Résumés - listées par conférenciers
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- Abdollahzadehzare, Mahta - High-performance spectrum calculation of 3d transition metals in oxide compounds, samedi 1er juin, 15:30-16:00, MAQs
- Alexander, Matthew - Categories Without Explicit Coherence, dimanche 2 juin, 15:00-15:30, STUrea
- Alvarez, Daniel - Symplectic groupoids and moduli spaces of flat bundles over surfaces, lundi 3 juin, 16:00-16:30, GeReTh
- Alvaréz, Daniel - Symplectic double groupoids and generalized Kähler metrics, dimanche 2 juin, 15:00-15:30, SymPoiG
- Anco, Stephen - Peakons: some simple questions with unexpected answers, dimanche 2 juin, 16:00-16:50, CH30
- Anco, Stephen - General symmetry multi-reduction method for partial differential equations with conservation laws, dimanche 2 juin, 9:30-10:00, SymMeth
- Anderson-Sackaney, Benjamin - Tracial States on Quantum Group C*-algebras, dimanche 2 juin, 16:30-17:00, FunHarA
- Arsuaga, Javier - Using liquid crystal models to study DNA knotting in bacteriophages, samedi 1er juin, 9:00-9:30, DNAtop
- Arulseelan, Jananan - Computability in Continuous Logic with Applications to Operator Algebras, samedi 1er juin, 9:50-10:20, MathLog
- Ashley, Caleb - An explicit relationship between the ghost and swapping algebras, lundi 3 juin, 17:00-17:30, GeReTh
- Azam, Mahmud - TQFTs and Quantum Computing, dimanche 2 juin, 16:30-17:00, MAQs
- Baird, Thomas - Anti-symplectic involutions of the Hilbert scheme of points on a symplectic surface, dimanche 2 juin, 8:30-9:00, ModSpa
- Ballew, Cade - Numerical solutions of Riemann--Hilbert problems on disjoint intervals, samedi 1er juin, 16:00-16:30, NumMeSF
- Banerjee, Kuntal - Iterated spectral curves and Lax pairs: A brief overview, dimanche 2 juin, 8:30-9:00, IntSysQ
- Banerjee, Kuntal - A generalized spectral correspondence, samedi 1er juin, 16:00-16:30, ModSpa
- Barron, Tatyana - Kaehler quantization and entropy, dimanche 2 juin, 17:00-17:30, SymPoiG
- Bataineh, Osama - Imprecise Probabilities for Cybersecurity Applications, samedi 1er juin, 16:30-17:00, MachLea
- Bazhenov, Maxim - Sleep: from biological to artificial systems, samedi 1er juin, 8:30-9:00, MachLea
- Belliard, Raphaël - Casimir conformal blocks from meromorphic connections over curves., lundi 3 juin, 8:30-9:00, GeReTh
- Belliard, Raphaël - Quantum Riemann bilinear relations., dimanche 2 juin, 16:00-16:30, IntSysQ
- Berezowski, Madeline - How Boson Dimers Reproduce Spin Projection Operators, samedi 1er juin, 16:30-17:00, MAQs
- Bharadwaj, Abhishek - On a conjecture of Erd\H{o}s, samedi 1er juin, 15:00-15:30, NumTheo
- Bidarvand, Mandana - Analyzing arrays of qubits via a multi-scale approach, samedi 1er juin, 16:00-16:30, MAQs
- Bidarvand, Mandana - Analyzing arrays of qubits via a multi-scale approach, dimanche 2 juin, 15:30-16:00, STUrea
- Bila, Nicoleta - Symmetry Reduction Operators for Monge-Amp\`{e}re Equations, samedi 1er juin, 9:00-9:30, SymMeth
- Binder, Ilia - Harmonic measure: can it be computed?, samedi 1er juin, 9:00-9:30, OpMaAFS
- Bischoff, Francis - The derived moduli stack of logarithmic flat connections, samedi 1er juin, 9:00-9:30, ModSpa
- Bischoff, Francis - Castling Equivalence for Logarithmic Flat Connections, lundi 3 juin, 15:00-15:30, QuaAlg
- Bischoff, Francis - Jets of foliations and $b^k$-Poisson structures, lundi 3 juin, 8:00-8:30, SymPoiG
- Blacker, Casey - Geometric and algebraic reduction of multisymplectic manifolds, dimanche 2 juin, 16:30-17:00, SymPoiG
- Bluman, George - The natural extension of Lie’s reduction of order algorithm for ODES to PDEs, samedi 1er juin, 9:30-10:00, SymMeth
- Bothner, Thomas - Universality for random matrices with an edge spectrum singularity, dimanche 2 juin, 9:00-9:30, NumMeSF
- Boulter, Eric - Moduli Spaces of Sheaves on Kodaira Surfaces, lundi 3 juin, 15:30-16:00, GeReTh
- Boulter, Eric - Co-Higgs bundles on Hopf surfaces, samedi 1er juin, 15:30-16:00, ModSpa
- Bouthat, Ludovick - Matrix Norms Induced by Random Vectors, samedi 1er juin, 10:00-10:30, OpMaAFS
- Bremer, James - Frequency-indepedent solvers for linear ODEs, samedi 1er juin, 8:00-8:30, NumMeSF
- Camassa, Roberto - Mathematical modeling of shallow water wave propagation., vendredi 31 mai, 13:00-13:50, CH30
- Carbone, Lisa - Groups for Borcherds Algebras, samedi 1er juin, 15:00-16:00, Unveil
- Carbone, Lisa, dimanche 2 juin, 15:00-16:00, Unveil
- Carbone, Lisa, dimanche 2 juin, 8:15-9:15, Unveil
- Champagne, Jérémy - Weyl's equidistribution theorem in function fields, dimanche 2 juin, 8:30-9:00, NumTheo
- Charbonneau, Benoit - Deformed Hermitian-Yang-Mills on full flags, dimanche 2 juin, 10:00-10:30, ModSpa
- Chernoff, Egan J - The Gateway Approach to Popularizing Mathematics, dimanche 2 juin, 17:00-17:30, MathEd
- Chernyavskiy, Alexandr - Dark-bright soliton perturbation theory for the Manakov system, samedi 1er juin, 16:00-16:30, SymMeth
- Cliff, Emily - Moduli spaces of principal 2-group bundles and a categorification of the Freed--Quinn line bundle, samedi 1er juin, 10:00-10:30, ModSpa
- Cliff, Emily - Quasi-universal sheaves and generic bricks, samedi 1er juin, 16:00-16:30, QuaAlg
- Crerar, Shane J. - Rank and Separability, dimanche 2 juin, 16:00-16:30, STUrea
- Crooks, Peter - Abelianization in integrable systems and quantization, dimanche 2 juin, 17:00-17:30, IntSysQ
- Crooks, Peter - Topological quantum field theories in the Moore-Tachikawa category, samedi 1er juin, 9:00-9:30, QuaAlg
- Crooks, Peter - Scheme-theoretic coisotropic reduction, lundi 3 juin, 10:00-10:30, SymPoiG
- Cruz, José - On the Fourier transform and Vogan's perspective on the Local Langlands Correspondence, dimanche 2 juin, 9:30-10:00, GeReTh
- Csima, Barbara - Measurements of complexity of mathematical notions, samedi 1er juin, 8:30-9:00, MathLog
- De Guise, Hubert - The regular representation of $S_n$ in interference of fermions and bosons, samedi 1er juin, 9:30-10:00, MAQs
- Dexter, Nick - Sample-Efficient Active Learning Strategies for Deep Learning in Scientific Computing, samedi 1er juin, 15:30-16:00, MachLea
- Dick, Rainer - Where are the photons?, samedi 1er juin, 10:00-10:30, MAQs
- Djounvouna, Dinamo - Construction of a Lie 2-algebra associated with a quasi-Hamiltonian G-space, dimanche 2 juin, 10:00-10:30, SymPoiG
- Druzhkov, Kostya - Stationary-action principle and the intrinsic geometry of PDEs, samedi 1er juin, 8:30-9:00, SymMeth
- Eagle, Christopher - Teaching with care, samedi 1er juin, 13:30-14:30, Eit
- Eagle, Christopher - Cohomology of co-existentially closed continua, dimanche 2 juin, 16:00-16:30, MathLog
- Elliott, Sandra - Bass Case: A Case Study of Music in the Mathematics Classroom, dimanche 2 juin, 16:00-16:30, MathEd
- Fallat, Shaun - Bordering Matrices and the Inverse Eigenvalue Problem for Graphs, samedi 1er juin, 9:00-9:30, InfEigM
- Farenick, Douglas - Operator systems of Laurent polynomials of bounded degree, samedi 1er juin, 17:00-17:30, OpMaAFS
- Farkas, Matthew, samedi 1er juin, 16:30-17:00, SymMeth
- Fellini, Nic - Congruence relations for class numbers of real quadratic fields, samedi 1er juin, 8:30-9:00, NumTheo
- Frankland, Martin - Multiparameter persistence modules in the large scale, samedi 1er juin, 15:00-15:30, DNAtop
- Fransson, Jonas - Current Induced Spin-Polarization in Chiral Molecules, samedi 1er juin, 9:00-9:30, MAQs
- Friesen, Noah - Braid groups and Baxter polynomials, samedi 1er juin, 15:00-15:30, QuaAlg
- Gannon, Terry - The search for exotic vertex operator algebras, dimanche 2 juin, 17:30-18:00, QuaAlg
- Garner, Niklas - Raviolo vertex algebras, samedi 1er juin, 10:00-10:30, QuaAlg
- Gautam, Sachin - Lattice operators of quantum affine algebras, dimanche 2 juin, 15:30-16:00, QuaAlg
- Ge, Zhenchao - Irregularities of Dirichlet L-functions and a parity bias in gaps of zeros, samedi 1er juin, 16:00-16:30, NumTheo
- Gekhtman, Michael - Integrable systems and cluster algebras, dimanche 2 juin, 8:30-9:20, CH30
- Gekhtman, Michael - Generalized Cluster Structures, samedi 1er juin, 11:00-12:00, Plen
- Gil, Amparo - Computation and inversion of some cumulative distribution functions, samedi 1er juin, 8:30-9:00, NumMeSF
- Goff, Owen - A new perspective on the $q$-Onsager algebra and its presentations, dimanche 2 juin, 16:00-16:30, Asch
- Gomez, Nicolas Chavarria - Abelian structures in continuous logic, samedi 1er juin, 16:40-17:10, MathLog
- Goryainov, Sergey - Erd\H{o}s-Ko-Rado combinatorics of strongly regular graphs, lundi 3 juin, 17:30-18:00, EKRcomb
- Gruber, Anthony - Learning metriplectic systems and other bracket-based dynamics, dimanche 2 juin, 8:30-9:00, MachLea
- Grunert, Katrin - Uniqueness for the Camassa-Holm equation, samedi 1er juin, 16:00-16:50, CH30
- Guay, Nicolas - Orthosymplectic Yangians., lundi 3 juin, 15:30-16:00, QuaAlg
- Guo, Chun-Hua - On absolute value equations associated with M-matrices, samedi 1er juin, 16:30-17:00, InfEigM
- Guo, Meng - On the spectrification of Khovanov arc algebras, samedi 1er juin, 9:30-10:00, QuaAlg
- Gupta, Himanshu - The least Euclidean distortion constant of a distance-regular graph, lundi 3 juin, 9:30-10:00, Asch
- Gupta, Himanshu - Matrix positivity preservers over finite fields, dimanche 2 juin, 15:00-15:30, InfEigM
- Gutleb, Timon S. - A frame approach for equations involving the fractional Laplacian, dimanche 2 juin, 9:30-10:00, NumMeSF
- Halacheva, Iva - Families of maximal commutative subalgebras in quantum groups, dimanche 2 juin, 15:00-15:30, IntSysQ
- Halacheva, Iva - Bethe subalgebras of the Yangian Y(gl(n)), tame representations, and Gelfand-Tsetlin patterns, samedi 1er juin, 17:30-18:00, QuaAlg
- Hamdan, Mohammad - Polynomials of the Higher Derivatives of the Nield-Kuznetsov Integral Function, dimanche 2 juin, 8:30-9:00, NumMeSF
- Hamilton, Mark - Lagrangian fibrations, quantization, and integral-integral affine geometry, lundi 3 juin, 9:30-10:00, SymPoiG
- Harris, Pamela E. - Parking Functions: Choose your own adventure, vendredi 31 mai, 17:00-18:00, Pub
- Hartwig, Jonas - Generalized reduction algebras, lundi 3 juin, 8:30-9:00, QuaAlg
- Hassani, Elias - A post-quantum, post-AI data encryption method, dimanche 2 juin, 17:00-17:30, MAQs
- Herman, Allen - The Terwilliger algebras of tournament and conference graph association schemes, lundi 3 juin, 8:30-9:00, Asch
- Hidalgo, Alejandro Santacruz - Generalized monotone functions in measure spaces., dimanche 2 juin, 16:30-17:00, STUrea
- Hillen, Thomas - Symmetries in Non-local Adhesion Models, samedi 1er juin, 15:00-15:30, SymMeth
- Himonas, Alex - Analysis of the CH equation and family, vendredi 31 mai, 14:00-14:50, CH30
- Holden, Helge - On the stochastic Camassa—Holm equation with transport noise, samedi 1er juin, 9:30-10:20, CH30
- Holm, Darryl - Emergent singular solutions (ESS) in nonlinear wave PDEs, samedi 1er juin, 8:30-9:20, CH30
- Hone, Andrew - An elliptic analogue of the Camassa-Holm equation, vendredi 31 mai, 15:00-15:50, CH30
- Hori, Masahiro - Multifractal and hyperuniform analysis of quasicrystalline patterns in bosonic systems with and without disorder, dimanche 2 juin, 15:00-15:30, MAQs
- Howse, Vicky - Vortex `molecules', a hydrodynamic analog for hadrons, dimanche 2 juin, 15:30-16:00, MAQs
- Huang, Jiahui - Arc-Floer conjecture for homogeneous isolated singularities, lundi 3 juin, 9:00-9:30, STUrea
- Hudson, Dan - On deformation spaces of Lie groupoids and Lie algebroids, lundi 3 juin, 8:30-9:00, SymPoiG
- Hurlbert, Glenn - Recent results on the Holroyd-Talbot Conjecture, lundi 3 juin, 17:00-17:30, EKRcomb
- Ishihara, Kai - Spatial graphs confined to tubes in the simple cubic lattice, samedi 1er juin, 17:00-17:30, DNAtop
- Islam, Shafiqul - Finite dimensional approximations of the Frobenius-Perron operator for piecewise convex maps with countable number of branches, samedi 1er juin, 16:00-16:30, OpMaAFS
- Jalavand, Fatemeh - Geometry of log-unit lattices, samedi 1er juin, 9:00-9:30, NumTheo
- Janse van Rensburg, E J - Knot probabilities in confined lattice knots, samedi 1er juin, 10:00-10:30, DNAtop
- Jeffrey, Lisa - Character Varieties, samedi 1er juin, 8:30-9:00, ModSpa
- Johnston, Nathan - The Inverse Eigenvalue Problem for Entanglement Witnesses, dimanche 2 juin, 9:30-10:00, InfEigM
- Jonker, Caleb - Graded symplectic geometry and the generalized Kahler-Ricci flow, dimanche 2 juin, 15:30-16:00, SymPoiG
- Jurisich, Elizabeth - Conformal Vertex Algebras and Borcherds algebras, samedi 1er juin, 9:30-10:30, Unveil
- Kalashnikov, Elana - Degenerations of Kronecker moduli spaces, dimanche 2 juin, 9:00-9:30, ModSpa
- Kaplan, Elliot - Constant power maps on Hardy fields and Transseries, samedi 1er juin, 16:00-16:30, MathLog
- Karam, Samir - Physics-informed deep learning and compressive collocation for high-dimensional diffusion-reaction equations, dimanche 2 juin, 9:30-10:00, MachLea
- Karkheiran, Mohsen - Heterotic-II duality from mirror symmetry., dimanche 2 juin, 9:30-10:00, ModSpa
- Kaur, Avleen - Estimating the minimum positive eigenvalue of PSD matrices, dimanche 2 juin, 16:30-17:00, InfEigM
- Kavi, Lord - Optimal Polynomials for the $k$-independence Number of Graphs, lundi 3 juin, 9:00-9:30, EKRcomb
- Kennedy, Christopher - Interaction between long internal waves and free surface waves in deep water, dimanche 2 juin, 15:00-15:30, SymMeth
- Khaqan, Maryam, samedi 1er juin, 8:15-9:15, Unveil
- Khodamoradi, Kamyar - Parameterized Approximation for Robust Clustering in Discrete Geometric Spaces, samedi 1er juin, 16:00-16:30, MachLea
- Kirkland, Steve - Stochastic matrices and the boundary of the Karpelevich region, dimanche 2 juin, 16:00-16:30, InfEigM
- Knapp, Greg - Exponential Relations Among Algebraic Integer Conjugates, dimanche 2 juin, 10:00-10:30, NumTheo
- Koban, Matthew - Moduli of doubled quiver representations, lundi 3 juin, 10:00-10:30, GeReTh
- Kramer, Reinier - How should we quantise cycles in symmetric groups?, dimanche 2 juin, 15:30-16:00, IntSysQ
- Kratsios, Anastasis - Pathwise Generalization bounds for Transformers, samedi 1er juin, 10:00-10:30, MachLea
- Krause, Dan - PISA Scores: Grounding Perspectives, dimanche 2 juin, 15:00-15:30, MathEd
- Kreitzer, Matthew - Matrix methods to construct De Bruijn Tori and Families, samedi 1er juin, 15:00-15:30, OpMaAFS
- Krepski, Derek - Lie 2-algebras of infinitesimal symmetries of bundle gerbes, samedi 1er juin, 15:00-15:30, ModSpa
- Kumar, Poornendu - On Caratheodory’s Approximation Theorem., samedi 1er juin, 9:30-10:00, OpMaAFS
- Kupavskii, Andrey - Forbidden intersections via spread approximations, lundi 3 juin, 9:30-10:00, EKRcomb
- Kwong, Sze Hong - Conformal limit of Higgs bundles along singular upward flow, dimanche 2 juin, 16:00-16:30, GeReTh
- Lam, Philic - A search for integrable evolution equations with Lax pairs over the octonions, dimanche 2 juin, 8:00-8:30, SymMeth
- Laredo, Valerio Toledano - On the Finkelberg-Ginzburg monodromy conjecture, dimanche 2 juin, 8:30-9:00, QuaAlg
- Lehmkuhl, Paul - Financial numeracy: A path towards standardizing financial education, dimanche 2 juin, 15:30-16:00, MathEd
- Leroux-Lapierre, Alexis - Obstructions to quantization of MV cycles using limits of characters, dimanche 2 juin, 9:30-10:00, QuaAlg
- Lindberg, Aidan - Picard Groups of Holomorphic Poisson Manifolds, lundi 3 juin, 15:00-15:30, GeReTh
- Lindzey, Nathan - Global Hypercontractivity and Forbidden Intersection Theorems, lundi 3 juin, 10:00-10:30, EKRcomb
- Liu, Haggai - Moduli Spaces of Weighted Stable Curves and their Fundamental Groups, samedi 1er juin, 17:00-17:30, ModSpa
- Liu, Peter - Analyzing RNA structure data with tree polynomials, samedi 1er juin, 16:00-16:30, DNAtop
- Lon-wo, Enrique Nuñez - On the Density of Quadratic Fields with Group of Units in Non-Maximal Orders, samedi 1er juin, 15:30-16:00, NumTheo
- Lundmark, Hans - Dynamics of peakons and antipeakons in Novikov's equation, samedi 1er juin, 17:00-17:50, CH30
- Mahadeo, Christopher - Quantization through the tautological section, lundi 3 juin, 9:30-10:00, GeReTh
- Mahadeo, Christopher - Quantization in hyperbolic band theory, dimanche 2 juin, 16:00-16:30, MAQs
- Mahadeo, Christopher - Topological recursion and twisted Higgs bundles, samedi 1er juin, 16:30-17:00, ModSpa
- Maleki, Roghayeh - On the $Q$-polynomial property of the full bipartite subgraph of a Hamming graph $H(D,n)$, dimanche 2 juin, 16:30-17:00, Asch
- Manimugdha, Saikia - Restrictions of holomorphic sections to products, dimanche 2 juin, 17:30-18:00, SymPoiG
- Mann, Jaskaran - mKdV Loop Travelling Waves and Interactions of Loop Solitons, dimanche 2 juin, 8:30-9:00, SymMeth
- Mashreghi, Javad - An Application of Finite Blaschke Products in Numerical Range Studies, samedi 1er juin, 15:30-16:00, OpMaAFS
- McAdam, Shawn - Approximating Multivariate Functions with Fast Piecewise Polynomials with Application to Mantle Convection Code, Présentations par affiches des étudiants - AARMS-SMC
- McAdam, Shawn - Symmetry and numerical analysis of nonlinear Love wave model, samedi 1er juin, 8:00-8:30, SymMeth
- Meagher, Karen - A brief Introduction to the Erdős-Ko-Rado Theorem, lundi 3 juin, 8:00-8:30, EKRcomb
- Medina, Brady Ali - Co-Higgs Bundles and Poisson Structures, dimanche 2 juin, 9:30-10:00, IntSysQ
- Mojallal, Ahmad - Nonregular Graphs with Three Eigenvalues, samedi 1er juin, 15:00-15:30, InfEigM
- Moore, Allison - Unknotting numbers and invariants of trivalent spatial graphs, samedi 1er juin, 15:30-16:00, DNAtop
- Moosa, Rahim - Permutation groups in differentially closed fields, samedi 1er juin, 15:00-15:50, MathLog
- Moraru, Ruxandra - Born geometry, lundi 3 juin, 9:00-9:30, SymPoiG
- Munasinghe, Dinushi - Schur Algebras in Type B, samedi 1er juin, 15:30-16:00, QuaAlg
- Murray, Scott, dimanche 2 juin, 9:30-10:30, Unveil
- Nakatsuka, Shigenori - On the structure of W-algebras, dimanche 2 juin, 9:00-9:30, QuaAlg
- Neuman, Martina - Efficient Learning Using Spiking Neural Networks Equipped With Affine Encoders and Decoders, samedi 1er juin, 9:00-9:30, MachLea
- Ngompe, Arnaud Ngopnang - Change of enrichment along a weak monoidal Quillen pair, lundi 3 juin, 8:00-8:30, STUrea
- Niu, Wenjun - Yangians for Takiff Algebra and Spectral R matrix, dimanche 2 juin, 10:00-10:30, QuaAlg
- Novikov, Vladimir - Towards the complete classification of integrable Camassa-Holm type equations, dimanche 2 juin, 9:30-10:20, CH30
- Ong, Marielle - Multiplicative global Springer Theory, lundi 3 juin, 16:30-17:00, GeReTh
- Open, problem session, dimanche 2 juin, 10:00-10:30, MachLea
- Padmanabhan, Rahul - Can Transformers Approximate Functions of Matrices?, Présentations par affiches des étudiants - AARMS-SMC
- Pantagui, Venkata Raghu Tej - Erdos-Ko-Rado type results in some Schurian Schemes, dimanche 2 juin, 17:00-17:30, Asch
- Pantangi, Venkata Raghu Tej - Strength of some EKR-type results., lundi 3 juin, 15:30-16:00, EKRcomb
- Patnaik, Manish - Metaplectic Groups and Quantum Groups, samedi 1er juin, 8:30-9:00, QuaAlg
- Pedersen, Jonathan Sejr - Splitting Madsen-Tillmann Spectra, dimanche 2 juin, 15:00-15:30, GeReTh
- Pelinovsky, Dmitry - Traveling waves in the Camassa-Holm equations: their stability and instability, samedi 1er juin, 15:00-15:50, CH30
- Peng, Bo - The complexity of pointed minimal and transitive systems in different spaces, samedi 1er juin, 9:10-9:40, MathLog
- Pereira, Rajesh - Correlation Matrices: The Inverse Eigenvalue and Other Problems., dimanche 2 juin, 9:00-9:30, InfEigM
- Péringuey, Paul - Refinements of Artin's primitive root conjecture, dimanche 2 juin, 9:30-10:00, NumTheo
- Pinet, Théo - Inflations for representations of shifted quantum affine algebras, dimanche 2 juin, 17:00-17:30, QuaAlg
- Piret, Cecile - Computing generalized hypergeometric functions in the complex plane using an end-corrected trapezoidal rule, dimanche 2 juin, 8:00-8:30, NumMeSF
- Plosker, Sarah - Spectral Inequalities for Factor Width of a Matrix, samedi 1er juin, 10:00-10:30, InfEigM
- Pongtanapaisan, Puttipong - Random 2-component links which span a lattice tube, dimanche 2 juin, 9:00-9:30, DNAtop
- Putkaradze, Vakhtang - Lie-Poisson Neural Networks (LPNets): Data-Based Computing of Hamiltonian Systems with Symmetries, dimanche 2 juin, 9:00-9:30, MachLea
- Qiao, Zhijun - Integrable CH hierarchy and beyond, vendredi 31 mai, 16:00-16:50, CH30
- Raghavendran, Surya - Towards a Dolbeault AGT correspondence, lundi 3 juin, 10:00-10:30, QuaAlg
- Ramsey, Christopher - The numerical diameter of linear maps, dimanche 2 juin, 8:30-9:00, InfEigM
- Rankin, Finlay - Quantum automorphisms of commuting squares, dimanche 2 juin, 15:00-15:30, FunHarA
- Ray, Mishty - Geometric analogues of local Arthur packets for $p$-adic $GL_n$, dimanche 2 juin, 9:00-9:30, GeReTh
- Rayan, Steve - Resolutions of finite quotient singularities and quiver varieties, samedi 1er juin, 9:30-10:00, ModSpa
- Razafimahatratra, Andriaherimanana Sarobidy - On the smallest non-diagonalizable vertex-primitive digraphs, dimanche 2 juin, 17:30-18:00, Asch
- Razafimahatratra, Sarobidy - The Erdős-Ko-Rado Theorem for semidirect products of transitive groups, lundi 3 juin, 15:00-15:30, EKRcomb
- Rechnitzer, Andrew - On BFACF and stick numbers, samedi 1er juin, 16:30-17:00, DNAtop
- Reid, Gregory - Differential-Algebraic and Numerical-Geometric Algorithms for Symmetries of Differential Equations, dimanche 2 juin, 15:30-16:00, SymMeth
- Rooney, Brendan - Sparse Graphs with $q(G)=2$, dimanche 2 juin, 10:00-10:30, InfEigM
- Ross, Ethan - Singular Riemannian Foliations and Foliate Vector Fields, dimanche 2 juin, 9:30-10:00, SymPoiG
- Ruiz-Antolín, Diego - Asymptotic and numerical approximations to the zeros of parabolic cylinder functions, samedi 1er juin, 9:30-10:00, NumMeSF
- Russell, Gale - Intersections and roadblocks: Disentangling and rebuilding pre-service teachers’ combinatoric understandings, dimanche 2 juin, 16:30-17:00, MathEd
- Saikia, Hridoyananda - A non-commutative boundary for the dilation order, samedi 1er juin, 16:30-17:00, OpMaAFS
- Saikia, Manimugdha - Multi-qutrit exact synthesis over Clifford+T, lundi 3 juin, 8:30-9:00, STUrea
- Saint-Aubin, Yvan - Bound quiver algebras that are Morita-equivalent to the Temperley-Lieb algebras of type B, dimanche 2 juin, 15:00-15:30, QuaAlg
- Salja, Deni - Internal Category of Elements + Fractions, dimanche 2 juin, 16:30-17:00, GeReTh
- Salmasian, Hadi - Mapping a quantum group into a quantum Weyl algebra and applications, lundi 3 juin, 9:00-9:30, QuaAlg
- Sankey, Alyssa - Strongly regular decompositions derived from regular two-graphs, dimanche 2 juin, 15:00-15:30, Asch
- Sarkowicz, Pawel - Embeddings of unitary groups, dimanche 2 juin, 15:30-16:00, FunHarA
- Sarty, Gordon - A Concept for Direct MRI using Diamonds with Nitrogen Vacancies, samedi 1er juin, 15:00-15:30, MAQs
- Scandolo, Carlo Maria - Choi-Defined Resource Theories, dimanche 2 juin, 9:30-10:00, MAQs
- Scharein, Rob - Minimal Step Numbers for Knotted $\theta$-curves and Handcuff Graphs on the Simple Cubic Lattice, dimanche 2 juin, 10:00-10:30, DNAtop
- Scheidler, Renate - The Ankeny-Artin-Chowla Conjecture in Actual and Fake Real Quadratic Orders, dimanche 2 juin, 13:30-14:30, KN
- Schmirler, Matthew - Optimizing Lattice Polygon Models to DNA Experimental Knotting Probabilities, dimanche 2 juin, 9:30-10:00, DNAtop
- Schwarz, Florian - The Lie Algebra of a group object, dimanche 2 juin, 10:00-10:30, GeReTh
- Seguin, Erik - Amenability and stability for discrete groups, dimanche 2 juin, 16:00-16:30, FunHarA
- Segura, Javier - Computation of classical Gaussian quadratures and associated barycentric interpolation, samedi 1er juin, 9:00-9:30, NumMeSF
- Sendov, Hristo - On the Hadamard-Fischer Inequality, the Inclusion-Exclusion Formula, and Bipartite Graphs, samedi 1er juin, 9:30-10:00, InfEigM
- Shani, Assaf - Generic dichotomies for Borel homomorphisms for the finite Friedman-Stanley jumps, dimanche 2 juin, 8:10-9:00, MathLog
- Shen, Shuyang - Enumerative Galois Theory for Trinomials, samedi 1er juin, 16:30-17:00, NumTheo
- Shevyakov, Alexey - Exact spherical vortex solutions in fluid and plasma dynamics, dimanche 2 juin, 10:00-10:30, SymMeth
- Shimokawa, Koya - Interlocking molecules and polyhedral links, samedi 1er juin, 9:30-10:00, DNAtop
- Shirazi, Mahsa - A review on the Erdős-Ko-Rado theorem for uniform set partitions and perfect matchings, lundi 3 juin, 16:00-16:30, EKRcomb
- Shirazi, Mahsa - Weakly Hadamard Diagonalizable Graphs, dimanche 2 juin, 15:30-16:00, InfEigM
- Sil, Subhankar - Revisit of differential invariant method for finding nonlocal symmetries of nonlinear partial differential equations, samedi 1er juin, 10:00-10:30, SymMeth
- Slamen, Alexander - A Twisted Variant of Malle's Conjecture, samedi 1er juin, 9:30-10:00, NumTheo
- Slevinsky, Richard M. - Fast and stable rational approximation of generalized hypergeometric functions, samedi 1er juin, 10:00-10:30, NumMeSF
- Smythe, Iian - A descriptive approach to manifold classification, dimanche 2 juin, 9:10-9:40, MathLog
- Solie, Cody - Database of Intersection Density for Permutation Groups, lundi 3 juin, 8:30-9:00, EKRcomb
- Sommerhauser, Yorck - Hopf Algebras, Cohomology, and Mapping Class Groups, lundi 3 juin, 9:30-10:00, QuaAlg
- Sowa, Artur - Wielding the Dirichlet series to analyse the physics of bosons, samedi 1er juin, 17:00-17:30, MAQs
- Steele, James - Cohomological Duality in the Local Langlands Correspondence for $p$-adic Groups, dimanche 2 juin, 8:30-9:00, GeReTh
- Stevens, Brett - Where Karen Meagher first encountered the Erdos-Ko-Rado Theorem, lundi 3 juin, 16:30-17:00, EKRcomb
- Stoica, Cristina - Super-integrable systems with stochastic perturbations, samedi 1er juin, 15:30-16:00, SymMeth
- Sulem, Catherine - Effect of a variable bottom topography on surface water waves, lundi 3 juin, 13:30-14:30, JW
- Sun, Yifan - Learning over very large graphs, samedi 1er juin, 9:30-10:00, MachLea
- Sun, Yuxuan - Approximation Constants and Curves of Best Approximation of Points on Weighted Projective Surfaces, samedi 1er juin, 17:00-17:30, NumTheo
- Sundbo, Evan - Twisted Quiver Varieties and Higgs Bundles, lundi 3 juin, 9:00-9:30, GeReTh
- Sundbo, Evan - Cohomology of Hypertoric Hitchin Systems, dimanche 2 juin, 9:00-9:30, IntSysQ
- Sunil, Naik - On some problems in Matsuda monoids, samedi 1er juin, 10:00-10:30, NumTheo
- Suter, Aiden - Associated variety for $L_1(\mathfrak{psl}_{N|N})$ and 3d A-model Higgs Branch, dimanche 2 juin, 16:30-17:00, IntSysQ
- Szmigielski, Jacik - Peakon inspired spectral and inverse spectral problems, samedi 1er juin, 16:00-16:30, InfEigM
- Tanaka, Kaori - Gapless topological superconductivity identified by the spectral localiser, dimanche 2 juin, 10:00-10:30, MAQs
- Taroyan, Grisha - Equivalent models of derived stacks, dimanche 2 juin, 15:30-16:00, GeReTh
- Terwilliger, Paul - The $S_3$-symmetric tridiagonal algebra, dimanche 2 juin, 9:00-9:30, Asch
- Trogdon, Tom - Some old and new perspectives on the convergence of spectral methods, samedi 1er juin, 15:00-15:30, NumMeSF
- Ueda, Mamoru - Affine Yangians of type $A$ and non-rectangular $W$-algebras of type $A$, samedi 1er juin, 17:00-17:30, QuaAlg
- van der Holst, Hein - Digraphs with maximum stable nullity at most 1, samedi 1er juin, 15:30-16:00, InfEigM
- van Willigenburg, Stephanie - De-clawing graph theory, dimanche 2 juin, 11:00-12:00, Plen
- Verreault, William - Moments of random multiplicative functions over functions fields, dimanche 2 juin, 9:00-9:30, NumTheo
- Walker, Erica - Representations of Mathematical Merit in American Life, lundi 3 juin, 11:00-12:00, Plen
- Wang, Steven - On constructing bent functions from cyclotomic mappings, dimanche 2 juin, 9:30-10:00, Asch
- Willard, Ross - Residually finite equational theories, dimanche 2 juin, 9:50-10:20, MathLog
- Withanachchi, Mahishanka - Lebesgue Constants in Local Dirichlet Spaces, samedi 1er juin, 8:30-9:00, OpMaAFS
- Wolf, Thomas - Minimal General Octonion Polynomials and Octonion Identities, dimanche 2 juin, 9:00-9:30, SymMeth
- Xue, Bo, dimanche 2 juin, 15:00-15:50, CH30
- Yadav, Harshit - Rigidity of VOAs and their extensions, dimanche 2 juin, 16:00-16:30, QuaAlg
- Zagoskin, Alex - Pechukas-Yukawa approach to quantum systems with discrete energy spectra, dimanche 2 juin, 9:00-9:30, MAQs
- Zaimi, Meri - Bivariate $P$- and $Q$-polynomial structures of association schemes based on attenuated spaces, dimanche 2 juin, 15:30-16:00, Asch
- Zhan, Hanmeng - Generating quantum uniform mixing in association schemes, lundi 3 juin, 9:00-9:30, Asch
- Zhang, Xiaohong - Multivariate $P$-polynomial association schemes and $m$-distance regular graphs, dimanche 2 juin, 8:30-9:00, Asch
- Zhao, Mohan - The Approximation of Singular Functions by Series of Non-integer Powers, samedi 1er juin, 16:30-17:00, NumMeSF
- Zilles, Sandra - Formal Models of Active Learning from Contrastive Examples, samedi 1er juin, 15:00-15:30, MachLea
- Zizler, Peter - On loading matrices with non negative entries, samedi 1er juin, 17:00-17:30, InfEigM
- Zucker, Andy - Recurrent big Ramsey structures, dimanche 2 juin, 15:00-15:50, MathLog