The 2016 Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge -- Nov 3/4

The 2016 Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge — Nov 3/4

Teacher Appreciation Prizes (below)
Student Participant Awards & Prizes

Performance-based Awards

Awards are only given to official participants (see our Eligibility page for details).

There are two divisions: Canadian Awards, which is only for participants writing the exam from within Canada; and International Awards, which is only for participants writing it outside of Canada.

Canadian Award categories:

We have award categories for Best in Canada and Best in Province and Best in Region for all students as well as for students at each grade. For instance,

  • Best in Canada Overall: all official participants (regardless of grade) in Canada compete for this, the most prestigious category
  • Best in Canada, Grade XI: all Grade XI students in Canada compete for this
  • Best in BC (overall): all official participants (regardless of grade) in BC
  • Best in BC, Grade XII: all Grade XII students in BC
  • Best in Toronto (overall): all official participants in Toronto-area schools
  • Best in Toronto, Grade XII: All grade XII and Cégep students in Toronto compete for this category
  • etc.

The top six unique scores in any category earn awards: Gold, Silver, Bronze, Honourable Mention.

International Awards:

The top official participants from outside Canada are considered for the international awards division, which is not grade-dependent. The top three unique scores are given Gold, Silver or Bronze. Additionally, any international student who achieves at least a score as high as the lowest Best in Canada Overall Honourable Mention will receive an Honourable Mention award in the International division.

The CMS reserves the right to suspend awards or limit the number of awards in any category where there is a very low level of participation or to require a minimum limit score for awards.


Competition results will be shared with our partner universities to help them consider offering academic scholarships to high-potential students.


Approximately 24 Canadian students in grade 8, 9 or 10 with strong performance on the COMC will be invited to the summer CMS National Canada Math Camp (CMC) hosted by the University of Toronto.

Canadian students who demonstrate solid performance at their grade level in their region or province may be invited to a summer regional CMS Math Camp staged in collaboration with a CMS university partner in their province.

Participation Certificates (Quartiles)

When the final results are announced, teachers/organizers will be able to log into their accounts to download and print the Participation certificates for all their students.

Certificate titles are based on the quartile into which the student's score falls:

  • 1st quartile = Performance with Distinction
  • 2nd quartile = Performance with Honours
  • 3rd or 4th quartile = Certificate of Participation

Random Participation Prize Draw

Anyone writing the COMC in Canada is also eligible for participation prizes (e.g. T-shirt, USB thumb drive, gift card, etc.). Approximately 160 prizes will be distributed to participants nationally.

Additional prizes may be awarded at the discretion of the COMC Committee.

The chance of winning a prize depends on the respective number of national, provincial, or regional participants.

Teacher Appreciation Prizes

In recognition of the valued contributions made by teachers in facilitating COMC student participation, teachers in Canada will be eligible for a limited number of generously donated prizes from Maplesoft, prizes from Nelson Education, and prizes from the Canadian Mathematical Society.

Prize winners will be contacted in January after being randomly selected from the pool of eligible teachers.

All teachers in Canada who have registered students (official participants) for the COMC exam using their school account and unique email address are eligible for the Teacher Appreciation prize draws, provided all ordered exams are paid in full by the payment deadline.

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