2013 CMS Winter Meeting

University of Ottawa, December 6 - 9, 2013



[The registration form will be available shortly

Registration fees are given in Canadian dollars. Payment may be made by cash, cheque (Canadian or US dollars), or by VISA or MasterCard. To qualify for the reduced rate, payment must be received by November 15; for the registration to be processed before the meeting, payment must be received by November 15. Receipts will be provided at the meeting.

Advantages of Pre-Registration:

  • Reduced fees for early registration until September 30
  • Your name appears on the list of participants on the meeting web site
  • Your meeting package is waiting for you at the registration desk on Friday evening
  • No waiting in line early Saturday morning to process your registration!
  • Banquet tickets are available now but may no longer be available on site

Refund Policy
Participants wishing to cancel their registration must notify the CMS (meetings@cms.math.ca) in writing by November 15 to receive a refund less a $50 processing fee. Those whose contributed paper has not been accepted will upon request be fully refunded.

Registration Fees
Registration fees are given in Canadian dollars.

Early rate
until September 30
Regular rate
October 1- November 15
Onsite rate
Prize Recipient (incl. 2 free banquet tickets) $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
Plenary or Public Lecturer or Scientific Director (incl. 1 free banquet ticket) $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
CMS Members $ 330 $ 360 $ 395
Organizers, Speakers $ 330 $ 360 $ 395
Student $ 110 $ 125 $ 140
CMS Student Member $ 90 $ 105 $ 120
CMS Student Member (Presenting a talk or poster) $ 30 $ 45 $ 60
Postdoc, Retired, K-12 Teachers, Unemployed $ 160 $ 190 $ 220
Non-Members $ 395 $ 445 $ 495
One-day fee $ 185 $ 185 $ 185
Banquet ticket $ 65 $ 65 $ 65


Centre de recherches mathématiques AARMS: Atlantic Association for Research in the Mathematical Sciences Fields Institute Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences University of Ottawa McGraw Hill Ryerson Maplesoft

© Canadian Mathematical Society : http://www.cms.math.ca/