Abstracts - Listed by Speaker
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- Adem, Alejandro - Free Finite Group Actions on Rational Homology Spheres
- Akbary, Amir - On the average value of a function of the residual index
- Alama, Yvonne - On the existence of a periodic solution to a nonlinear ODE using the radii polynomial approach.
- Aldwoah, Khaled - Generalized Groups
- Aleiferi, Evangelia - Spans as Cartesian Double Categories
- Alvarado, R. - A measure characterization of the Sobolev embedding theorem and Lebesgue’s differentiation theorem.
- Assem, Ibrahim - Hochschild cohomology of partial relation extensions
- Barnard, Emily - Cover relations in the Lattice of Torsion Classes.
- Bauer, Mark
- Bayeh, Marzieh - Problem Solving: A Great Success at Dalhousie
- Bayeh, Marzieh - Higher Equivariant Topological Complexity
- Bell, Jason - Growth of groups and algebras
- Berger, Arno - Classifying linear flows (again)
- Bergeron, Francois - Structural Properties of Modules of Rectangular Multivariate Harmonic polynomials
- Betti, Matt - A Dynamical Systems Approach to Mitigating Honey Bee Disease
- Bice, Tristan - Generalised Non-Commutative Stone Dualities between Étale Groupoids and Inverse Semigroups
- Binder, Illia - KdV equation: Deift conjecture and Dubrovin Flow
- Blanchette, Benjamin - Quasi-automatic semigroups
- Bollt, Erik - On Matching, and Even Rectifying, Dynamical Systems through Koopman Operator Eigenfunctions
- Bonato, Anthony - Throttling graphs
- Bose, Christopher - Mixing for random maps with a common indifferent fixed point
- Bradshaw, Zachary - Eventual and far-field regularity of some infinite energy solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations
- Bronsard, Lia - On Saturn-ring defects in a nematic liquid crystal / Sur les défauts du type “anneau de Saturne" des cristaux liquides nématiques
- Browne, Sarah - Quantitative E-theory
- Bruni, Carmen - Online Adventures: Engaging Those You Cannot See
- Brüstle, Thomas - Matrix reduction and exact structures
- Buachalla, Réamonn Ó - The noncommutative geometry of the quantum flag manifolds
- Burke, Matt - The Calculus of Infinity Functors and Tangent Categories
- Butaev, A. - Extension of functions of vanishing mean oscillation on domains
- Chebolu, Sunil - Groups with periodic cohomology
- Chen, Yin - On vector modular invariant fields
- Chuai, Jianjun - On the polynomial property of invariant rings of $p$-groups
- Cockett, Robin - Constructions and Connections in Tangent Categories
- Conway, Jessica - HIV viral rebound: infection following treatment suspension
- Cox, Danielle - Limited Visibility Cops and Robbers
- Cox, Graham - A dynamical approach to semilinear elliptic equations
- Cox, Graham - Nodal deficiency, spectral flow, and the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map
- Davison, Trubee - Unitary representations of the Baumslag-Solitar group associated to the Cantor Set
- de Commer, Kenny - The continuous field of quantum $GL(N,\mathbb{C})$
- Devin, Lucile - Chebyshev's bias for products of irreducible polynomials
- Devin, Lucile - Divisbvility by $p$ of $N_{X}(p)$
- DeWolf, Darien - Groupoids Associated to Join Inverse Categories
- Dilcher, Karl - On the polynomial part of a restricted partition function
- Dixit, Anup - The Lindelof class of L-functions
- Dufresne, Emilie - Mapping toric varieties into small dimensional spaces
- Duncan, Alex - Automorphism groups of cubic surfaces in arbitrary characteristic
- Duncan, Alexander - Exceptional collections on arithmetic toric varieties
- Dyer, Danny - Active Learning - with proof and without
- Dyer, Danny - Looking for structure in watchman's walks
- Essex, Christopher - The Entropy Production Paradox: The Mysterious World Between Diffusion and Waves.
- Ezzat, Shannon - Cognition of Counterexample in First Year University Mathematics Students
- Finbow, Stephen - Eternal domination on 3 by n grids
- Fitzpatrick, Shannon - Burning Circulant Graphs
- Fofana, Abdou - Mechanistic movement models to understand epidemic spread
- Franco, Jose - Matrix Means and Uncertainty Principle Functions
- Franz, Matthias - Symmetric products of maximal varieties
- Frigon, Marlene - Existence and multiplicity results for systems of differential equations
- Gallagher, Jonathan - Weil algebras and Smootheology
- Garcia, Ignacio - Assouad dimension of self-similar sets with overlaps in $\mathbb R^d$
- Garver, Alexander - Wide shadows and biclosed sets
- Gelinas, Vincent - Failure of coherence for higher preprojective algebras
- Gharouni, Ali - Larval versus adult dispersal: implications of two modes of dispersal on the spread rate and population structure at an invasion
- Gherga, Adela - Implementing Algorithms to Compute Elliptic Curves Over $\mathbb{Q}$
- Ghorbanpour, Asghar
- Ghoussoub, Nassif - A Theory of Transfers
- Girard, Mark - Convex analysis for quantum resource theories
- Godin, Jonathan - Classification locale de la dynamique d'un point fixe parabolique
- Goldmakher, Leo - Some refinements of Artin's conjecture
- Goren, Eyal - p-adic dynamics of Hecke operators
- Grant McLoughlin, John - What does Active Learning really mean?
- Gu, Qingsong - Dirichlet forms and critical exponents on fractals
- Gurski, Nick - Sign conventions, higher supergeometry, and the two-type of the sphere
- Harada, Megumi - Wall-crossing for Newton-Okounkov bodies: a glimpse of combinatorial symplectic and algebraic geometry
- Heffernan, Jane - Memory cells and the HIV reservoir
- Hohlweg, Christophe - Low elements and Shi arrangements
- Howell, Jared - Structure and Criticality of Watchman's Walks
- Huggan, Melissa - Simultaneous Complications
- Huntemann, Svenja - Boiling Placement Games
- Hurford, Amy - Skewed temperature dependence affects range and abundance in a warming world
- Igusa, Kiyoshi - Maximal green sequences for cluster tilted algebras of finite type.
- Ingram, Patrick - Bad reduction of post-critically finite rational functions
- Islam, Shafiqul - A General Piecewise Spline Maximum Entropy Method for Position Dependent Random Maps
- Isralowitz, J. - A vector valued Fefferman-Phong inequality
- Ivanescu, Cristian - The Cuntz semigroup and the classification of C*-algebras
- Jacobson, Mike - Statistical Analysis of Aliquot Sequences
- Jain, Rohit - The Two-Penalty Boundary Obstacle Problem
- Ji, Juping - Qualitative analysis on a nutrient-phytoplankton model with toxic effect of Holling-III functional
- Jiu, Lin - Matrix Representations for Bernoulli and Euler Polynomials
- Johnson, Brenda - Functor Precalculus
- Johnston, Nathaniel - The Spectra of Entanglement Witnesses
- Kadiri, Habiba - A bound for the least prime ideal in the Chebotarev density theorem
- Kapulkin, Chris - Cubical sets and the homotopy coherent nerve
- Kaveh, Kamran - Games of multicellularity
- Kemper, Gregor - Quotients of connected solvable groups
- Kim, Kiyeon - Inferring epidemiological dynamics of infectious diseases using Tajima’s D statistic on nucleotide sequences of pathogens .
- Kinzebulatov, D. - $W^{1,p}$ regularity of solutions to Kolmogorov equation with Gilbarg-Serrin matrix
- Knutson, Allen - Schubert calculus and scattering diagrams
- Kogoj, A. - Harnack Inequality in sub-Riemannian settings
- Kolokolkinov, Theodore - Agent-based models exhibiting spatial aggregation
- Kolokolnikov, Theodore - Pattern formation in the presence of space-dependent parameters
- Kumar, A. - Scattering in the generalized Hartree equation
- Kuttler, Jochen - Derivations and differentials of Lie algebras
- Laborde, Maxime - An unbalanced Optimal Transport splitting scheme for general advection-reaction-diffusion problems
- Lambert, Michael - A Tensor Product of Fibrations as a Codescent Object
- Langlois-Rémillard, Alexis - Bratteli and the morphisms of boundary seam algebras
- Lanzani, L. - Singular integral operators with holomorphic kernels: counterexamples to the Lebesgue Space -theory
- Le, Nam Quang - Holder regularity of the 2D dual semigeostrophic equations
- Lemay, JS - Differential Categories and Representable Tangent Categories
- Lemire, Nicole - Birational Properties of Algebraic Tori
- Leonardi, Salvatore - Regularity results for solutions to some classes of nonlinear elliptic equations
- Levesque, Claude - Solving some cyclotomic binary forms
- Lewis, Mark - Generational spreading speeds for integrodifference equations
- Lewis, Mark - Genetic consequences of range expansion under climate change
- Lewis, Matthew - McKay Quivers of Complex Reflection Groups
- Li, Ao - Modelling the fear effect on prey population in patchy environment
- Li, Fuxiang - A Periodic SEIRS Epidemic Model with Time-dependent Latent Period.
- Li, S. - Geometric Compensated Compactness Theorems and Applications to the Isometric Immersion Problem
- Liu, Liguang - Gaussian Capacity Theory
- Liu, Shiping - Auslander-Reiten theory through triangulated categories
- Liu, Yu-Ru - The asymptotic estimates and Hasse principle for multidimensional Waring's problem
- Lombardi, Nico - Fractional Sobolev trace inequalities
- Lu, Xin Yang - Nonlocal evolution equations from epitaxy and liquid crystals
- Lucyshyn-Wright, Rory - Representation of probability measures and compacta through dualization of convex spaces and Sierpinski modules
- Lumley, Allysa - Complex Moments and the distribution of Values of $L(1,\chi_D)$ over Function Fields with Applications to Class Numbers
- Ma, Junling - Estimation of cross-immunity between drifted strains of influenza A/H3N2
- MacGillivray, Gary - The evolution of UVic's Logic and Foundations course
- MacGillivray, Gary - Cops and robber on oriented graphs, and generalizations
- Maire, Christian - Unramified pro-p extensions of number fields
- Mariño, Joany - Dynamic Energy Budget theory predicts smaller energy reserves in clams that harbour symbionts
- Marko, Frantisek - Supersymmetric polynomials over fields of positive characteristic
- Martin, Greg - Factorization tests arising from counting modular forms and automorphic representations
- Marzlin, Karl-Peter - Causal perturbation theory in quantum optics
- Mashreghi, J. - Fejer kernel versus Dirichlet kernel
- Mashreghi, Javad - Zero sets and capacity
- Mazumdar, Saikat - Blow-up Analysis for a Nonlinear Elliptic Equation with Critical growth and Hardy weight.
- McCluskey, Connell - Disease models with immigration of infected individuals
- Mckay, Neil - Dicotic Placement Games
- McKay, Rebecca - Resistance to Active Learning
- Meadows, Nicholas - Local Higher Category Theory
- Mendivil, Franklin - A $V$-variable approach to fractal image compression
- Miller, Evan - Enstrophy Growth and the Navier Stokes Strain Equation
- Milley, Rebecca - Domineering under misere play
- Mitrea, I. - The art of integration by parts
- Mohan, Navaneeth - Detection of Chaos in Blood Pressure Recordings
- Molina, Abel - The optimality of projections for quantum state exclusion
- Monticelli, D. - Poincaré inequalities for Sobolev spaces with matrix valued weights and applications
- Moran, Elliott (Joe) - Mitigation of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in White-tailed Deer through strategic harvest management regimes
- Mousavand, Kaveh - tau-Tilting Theory of Gentle Algebras
- Mousavand, Kaveh - Torsion Shadows and Biclosed Sets
- Mundelius, David - Arithmetic invariants of finite pseudoreflection groups
- Murty, Ram - The Central Limit Theorem and Fourier coefficients of modular forms
- Neubert, Michael - Two-Sex Invasion Dynamics
- Nowakowski, Richard - Guys and Mols
- Nsar, Amir - Classification of Del Pezzo orders with canonical singularities
- Paoli, Simona - Comonad cohomology of track categories
- Parker, Jason - Isotropy Groups of Algebraic Theories
- Pasini, Federico - Koszul property in Galois cohomology
- Pathak, Siddhi - Non-vanishing of special values of $L$-series attached to Erdős functions
- Pedersen, Eric - Statistical estimation of the moment dynamics of ecological communities to detect regime changes
- Peng, Guanying - On the first critical field of a 3D anisotropic superconductivity model
- Pepin, Alexandre - A new method for the construction of spline functions of any degree
- Pham, Martin - Recurrent iterated function systems and chaos game representation (and cannabis)
- Piccolo, Costanza - Teach your students to ask "Why?"
- Plosker, Sarah - Switching the hypercube while maintaining perfect state transfer
- Pomerance, Carl - Random Number Theory
- Prabhu, Neha - Moments of the error term in the Sato-Tate conjecture for elliptic curves
- Prakash, Jitendra - Entanglement breaking rank
- Pramanik, M. - On directions and operators
- Pronk, Dorette - Metrics on Fractals Defined Using Equational Systems
- Quijano, Juan Pablo - Functoriality of étale groupoids (joint work with Pedro Resende)
- Rahaman, Mizanur - Eventually Entanglement Breaking Maps
- Rahman, S M Ashrafur - A mechanistic dose–response model of Listeria monocytogenes infection in human populations
- Reluga, Timothy - New comments on old pathometry
- Reynolds, Patrick - Why Math?
- Rickards, James - Number theoretic intersection numbers on Riemann surfaces
- Rijke, Egbert - The join construction
- Rios, C. - On the Parabolic Kato Problem with Weights and Applications
- Rodney, Scott - Global Sobolev Inequalities and Degenerate p-Laplacians
- Rodney, Scott - Poincar\'e Inequalities and Neumann problems for the p-Laplacian
- Salmaniw, Yurij - Existence and Regularity of Solutions to Some Singular Parabolic Systems
- Savu, Anamaria - Discrete Solid-on-Solid models
- Schafhauser, Christopher
- Scheidler, Renate - Dan Shanks' CUFFQI Algorithm Resurrected
- Schultz, Andrew - Galois module structure of $p^s$th power classes of a field
- Scull, Laura - Equivariant fundamental groupoids as categorical constructions
- Seguin, Francois - A lower bound for the two-variable Artin Conjecture
- Sera, Toru - Generalized arcsine laws for interval maps with indifferent fixed points
- Shahsavarifar, Rasoul - Approximation of Data Depth Revisited
- Shank, Jim - Modular Representations and Invariants of p-Groups
- Shapiro, Ilya - Categorified Chern character and Hopf-cyclic cohomology
- Sharma, Divyum - Joint distribution of the base-$q$ and Ostrowski digital sums
- Shepler, Anne - Classical invariant theory
- Shepler, Anne - Resolutions for twisted tensor products
- Sikora, Jamie - A fidelity measure for quantum strategies
- Siksek, Samir - Which numbers are sums of seven cubes?
- Sitarz, Andrzej - Twisting and untwisting reality.
- Slade, Gordon - Self-avoiding walk, spin systems and renormalisation
- Slofstra, William - The isomorphism type of Schubert varieties
- Smith, Kelda - Activating Thought in a Secondary Math Class
- Sodhi, Asmita - Integer-Valued Polynomials over Matrix Rings
- Strung, Karen - Unitary orbits via transportation theory
- Sun, Yuhua - On nonexistence and existence of positive solutions to semilinear elliptic and parabolic problems on manifolds
- Tanabe, Naomi - Central Values of Rankin-Selberg $L$-functions
- Tang, Biao - Optimal dengue vaccination to mitigate Zika cases
- Tang, Xiaomin - Schwarz lemma at the boundary and rigidity property for holomorphic mappings on the unit ball of $\mathbb{C}^n$
- Teismann, Holger - Minimal time for the approximate bilinear control of Schrödinger equations
- Thatte, Vaidehee - Ramification Theory II: Refined Swan Conductor and Defect
- Todorov, Gordana - Homology of Picture Groups
- Troscheit, Sascha - Self-conformal sets with positive Hausdorff measure
- Van Phan, T. - Regularity theory for parabolic equations with singular degenerate coefficients
- Van Phan, Tuoc - Regularity estimates for BMO-weak solutions of quasilinear elliptic equations with inhomogeneous boundary conditions
- Vasilyeva, Olga - Nonlinear Population Dynamics in River Networks
- Vatwani, Akshaa - Zeros of partial sums of $L$-functions
- Vinnikov, Victor - Hermitian noncommutative kernels and their factorizations
- Wallace, Nancy - Explicit formulas for the Multiplicities of Some Irreducible Components of $(GL_\infty)-\mathbb{S}_n$-Modules of Coinvariants.
- Wang, Jianfei - The Roper-Suffridge extension operator and its applications to convex mappings
- Wang, Xiunan - Threshold Dynamics of a Temperature-Dependent Stage-Structured Mosquito Population Model with Nested Delays
- Wang, Yang - A predator-prey system with digest delay and anti-predation strategy
- Warren, Andrew - Local stability and ergodic theorems for amenable groups
- Weir, Colin - Diophantine equations counting supersingular hyperelliptic curves
- Wiliams, Hugh - Some Remarks Concerning Voronoi's Continued Fraction Algorithm
- Wilson, M. - Discretization with irregular grids
- Wolf, Thomas - About Computations for Chomp and iChomp
- Wong, Peng-Jie - The Sato-Tate Conjecture and Generalisations
- Wu, Jianhong - Modelling Tick-borne pathogen co-feeding transmission
- Wu, Ruiwen - Propagation Dynamics for a Spatially Periodic Integrodifference Competition Model
- Wu, Xiaotian - An epidemic model with multiple delays: impact of co-feeding and diapause
- Xing, Sudan - The dual Orlicz-Minkowski problem
- Xing, Sudan - The general dual Orlicz-Minkowski problem
- Xu, Tianyuan - On quivers and the subregular $J$-rings of Coxeter systems
- Yampolsky, Michael - Rotation domains of analytic maps
- Yang, Dachun - Multiplication Between Hardy Spaces and Their Dual Spaces
- Ye, Deping - The Orlicz-Petty bodies
- Ye, Deping - The ubiquity of Einstein's "spooky action at a distance"
- Yeakel, Sarah - Chain rules and operads in abelian functor calculus
- Yifei, Wu - How to use integration to find the area and volume of Fuwa(a Chinese doll)
- Yildirim, Emine - Associahedra via Quiver Representations
- Young, Paul - 2-adic properties of generalized Fibonacci sequences
- Yu, Xinwei - A New Prodi-Serrin Type Regularity Criterion in Velocity Directions
- Yuan, Wen - Functional Calculus on BMO-type Spaces of Bourgain, Brezis and Mironescu
- Yue, H. - The space $JN_p$: nontriviality and duality
- Zadeh, Ali Beyk - Dispersal Redistribution Approximation
- Zhang, Kelvin - On concavity of the principal’s profit maximization facing agents who respond nonliearly to prices.
- Zhang, Kelvin Shuangjian - On concavity of the monopolist’s problem facing consumers with nonlinear price preferences
- Zhang, Ning - A solution to the problem of bodies with congruent sections or projections
- Zhang, Xu - Identifying candidate diagnostic markers for tuberculosis: a critical role of co-expression and pathway analysis
- Zhang, Xue - Modeling tick diapause dynamics using multiple delays
- Zhong, Changlong - Algebraic definition of K-theoretic stable bases