2015 CMS Summer Meeting

University of Prince Edward Island, June 5 - 8, 2015


AARMS-CMS Student Poster Session

Organizer: Muhammad Ali Khan (Calgary), studc-summer15-poster@cms.math.ca

Students are encouraged to present a poster with a topic of their choice on Saturday, June 6 and Sunday, June 7. To register for the poster session, the abstract has to be submitted and registration has to be paid by May 14.

Setup will take place on Friday, June 5th starting at 3:00 pm, or on Saturday, June 6th before 8:00 am. Presenters are asked to give a short (~3min) presentation on Saturday to the judges and remain at their posters during judging to answer questions. The winners will be announced following the judging time period. Prizes are awarded at the banquet on Saturday, June 6 to the three best poster presenters, based on content, organization, and presentation. Each winner will receive two complimentary tickets to the banquet as well as $100 and a framed award certificate.

Submission Form
Poster Abstracts
Poster Tips

Student Social

The CMS Student Committee (Studc) invites all student participants of the 2015 CMS Summer Meeting to our Student Social:

Friday, June 5th, 2015
7:15pm – bus to downtown Charlottetown and explore the vibrant area of Victoria Row
8:00pm – John Brown Richmond Street Grille at 132 Richmond Street.

Bus fare to downtown and light refreshments will be provided by Studc.

Meet by the door of Schurman Market Square, McDougall Hall (just outside the Welcome Reception Area) at 7:00pm.

Note: the last bus back to UPEI leaves downtown around 10pm.

Graduate Student Travel Support

With the support of CRM, the Fields Institute, PIMS and the University of Lethbridge (Jiping [Jim] Liu Memorial Travel Fund), grants are available to partially fund the travel and accommodation costs for bona fide graduate students at a Canadian or other university. Preference is given to Canadian students. To apply for this funding, applicants should ask their supervisor or departmental graduate advisor to complete the online application form no later than March 15 March 31 (extended deadline).

Applicants will be notified early in April of the funding decision. If successful, the student will receive a cheque for reimbursement of expenses after the meeting and upon completion and submission of the standard Travel Expense Claim Form, along with appropriate original receipts.

For more information, please contact the Meeting Committee.

Application Form - Please click here to access the online application. All those who submitted applications will hear from the Canadian Mathematical Society in early April.

Undergraduate Student Travel Support

Undergraduate students are invited to consider presenting their research in the Undergraduate Student Research Presentations session!

With the support of the Science Atlantic Mathematics and Statistics Committee, funding is available to partially fund the travel and accommodation costs for undergraduate students presenting a talk in the Undergraduate Student Research Presentations session. Preference is given to Canadian students studying at a Canadian or other university. For presentation and funding inquires related to this session, please contact the Session Organizer, Nathan Musoke (Waterloo), at studc-summer15-undergrad@cms.math.ca.


University of Prince Edward Island AARMS: Atlantic Association for Research in the Mathematical Sciences Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences Fields Institute Centre de recherches mathématiques Science Atlantic Mathematics and Statistics Committee Meetings & Conventions Prince Edward Island

© Canadian Mathematical Society : http://www.cms.math.ca/