2017 CMS Winter Meeting
Waterloo, December 8 - 11, 2017
Student Poster Session
Organizers: Alexis Langlois-Remillard (University of Montreal), and Simon Huang (Waterloo) studc-winter17-poster@cms.math.ca
Students are encouraged to present a poster with a topic of their choice on Saturday, December 9. To register for the poster session, the abstract has to be submitted and registration has to be paid by November 15.
Setup will take place on Friday, December 8 starting at 3:00 pm, or on Saturday, December 9 before 8:30 am. Presenters are asked to give a short (~3min) presentation to the judges and remain at their posters during judging to answer questions. The winners will be announced following the judging time period. Prizes are awarded at the banquet on Sunday, December 10 to the three best poster presenters, based on content, organization, and presentation. Each winner will receive two complimentary tickets to the banquet as well as $100 and a framed award certificate.
Workshop on Teaching as a graduate student or part-time instructor
Organizers: Marie-Andree B Langlois (Dalhousie University), and Asmita Sodhi (Dalhousie University)
Sunday December 10, 2017
17:00 - 18:00
University of Waterloo, DC Building, Room 5479
While in graduate school, our first teaching experiences are often very limited – a lot is decided for us, such as topics to cover, textbooks, and even means of evaluation. Even while working with these restrictions, there are still ways of being innovative in the classroom. This workshop will focus on ideas to try to make the class more enjoyable. The workshop leaders will present a few options they have tried, some that worked and some that failed, and participants are invited to share stories and ask questions of their own. If you prefer to remain anonymous, you can fill this form and we will share your story or question for you. The workshop will conclude with a fun activity to explore your ideas.
Saturday December 9, 2017 20:30- late
Location: Gather at 20:30 in the M3 Atrium, University of Waterloo
The CMS Student Committee invites all student participants at the 2017 CMS Winter Meeting to its Student Social.
We will be gathering in the M3 atrium at the University of Waterloo at 20:30 Saturday evening, just after the public lecture, to take a nice walk through Waterloo Park. The park includes a garden, a small zoo, and some historic features relating to the city's early development.
After the walk in the park (approximately 21:30) we welcome you to join us for light refreshments at the Lion Brewery Restaurant, in the basement of the Huether Hotel.
If you need any help finding the event, contact Simon at 647-832-6330.
The Canadian Mathematical Society Student Committee (CMS Studc) invite students (undergraduate and graduate) to present a talk on a topic of their choice at the Student Research Presentations Session during the 2017 CMS Winter Meeting.
These presentations should introduce the student’s research to a general mathematical audience
Any questions about the student sessions should be directed to the student session organizers, Aram Dermenjian and Robert Redelmeier, at studc-winter17-session@cms.math.ca.
To register for the session, contact the organizers of the session with a draft abstract by November 24th. Notice of acceptance will be given by December 1st. Abstracts submitted after this deadline will be considered if space remains.
Presenters will also have to register for the meeting, which can be done through this form. Student members of the CMS who are presenting a poster or talk have significantly reduced registration costs ($30 until Oct 31st, $45 thereafter). If you are not currently a member of the CMS, talk to your department chair about the possibility of becoming a university-sponsored student member for a reduced fee.
Graduate Student Travel Support
With the support of CRM, the Fields Institute, and PIMS grants are available to partially fund the travel and accommodation costs for bona fide graduate students at a Canadian or other university. Preference is given to Canadian students. To apply for this funding, applicants should ask their supervisor or departmental graduate advisor to complete the online application form no later than September 29.Applicants will be notified late in September of the funding decision. If successful, the student will receive a cheque for reimbursement of expenses after the meeting and upon completion and submission of the standard Travel Expense Claim Form, along with appropriate original receipts.
For more information, please contact the Meeting Committee.