2014 Sun Life Financial Canadian Open Math Challenge - Nov 6/7

2014 Sun Life Financial Canadian Open Math Challenge - Nov 6/7

Sun Life Financial
Newfoundland and Labrador

The COMC is the principal qualifier for the Canadian Mathematical Olympiad (CMO). Top Canadian students at the COMC are invited to write the CMO. Canadian students close to this top tier are invited to write the second-chance qualifier, called the Repêchage, to attempt to secure an invitation to the CMO. This year, the cutoff scores were 69/80 or more for an invitation to write the CMO and 62/80 or more for an invitation to the Repêchage.

Awards are not offered in categories listed below where participation rates are very low or where scores are below the cutoff score of 38/80.

Newfoundland and Labrador Champions
     Gold Award: Bridget La Prairie
   Holy Heart of Mary Reg. H.S., St. John's, NL
     Silver Award: Hayley Cleal
   Clarenville High School, Clarenville, NL
     Bronze Award: Andrew Sullivan
   Clarenville High School, Clarenville, NL
Lucas Walters
   Clarenville High School, Clarenville, NL
Xiangqi Yan
   Holy Heart of Mary Reg. H.S., St. John's, NL
     Honour Roll: Ameer Farrukh
   Holy Heart of Mary Reg. H.S., St. John's, NL
Mitchell Lundrigan
   Queen Elizabeth Reg. H.S., Conception Bay South, NL
Benxin Niu
   Holy Heart of Mary Reg. H.S., St. John's, NL
Emily Quinlan
   Clarenville High School, Clarenville, NL
Kobe Roberts
   Prince of Wales Collegiate, St.John's, NL
Brooke Snow
   Clarenville High School, Clarenville, NL
Best in Newfoundland and Labrador
Grade 12
     Gold Award: Bridget La Prairie
   Holy Heart of Mary Reg. H.S., St. John's, NL
     Silver Award: Hayley Cleal
   Clarenville High School, Clarenville, NL
     Bronze Award: Andrew Sullivan
   Clarenville High School, Clarenville, NL
Lucas Walters
   Clarenville High School, Clarenville, NL
     Honour Roll: Mitchell Lundrigan
   Queen Elizabeth Reg. H.S., Conception Bay South, NL
Benxin Niu
   Holy Heart of Mary Reg. H.S., St. John's, NL
Emily Quinlan
   Clarenville High School, Clarenville, NL
Brooke Snow
   Clarenville High School, Clarenville, NL
Best in Newfoundland and Labrador
Grade 11
     Gold Award: Xiangqi Yan
   Holy Heart of Mary Reg. H.S., St. John's, NL
     Silver Award: Ameer Farrukh
   Holy Heart of Mary Reg. H.S., St. John's, NL
Kobe Roberts
   Prince of Wales Collegiate, St.John's, NL
     Bronze Award:

No award winners.

     Honour Roll:

No award winners.

Best in Newfoundland and Labrador
Grade 10

No awards were offered in this category.

Best in Newfoundland and Labrador
Grade 9

No awards were offered in this category.

Best in Newfoundland and Labrador
Grade 8 or under

No awards were offered in this category.


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