Abstracts - Listed by Speaker
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- Akylas, Triantaphyllos - On the interaction of an internal wavepacket with its induced mean flow and the role of streaming*
- Alexakis, Spyros - Recovering a Riemannian metric from area data.
- Aleyasin, Ali - Remarks on singular Kähler manifolds
- Alpoge, Levent - The average number of rational points on genus two curves is bounded
- Barr, Darja - Bridging the Gap with Diagnostic Testing
- Barron, Tatyana - Closed geodesics and pluricanonical sections
- Bartello, Peter - Spontaneous imbalance in rotating stratified turbulence
- Bartz, Sedi - Maximal monotonicity in multi-marginal settings
- Bélair, Jacques - An age-structured model with dynamic death rate
- Bennett, Mike
- Bigdeli, Mina - Chordal clutters vs. collapsible simplicial complexes
- Boden, Hans - Periodic virtual and welded knots and automorphisms of classical knot groups
- Bonfert-Taylor, Petra - A data-driven approach towards instruction in an introductory programming class
- Boyko, Mariya - The role of socialist competition in the Soviet mathematics curriculum reform of the 1960’s and 1970’s
- Boyle, Latham - The standard model of particle physics from non-commutative geometry: a physicist's perspective
- Brandes, Julia - Vinogradov systems missing the linear slice
- Brannan, Michael - Amenable quantum groups are not always unitarizable
- Bregman, Corey - Outer space, flat tori, and the period mapping
- Bridy, Andrew - Arboreal finite index for cubic polynomials
- Bruin, Nils - Explicit hyperbolicity of nodal surfaces
- Bruni, Carmen - Classroomless Classrooms
- Bui, Minh - Projecting onto the intersection of a cone and a sphere
- Burazin, Andie - When Jay-Z showed up in Calculus at 4:44
- Burger, Edward - How Always to Win at Limbo
- Burke, Maxim - Comonotone approximation and interpolation by entire functions
- Ćaćić, Branimir - Principal bundles in noncommutative Riemannian geometry
- Cadenillas, Abel - Optimal Stochastic Control of the Government Stabilization Fund
- Campolieti, Joe - Solvable Diffusion Models with Linear and Mean-Reverting Nonlinear Drifts
- Cautis, Sabin - ${N \choose k} = {N \choose N-k}$
- Caviglia, Giulio - Extremal free resolutions over monomial complete intersections.
- Chan, Ada - Quantum walks in association schemes
- Charlesworth, Ian - Bi-free probability and entropy.
- Chau, Albert - Cusp like solutions to Kahler Ricci flow
- Chen, Imin - A multi-Frey approach to Fermat equations of signature (5,5,p) and (13,13,p)
- Choulli, Tahir - Structure Condition In Informational Markets
- Ciupeanu, Adriana-Stefania - Classifications of the Group Action on the Real Line and Circle
- Clouatre, Raphael - Non-commutative boundaries of multiplier algebras
- Clouatre, Raphael - Completely bounded analogues of the Choquet and Shilov boundaries for operator spaces
- Cojocaru, Monica - Linking generalized Nash games and replicator dynamics
- Colmenarejo, Laura - Projections from vector-valued Macdonald polynomials to scalar polynomials and applications to singular polynomials
- Conant, Gabriel - Around regularity in tame expansions of groups
- Constantinescu, Alexandru - Linear syzygies and hyperbolic Coxeter groups
- Cook, Bill - Exact solutions to the traveling salesman problem
- Dahlberg, Samantha - Chromatic symmetric functions and e-positivity
- Danzinger, Peter - Some recent results on the Hamilton-Waterloo Problem
- Davidson, Ken - Free semigroupoid algebras
- De Vries, Gerda - Blending First-Year Calculus: Tales from the Trenches on blending Calculus for the Physical and Life Sciences
- Denham, Graham - The critical fan of a matroid
- Dhillon, Ajneet - Severi-Brauer varieties and moduli of vector bundles.
- Dilcher, Karl - Derivatives and special values of higher-order Tornheim zeta functions
- Dixit, Anup - On the Generalized Brauer-Siegel Theorem
- Dochtermann, Anton - Coparking functions and h-vectors of matroids
- Dong, Xin - Bergman kernel and its boundary asymptotics
- Dupont-Jillings, Dominique - Reduced Simplicial Homology and Circulant Graphs
- Eberl, Hermann - Spatio-temporal modeling of cellulosic biofilms
- Elliott, George - The Rieffel projection via groupoids (joint work with Dickson Wong)
- Elliott, George - A simple report on simple C*-algebras
- Emerson, Heath - Dirac classes and duality for isometric discrete abelian group actions
- Escobar, Laura - Polytopes from the Bott-Samelson construction
- Farah, Ilijas - Necessary uses of abstract set theory in mathematics
- Farouzannia, Farinaz - The impact of tumour heterogeneity on the radiation treatment
- Feng, Wenying - Eigenvalue Intervals for Nonlinear Operator Equations in Ordered Banach Spaces
- Fiorilli, Daniel - Low-lying zeros of quadratic Dirichlet $L$-functions: the transition
- Fournier, Richard - Remarks on an interpolation formula
- Fowler, Jim - Using Ximera to build online interactive math activities
- Fraser, Craig - Demonstration and Analysis in Euler's Mathematics
- Frei, Chris - Managing Counterparty Risk in Over-the-counter Markets
- Freiberg, Tristan - Variance for primes in arithmetic progression: sparse, sparser,...
- Freitag, Jim - Finiteness results for systems of algebraic differential equations
- Friedlander, John - Twin primes via exceptional characters
- Galetto, Federico - Distinguishing k-configurations
- Gao, Niushan - A general representation theory for risk measures
- Gao, Xinghua - Orderability of Dehn Fillings
- Garaschuk, Kseniya - Assessing and addressing students' calculus readiness
- Gauthier, Paul - Approximation by Random Complex Polynomials and Rational functions
- Ghorbanpour, Asghar - Ricci curvature in noncommutative geometry
- Gianniotis, Panagiotis - The bounded diameter conjecture for 2-convex mean curvature flow
- Giordano, Thierry
- Girard, Mark - Entanglement manipulation and distillability beyond LOCC
- Goulden, Ian - The content series, Jucys-Murphy elements and branched covers
- Grant McLoughlin, John - Surprises, Insights, and Challenges with the "Long" Calculus Course
- Greenhalgh, Scott - Fighting HIV with viruses: the benefit of GB virus C on the health burden of AIDS
- Grell, George - Galois Groups of Iterated Quadratic Rational Maps whose Critical Orbits Collide
- Grieve, Nathan - On measuring the complexity of rational points on projective varieties
- Grisouard, Nicolas - Inertial-Symmetric Instability Energetics.
- Gultepe, Funda - A distance formula for the outer automorphism group of the free group.
- Gunther, Joseph - Irrational points on hyperelliptic curves
- Guo, Cheng - Entanglement Transformation via Local Operations and Classical Communication
- Ha, Tai - Depth and regularity modulo a hypersurface
- Hajac, Piotr M. - Factoring the Chern-Galois character and the homotopy invariance of Hochschild and cyclic complexes
- Hallet, Deborah Hughes - Serving Underprepared Students
- Hallett, Deborah Hughes - The Internet and Globalization
- Hamieh, Alia - Special Values of L-functions of Hilbert Modular Forms
- Hardeman, Rachel - Classical Homotopy Theory vs A-Homotopy Theory for Graphs
- Hart, Bradd - The model theory of von Neumann algebras revisited
- Haslhofer, Robert - Minimal two-spheres in three-spheres
- Hassanzadeh, Mohammad - Hom-Associative Group Cohomology
- Haykazyan, Levon - Spaces of Types in Positive Model Theory
- Heffernan, Jane - Virus dynamics and the immune system
- Hodgson, Bernard - On the contribution of mathematicians to the education of teachers
- Hofscheier, Johannes - Spanning Lattice Polytopes and the Uniform Position Principle
- Hoshino, Richard - Four Problem-Solving Strategies for Mathematics and for Life
- Hoshino, Richard - Creating Mathematical Gateways
- Hsu, Ting-Hao - Interaction of Phage-Sensitive and Phage-Resistant Bacteria with Acquisition of Phage Sensitivity
- Hu, Ying - Taut foliations, contact structures and left-orderable 3-manifold groups
- Hurtubise, Jacques - The geometry of Calogero Moser systems
- Hutchinson, George - Complex matrix scalings and the geometric measure of entanglement
- Ilten, Nathan - Classifying Fano Complexity-One $T$-Varieties via Divisorial Polytopes
- Ingalls, Brian - Synthetic biology approaches to suppression of antibiotic resistance: toward model-based design
- Ivaki, Mohammad - On the classification of ancient solutions to curvature flows on the sphere
- Jabbusch, Kelly - Visualizing toric vector bundles
- Jacobs, Kenneth Scott - Minimal Resultants of Rational Maps
- Jaoui, Remi - Geodesic flows and model theory of differential fields
- Jauregui, Jeff - Bartnik’s quasi-local mass in general relativity
- Jiu, Lin - Probabilistic and combinatorial interpretations of Bernoulli symbol
- Johnston, Nathaniel - The Spectra of Entanglement Witnesses
- Jungic, Veselin - Learning From Australian Experience: The First Year Mathematics Coordinators’ Network Project
- Jungic, Veselin - Looking for "Math Circles in the Sky"
- Juul, Jamie - The arboreal Galois representation of a PCF cubic polynomial
- Kamnitzer, Joel - Geometric constructions in representation theory and symplectic duality
- Kamran, Niky - Solving the Einstein equations holographically
- Kar, Arpita - On a Conjecture of Bateman about $r_5(n)$
- Karu, Kalle - Negative curves in the blowups of toric varieties
- Kaveh, Kamran - Evolution in heterogeneous and random environments
- Kaveh, Kiumars - Toric degenerations of projective varieties
- Kennedy, Matthew - An infinite quantum Ramsey theorem
- Kevlahan, Nicholas - Variational data assimilation for the shallow water equations
- Kharaghani, Hadi - Balancedly splittable Hadamard matrices
- Knoll, Carrie - Lessons Learned in Open Online Courseware
- Kobyzev, Ivan - Cyclic homology of quasi-Hopf algebras and Hopf algebroids
- Kodalen, Brian - Linked Simplices
- Komarova, Natalia - Mathematical methods in evolutionary dynamics
- Kondratieva, Margo - Implementing interactive texts in first year undergraduate mathematics
- Korytowski, Daniel - Permanence and Stability of a Kill the Winner Model in Marine Ecology
- Koszmider, Piotr - Large locally finite-dimensional operator algebras
- Kotsireas, Ilias - Algorithms for difference families in finite abelian groups
- Kratsios, Anastasis - Geometrtric Learning and Non-Euclidean Filtering in Finance
- Kreher, Don - Uniformly resolvable decompositions of the complete graph: 3-paths and 3-stars.
- Kruckman, Alex - Generic theories, independence, and NSOP$_1$
- Kulkarni, Avi - An arithmetic invariant theory of curves from E8
- Kuznetsov, Alexey - Lognormal convolutions and their applications
- Lalin, Matilde - Remarks on the Mahler measure for arbitrary tori
- Lamb, Kevin - Internal Wave Generation by Tide-Topography: Effects of a Mean Background Current
- Lamzouri, Youness - Prime number races with many contestants
- Langlois, Marie-Andree B - Constructing bases for homogenous three variable integer valued polynomials
- Larivière, François - Équations différentielles de Stieltjes
- Leininger, Chris - trees and BNS invariants
- Len, Yoav - Tropical image of intersections
- Levin, Aaron - Integral points on elliptic curves over function fields
- Li, Michael - Dynamics of a continuous state-structured model for infectious diseases
- Lin, Chiu-Ju - An alternative formulation for a distributed delayed logistic equation
- Lisonek, Petr - Kochen-Specker sets and Hadamard matrices
- Liu, Xinzhi - Infectious Disease Modeling by a Hybrid System Approach
- Looper, Nicole - A lower bound on the canonical height for polynomials
- Lovric, Miroslav - If Not Calculus, Then What?
- Lumley, Allysa - Distribution of Values of $L$-functions associated to Hyperelliptic Curves over Function Fields
- Mahdipour, Ali - Cell Cycle Significance in the Evolutionary Dynamics of Cancer
- Makarov, Roman - Stochastic Modelling of Assets with Missing Pricing Data
- Malmskog, Beth - Solving S-unit equations in Sage and Applications to Algebraic Curves.
- Mamon, Rogemar - A higher-order Markov chain-modulated model for electricity spot-price dynamics
- Mangahas, Johanna - Right-angled Artin groups as normal subgroups of mapping class groups.
- Marcus, Steffen - Logarithmic compactification of the Abel-Jacobi section
- Martin, Bill - Some recent results on Q-polynomial (cometric) association schemes
- Martin, Greg - The distribution of the number of subgroups of the multiplicative group
- Martin, Rob - Non-commutative Clark measures for the free and abelian Toeplitz algebras
- Mashreghi, Javad - Periodic solutions of linear systems
- Mavraki, Myrto - Dynamics and small points in families of elliptic curves
- McGinnis, Matt - The smallest eigenvalues of Hamming and Johnson graphs
- McKenney, Paul - Automorphisms of corona algebras
- Mclaren, Darian - Perfect quantum state transfer on weighted paths
- McLeay, Alan - Mapping class groups, covers, and braids
- Meadows, Tyler - A simplified model of anaerobic digestion
- Meagher, Karen - An Erd\H{o}s-Ko-Rado theorem for 2-Transitive Groups
- Medvedev, Alice - Upper-triangular polynomial dynamical systems.
- Melczer, Stephen - Effective Enumeration and Computer Algebra
- Meng, Fei - Valuation of Hedge Fund Investments under Alternative Fee Structures
- Metzler, Adam - State Dependent Correlations and Economic Capital
- Mingo, James - The Role of the Transpose in Free Probability: the partial transpose of R-cyclic operators
- Mitric, Radu Ilie - Properties of risk measures inspired from a ruin model with interest
- Monahan, Adam - Regime Dynamics of the Stably Stratified Atmospheric Boundary Layer
- Monical, Cara - Set-Valued Skyline Fillings
- Morales, Alejandro - Hook formulas for skew shapes: border strips and product formulas
- Morey, Susan - Depths and Cohen-Macaulay Properties of Monomial Ideals
- Morris, Joy - Cayley index and Most Rigid Representations (MRRs)
- Morsky, Bryce - Cheater-altruist synergy in immunopathogenic ecological public goods games
- Moura, Lucia - Ordered Orthogonal Array Construction Using LFSR Sequences
- Mousley, Sarah - Exotic limit sets of Teichmuller geodesic rays
- Murai, Satoshi - Face numbers and the fundamental group
- Muraki, David - Cloud-Edge Dynamics and Mysterious Holes in the Sky
- Murty, Ram - Hilbert's tenth problem over number fields
- Nagy, Akos - Irreducible Ginzburg--Landau Fields in dimension 2
- Nah, Kyeongah - Stability threshold for linear periodic delay differential equations
- Nakayama, Keisuke - Mass transport velocity in a three-layer system
- Nelson, Mike - Operator Algebra Quantum Error Correction and Hybrid Quantum Codes
- Newman, Mike - embedding factorizations in uniform hypergraphs
- Nghia, Tran - On the solution uniqueness to Lasso and related problems
- Nguyen, Khoa - The orbit intersection problem for linear spaces and semiabelian varieties
- Olobatuyi, Victor Oluwole - Modeling the effects of G2-checkpoint dynamics on the low-dose hyper-radiosensitivity
- Oprea, Lawrence - Modeling perisaccadic traveling wave dynamics in the visual cortex
- Panario, Daniel - Covering arrays from m-sequences and character sums over finite fields
- Park, Doug - From automorphisms of Riemann surfaces to 4-manifolds
- Pathak, Siddhi - Derivatives of L-series and generalized Stieltjes constants
- Patrias, Rebecca - Promotion on Generalized Oscillating Tableaux and Web Rotation
- Paulsen, Vern - Reverse Cholesky factorization and reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces
- Pham, Martin - The Fractal Inverse Problem For Audio Compression
- Phan, Hung - On the generalized Douglas-Rachford algorithm for feasibility problems
- Pike, David - A disproof of Tutte's conjecture based on twofold triple systems
- Pirvu, Traian - Longevity bond pricing in equilibrium
- Plosker, Sarah - Perfect quantum state transfer on weighted paths
- Ponge, Raphael - The Cyclic homology of crossed-product algebras
- Poulin, Francis - Modelling Wind-Driven Oceanic Gyres
- Prajitura, Gabriel - Chaos and entropy in Hilbert Spaces
- Prakash, Jitendra - Non-closure of the set of quantum correlations
- Qing, Yulan - Convexity of Balls in the Outer Space
- Rajchgot, Jenna - Type D quiver loci and double Grassmannians
- Ramsey, Chris - The Hao-Ng isomorphism problem
- Reesor, Mark - Capital Structure Effects on the Prices of Equity Call Options: First Passage Time Approach
- Rodsphon, Rudy - Quantizations and index theory
- Rohlf, Katrin - Reactive Multi-particle Collision (RMPC) dynamics for stochastic simulations of biochemical systems
- Rolf, Jim - ONEXYS: An Online Bridge Program to Boost Mathematical Preparedness for Incoming Students
- Rorabaugh, Danny - Graph Labelling with Combinatorial Nullstellensatz
- Ruan, Shigui - Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of a Nonlocal Viral Infection Model
- Sadeghi, Eldar - Some Calculus Rules in Variational Analysis
- Sadiku, Jemisa - Modelling the impact of “resistance” on structured tick population dynamics
- Salter, Nick - Plane curves and mapping class groups
- Sanchez, Omar Leon - Nonisolated types in DCF and CCM
- Santoprete, Manuele - Mathematical Models of Radicalization
- Sapir, Jenya - Tessellations from long geodesics on surfaces
- Sawaske, Connor - Lower bound theorems for balanced manifolds
- Schafhauser, Chris - AF-Embeddings of Nuclear C*-algebras
- Scowcroft, Philip - Decision procedures for the sentences true in certain metric structures
- Seguin, Francois - A lower bound for the two-variable Artin Conjecture
- Sendov, Hristo - Polar convexity and critical points of polynomials
- Sendova, Kristina - Capturing simultaneous claim occurrences
- Shahada, Mayada - Well Ordered Facet Covers and the Subadditivity Property of Monomial Ideals
- Shahbazi, Zohreh - Online Tools for Enhancing Math Education
- Shankar, Arul - Explicit bounds on ranks and integral points of elliptic curves
- Shparlinski, Igor - Integer Points on Curves and Density of Points on Curves Modulo p
- Shuai, Zhisheng - Graph Design and Reduction to Global Lyapunov Functions in Population Dynamics
- Sinclair, Peter - Connections between Logic and Algebra
- Sinkovic, John - The inertia bound of a graph
- Skinner, Frances - Mathematically modeling theta oscillations in the hippocampus
- Slobodin, Aaron - Betti table stabilization of homogeneous monomial ideals
- Smith, James T. - Overloading and Information Hiding in 1907
- Smith?, Robert - Comparing malaria surveillance with periodic spraying in the presence of insecticide-resistant mosquitoes
- Smythe, Iian - Generic pure states
- Soltani, Madjid - Intracellular events regulate tissue scale phenomena in sprouting angiogenesis, A mathematical model
- Sorenson, Jonathan - Open problems related to finding strong pseudoprimes
- Stastna, Marek - A re-examination of the gradient Richardson number criterion for the instability of stratified fluids
- Stinchcombe, Adam - Understanding Myelodysplastic Syndromes from Blood Cell Counts
- Stinson, Doug - Ideal ramp schemes and related combinatorial objects
- Stokke, Anna - Lattice path constructions for orthosymplectic determinantal formulas
- Straub, David - Near-inertial damping of geostrophic flows
- Sutherland, Bruce - Lagrangian Transport by Horizontally Modulated Internal Modes
- Tait, Michael - 7 theorems in extremal spectral graph theory
- Tang, Xiang - A new index theorem for monomials ideals by resolutions
- Tardif, Claude - Bounding chromatic numbers by solving linear equations
- Terry, Caroline - A stable arithmetic regularity lemma in finite-dimensional vector spaces over fields of prime order
- Teslya, Alexandra - Dynamics of the threshold-delay model of the HIV infection of infants through breastfeeding: control implications.
- Thomas, Margaret - Effective Pila--Wilkie bounds for unrestricted Pfaffian surfaces
- Tikhomirov, Konstantin - The extreme singular values of random matrices: a geometric approach
- Tikuisis, Aaron - The Dixmier property
- Tikuisis, Aaron - The Toms-Winter conjecture: Z-stability and nuclear dimension
- Timko, Edward - A Classification of $n$-tuples of Commuting Isometries
- Tonnesen-Friedman, Christina - Admissible Kaehler metrics on a certain complex three manifold
- Traetta, Tommaso - Steiner triple systems with well-behaved automorphisms
- Tshishiku, Bena - Groups with Bowditch boundary a 2-sphere
- Ulirsch, Martin - Tropical geometry of the Hodge bundle
- Vaccaro, Andrea - Trace spaces of Counterexamples to Naimark's Problem
- Vatwani, Akshaa - Zeros of partial sums of $L$-functions
- Vavasis, Stephen - Relationships among first-order methods for minimization of strongly convex functions
- Vlahu, Izabela - Fast P-transforms for signal processing applications
- Wade, Matthew - A model of a hybrid shortcut nitrification process
- Wagner, David - Results on chromatic polynomials inspired by a correlation inequality of Farr
- Waite, Mike - Random Forcing of Slow Modes in Rotating-Stratified Turbulence
- Waldron, Alex - Yang-Mills flow in dimension four
- Walsberg, Eric - Model companions of unions of theories
- Wang, Changliang - Perelman's functionals on compact manifolds with conical singularities
- Wang, Steve - A matrix approach to the period of a nonlinear congruential pseudorandom sequences over finite fields
- Wang, Yiyuan - The impact of weather and stormwater management ponds on the transmission of West Nile virus
- Watrous, John - Time-reversal for rank-one quantum strategy functions
- Weedermann, Marion - Feedback control for cascading systems of chemostats
- Weigandt, Anna - Prism Tableaux and Alternating Sign Matrices
- Welker, Volkmar - Lovasz-Saks-Schrijver ideals and coordinate sections of determinantal varieties
- Wiersma, Matthew - Kirchberg's factorization property for locally compact groups
- Wilkie, Kathleen - Classifying Cancer Types for Treat-ability Using PPI Network Structure
- Wilson, Mitsuru - Pseudo-differential calculus for the deformation quantization of Hopf algebra
- Wolkowicz, Gail - Pest Control by Generalist Parasitoids: A Bifurcation Approach
- Wolkowicz, Henry - Complete Stable Facial Reduction in One Step for Spectrahedra
- Woodroofe, Russ - Order congruence lattices have convex ear decompositions
- Wooley, Trevor - Nested efficient congruencing and relatives of Vinogradov's mean value theorem
- Wu, Jianhong - Semiflows which preserve invariance of cones of high ranks
- Xanthos, Foivos - Spanning of options and lattice theory
- Xiang, Qing - The Smith group of the hypercube graph
- Xiang, Qing - A new infinite family of hemisystems of the Hermitian surface
- Xu, Jingjing - A kin-selection model on persistence of altruism
- Xu, Robert Yang - Binary Kronecker constants of some integer sets
- Yang, Dilian - Self-similar $k$-graph algebras
- Yang, Fenghao - Pricing analogues of first-to-default options under uncertain correlation.
- Yang, Jay - Syzygies of Random Monomial Ideals
- Yard, Jon - On the existence of symmetric quantum measurements
- Yazdani, Fereshteh - Hopf-cyclic Cohomology of Connes-Moscovici Hopf algebras with nontrivial Coefficients
- Yeats, Karen - On the $c_2$ invariant of a graph
- Yeats, Karen - Using renormalization Hopf algebra intuition on symmetric functions
- Yi, Yingfei - Reducibility of Quasi-Periodic Linear KdV Equation
- Yongacoglu, Bora - Using Reinforcement Learning to Solve a Decentralized Control Problem
- Yu, Pei - Study on Slow-Fast Motions in Dynamical Systems
- Yu, Polly - Generalized Polynomial Models of Biochemical Systems
- Yuan, Yuan - A stage-structured mathematical model for fish stock with harvesting
- Zabrocki, Mike - Symmetic group representations and Howe duality
- Zamanlooy, Behnoosh - Default Probability Estimation from Historical Data
- Zhan, Hanmeng - Discrete-Time Quantum Walks and Graph Embeddings
- Zhao, Ruhan - On Berezin type operators and Toeplitz operators
- Zhao, Xiaoqiang - A Reaction-Diffusion Model of Harmful Algae and Zooplankton in An Ecosystem
- Zhao, Xiaoqiang - Almost Pulsating Waves in Time and Space Periodic Media
- Zhu, Huaiping - A temperature driven matrix model for Culex mosquitoes population
- Zhu, Huaiping - Canard cycles in predator-prey models and bifurcation of degenerate graphics for Hilbert's 16th Problem
- Zorboska, Nina - Unitary weighted composition operators on reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces of holomorphic functions
- Zou, Xingfu - Coexistence of competing species for intermediate dispersal rates in a reaction-diffusion chemostat model