2017 CMS Winter Meeting

Waterloo, December 8 - 11, 2017


Centre de recherches mathématiques

Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences

Fields Institute

AARMS: Atlantic Association for Research in the Mathematical Sciences

University of Waterloo

[Registration is closed, on-site registration only]

The Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) invites the mathematical community to the 2017 CMS Winter Meeting in Waterloo, Ontario from December 8-11. All meeting activities are taking place at the Delta Hotel (110 Erb St W, Waterloo, ON N2L 0C6) and the University of Waterloo (200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, ON, Canada N2L 3G1).

Four days of awards, prizes, lectures, speakers, and scientific sessions

Public Lectures

Edward Burger (Southwestern University)

Plenary Lectures

Bill Cook (University of Waterloo)
Ilijas Farah (York University)
Joel Kamnitzer (University of Toronto)
Niky Kamran (McGill University)
Natalia Komarova (University of California - Irvine)

Prizes, Awards, and Lectures

Adrien Pouliot Award - Richard Hoshino (Quest University)
Coxeter-James Prize - Sabin Cautis (University of British Columbia)
Doctoral Prize - Konstantin Tikhomirov (Princeton University)
Excellence in Teaching Award - Bernard Hodgson (Laval University)
G. de B. Robinson Award - Alan Beardon (Retired from University of Cambridge)
Graham Wright Award for Distinguished Service - Joseph Khoury (University of Ottawa)

Scientific Directors

  • Kenneth Davidson, University of Waterloo, Tel: (519)888-4081 ext. 33484 Email
  • Cameron L. Stewart, University of Waterloo, Tel: (519)888-4567 ext. 35567 Email

If you are interested in attending the FREE Public Lectures:

  • Edward Burger - Friday December 8, 17:00 - 18:00: Delta Waterloo | Silver Lake Ballroom
  • Richard Hoshino - Saturday December 9, 19:00 - 20:00: University of Waterloo | M3-1006
and are not attending the rest of the meeting, please register at https://uwaterloo.ca/math/events/uw-hosted-cms-conference-events

© Canadian Mathematical Society : http://www.cms.math.ca/