2015 Sun Life Financial Canadian Open Math Challenge — Nov 5/6
Students with the top COMC scores can earn invitations to higher-level mathematics competitions, including the Sun Life Financial Canadian Math Olympiad (CMO) and its Qualifying Repêchage (CMOQR).
The CMO and CMOQR are intended for top student mathematicians interested in representing Canada at the International Math Olympiad (IMO) as part of Math Team Canada. Students must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada, regardless of where they currently live.
CMO Invitations
Eligible students who have scored 66/80 or more or more on the 2015 COMC have earned invitations to the CMO, which will be held on March 30th, 2016.
CMO Qualifying Repêchage Invitations
Eligible students who scored between 55/80 and 65/80 on the 2015 COMC have earned invitations to compete in the Repêchage competition. Students will receive the exam by email in early February. The top (approximately) 10 to 15 students in the Repêchage will earn invitations to compete in the CMO in April.

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