all grade levels.
Official participants:
To be considered official participants and thereby qualify for awards, recognition or prizes, students and schools must meet the following requirements:
Students must assert that each of the following is true about themselves:
- The student must be under 19 years of age as of June 30, 2020 and
- The student must be attending school full-time either virtually or in person (elementary, secondary, Cégep, or home-schooled) at least since Sept 15, 2020 and
- The student must not have written the Putnam competition.
Additionally, any exams are only considered official if they are supervised under these conditions:
- Must be supervised in a school or location that the CMS has approved as an Official Competition Writing Centre (OCWC).
- Must be supervised remotely for the entirety of the exam by a proctor from a registered OCWC.
- No mobile phones, calculators or other electronic devices are permitted
- The 2½ hour writing period must begin and end sometime between 8 AM and 8PM (0800-2000) local time on either
- Thursday, October 29th, for all schools in North America, South America, Central America or in time zones covering these areas
- Wednesday, October 30th, elsewhere in the world.